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((Wait, what just happened there with the shadow nodes, AA3?))


"Anime? Oh! Hey!" Laura said "So you, Morgan, and I need to figure out what we are all going to do to get our team back together. I mean, we're in two separate dimensions, doing seperate things. I think we need to get back together and regroup as soon as possible. Any ideas for teh trap to get AA and AA3 back together?"

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((Ehm, two of them asked a third one - Network Failures, presumably - for help in finding AA and AA3. They also argued a lot. You're supposed to be able to tell them apart by the verbs that I attach to their speeches. For example 'crackled' for Network Failures, 'wheezed' for Illness, 'commanded' for Examinations))


On a mission like this, AA3 was pretty sure he wasn't allowed to hurt civilians, no matter what language they swore at him in. Possibly he ought to do something about the giant crater, but for the moment he contacted AA.


Um, AA, I appear to have gone off course a bit. I think I'm somewhere in Europe, but I don't know which direction I'm facing in.


Somewhere in the myriad myriads of connections between which information flitted at the speed of thought, a buzzing, crackling entity was aware of everything that passed around it. It liked doing this. It felt omniscient.

Suddenly, a single collection of encoded electric pulses attracted its attention, and it began to move, tracking the signal back to its source...


((Okay, let's work on everybody getting back together then))


AA received AA3's communication (and picked up the anomaly coming in behind it, which he quickly rerouted to a random city in southeastern Australia) immediately, and instructed the autopilot to zero in on the Xweetok's locator and fly there. He also fired up a voice chat application, hoping to communicate with the team over a more reliable satellite connection when he reached mainland Europe.


Soon, ocean gave way to grassy hills, and a Xweetok (along with a man swearing in French) could be seen below.


((Hop on AA3! ;) ))


((Yay! ^_^))


It is extremely difficult to hold a conversation, let alone an argument, with someone who is speaking in a completely different language. Given that people are practically speaking in different languages already when one is trying to calm the other down, the result had been far from satisfactory. AA3 was extremely happy, therefore, when a streamlined craft came swooping out of the sky at supersonic speed, and grabbed on. To a casual observer it would have seemed as if he had been spirited away in a gray blur. To AA3, more accurately, it felt as if he would have thrown up if he had not already done so.



Somewhere in southeastern Australia, an explosion of lightning vaporised the telephone it was ejected from and created a sonic boom that obliterated the city before coalescing into a crackling, intensely frustrated mass of electrons held together by a horrifyingly malevolent force. Does nothing in this infernal world ever go exactly right? it seethed, and flashed back into the sky,


CC went to her Bnz and instructed him to go back to the garage "I will see ya later, okay. Bye" She waved her hand for the benz as it went round the corner and took out her backpack, she put the uber-ray in the backpack and took out a broomstick, Time to fly she thought and she hoped on the broom and started flying over to her group.


Laura rubbed her eyes. She had a strange feeling that her French-to-English dictionary may have been helpful fr AA3, but she can't imagine why.


"Laura?" Mia said


"Oui? I mean yes?" Laura said.


"Just about everyone else is here, should we be doing something?"


"...."Laura sighed, "I don't know. I'd rather not take charge her. I'm not a natural born leader. It's too much pressure," Laura sighed again, and flopped onto the ground. But she didn't land on the ground. Both AA and Mia aught her and stood her back up.


"Look," AA said, "You don't need to be the leader, but all us RP characters don't even know what is going on, so can you at least start with that?"


Laura looked around at all the RP characters. Some were fat, some were short, some were tall, some were short, some were more pixely than others, some were very clean-cut and human-like, some were aliens, some had crazy guns, and some were... some were just... Laura didn't even know. But regardless of what they were, they were now part of the team. And that's what mattered.


Laura nodded at AA, then at Mia. She silently took off her morphing helmet and set it on the ground. She'd have to stretch the limits of the imagination here by turning the helmet into a small briefing room, complete with all the equipment she'd need.


Instead she got a medium sized grass hut with a projector screen made of sticks and elephant hide, and a projector made out of rocks, mud, and a bit of "shiny rock." The other equipment was also shoddily made out of similar materials.


Laura rolled her eyes and shrugged, "Well, I guess this will do..." She began herding all the RP characters in there.


When the briefing was done, they all filed out single-file with similar equipment as everyone else.


They were now ready to begin.


CC was flying above the ground near her group now, slowly she came down and down until her feet reached the ground. She shoved the broom in her backpack and put it on and she ran to her group. "Hi there guys, I got hold of Ian's uber-ray, what do we do now?" asked CC, "Oh, and by the way, got to inform AA and AA3 that I got the uber-ray" she sent a PM to AA:


Hi, there again, I got the IP banning uber-ray from Ian, the group is waiting for you. Try to come soon.

