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Happy Birthday to Stephanie!


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Not only is she the newest mod and staff member, she's also the youngest ever! She's a good little mod and a faithful Mystery Island supporter as well. Yup, that's right: Steph's turing 13 today! Drop her a comment or send her a gift if you want to make her birthday a little cooler. ;)

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Happy Birthday Stephanie!

Glad I thought you would make a good mod once, and that it became true!


For now, go eat some cake and have fun! I'll get you a present tomorrow because I is too tired now :P

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Technically I'm still not allowed on the boards....yet. Timezones. ;)


But thanks so much guys! I'm having a great afternoon...finally a teen. ^_^

Thankyou V for the banner. I had some cake... but it was burnt a little. D:

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Many congratulations on turning thirteen, Stephanie! I wish you a happy birthday, and many happy days to come!

*gives a cookie* ^_^

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Happy birthday, Steph!


Thnaks for being a great friend here at TDN, and an awsome mod.


And - I'm not jelous about not being allowed on the boards yet and you are. Not one bit. (Maybe a little...)

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Happy birthday Stephanie!!!


Thanks for your effort in the forum enjoy your birthday!!

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Happy birthday super-mod Stephanie!

(you were once a super-reporter, now you're a super-mod :P )


I welcome you to the chaos of teenager-dom. Enjoy it if you can! xD

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Happy birthday Stephanie ! :D

Enjoy your cake, candles, presents, the craziness of neoboards and your avatar collection :P

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@ Harbringer: *accepts cookie gratefully* ^^

@ AA: :P

@ Lion and Saphira: But that's not too far away! Its a bit daunting already being on the boards, lol.

@ Myself: I'm not sure if I'll ever enjoy the boards... XD


Tennager-dom/hodd/ness is quite a step up. :O


I had a great day! Thankyou to all once again, and send me a neofriend request if I know you. ;)

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Oh Stephanie's 13!!! I've been waiting for this day. Since we're in the same time-zone. I can now send her neomails :) Happy Birthday Stephanie!!!


Edit: AWKWARD!!! Steph is now Native! And she lives in New Zealand! I got it so wrong? Wait, you are the same Steph that had the glitter Mazzew avatar right?

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