AA received the PM shortly after he had successfully landed the sub/plane in an alley, filled with dumpsters, behind an Internet Café with a high-speed Wi-Fi network. He immediately flipped on a large flat panel screen at the back of the cockpit, tossed an air-sickness bag to AA3, and fired up Skype.


Hey guys, I'm ready to talk on Skype. Let's get planning.

CC starts talking on skype with AA "What's up there, when are you coming back?" asked CC. "Here Myles, you will need those equipments" she went to Winnie and got a blue backpack from the rear.


((I guess this means we've pretty much collected everybody together :) ))


"I read you loud and clear CC." AA tweaked a few microphone settings, then continued. "We probably won't be getting back that soon though - it depends on how fast you guys can decide on an ambush point to use and set up around it. We'll need to develop a strategy to lure the shadow nodes and push them through to you guys on our end."


"Can you repeat that please" asked CC in confussion after she didnt undersatnd a single word from what AA said.


In a slightly hoarse voice, AA3 clarified, "You need to tell AA where he needs to put the shadow nodes. We need to make up a way to put the shadow nodes there."


"I am tired too" exclaimed CC while streching her hands. "So Laura what is the next step? Do we step infront or backwards?, that was kind of lame" She went to Winnie and brought Myles a fresh cup of steaming coffee, "If that cant wake you up, than I dont know what will" CC said while conjuring a chair from mid-air to sit upon ((Du'oh!)).


"AA and AA3 are speaking to us through skype, though I dont know from where did they get hold of the money" said CC "And we all are taliking with them now".


"Skype is a free program." Anime said, "If we're going to lure then somewhere, I'm willing to bet the eaisest place to gather then is on a weak rift between the real world and here. They seem to like those anyways. And it'd be eaiser to attack them from both sides. We'd have to be careful though- if they catch onto us, they can try and rip open the all ready weak spot."


"Well if we can track down that spot where I already tore a rift, we could just cut the string I used. It wasn't that strong anyway. At least, not Bounty strong. Bounty, the quicker picker-upper," Laura turned to an imaginary camera holding a roll of Bounty like Vanna White, smiling her biggest, whitest smile ever.


"Now, anyway, do we want to just tear that one open again, AA?"


FTX was totally astonished at what all had been accomplished in the amount of time it had taken her to gather all the stray oranges and return them to the market. It looked now as if the team was gathering around some primitive grass hut, and she wasn't exactly sure why, but she was just thrilled to see that there was finally some unification going on. Overhearing Laura's suggestion, that they revisit the gap between the two dimensions, FTX quickly plugged the coordinates of that gap into Winnie's GPS.


"I think revisiting the previous break in the dimensions sounds like a great idea Larua, as soon as we get the all clear from AA we should head right over there. I'm going to check Winnie and make sure she's all stocked up on the cookies and what not. CC do you think you could help me find room in Winnie for the Uber Ban ray? We need to make sure it's secure."


Anna went to the group lowly, she was a bit sleepy.

"Hmm..whats happening now? Never mind, dont answer that question." She said and sighed looking at what everybody was doing.

She didnt want to annoy or disturb them.


"All right, that sounds like an excellent plan." AA remarked. "AA3 and I will lure the shadow nodes to Laura's original breakpoint, where you guys will have set up an ambush. We'll briefly open the rift and attack them from both sides to distract them while you guys get the uber-ban ray in position. Once we're ready, I'll blast them through the rift, and you guys can hit them with the ray to banish them from TDN permanently.


"Well, there's just one last thing to figure out: after the ambush, should AA3 and I stay in the real world to help out from this end, or come through to back you guys up?"


" I think that you should stay in the real worls for the meantime. When we banished all of the shadow nodes than come back" She went to Winnie to help Tara find a please for the UBR "I think that the best place will be at the rear".


"Yes, I quite agree the rear would be the best place for it, but we need to make sure it's well out of the reach of your meepit friend. No offense or anything, but you know how those little guys can be."


Feeling that the weapons were well secured, and safe from Meepit interference, Tara proceeded to stock Winnie full of all the necessary snack goods and made sure we hand plenty of gas and what not. Once that was complete she stood by the side of the team's vehicle and eagerly awaited their next move.


While waiting she contacted AA and AA3:


"I agree with CC yall should stay in the real world. We need you two on the other side in case the nodes try to flee the ambush before they can be ban rayed back to their maker. Not to mention should the worst befall us on this side, it will be up to the two of you to warn everyone in InsanityLand about the escaped nodes."


Morgan was still on her cell phone, listening to someone else now. Her face fell as time passed. She pushed the "end call" button and shoved her phone in her pocket. "Guys...the RPer says it's time for me to leave. She doesn't want me here anymore. :(" Morgan picked up MTC and started walking away. She looked back for a minute. "Good luck with the rest of the mission, and I'm sorry that I can't stay with you the whole way." Morgan turned ahead and disappeared into an uber spooky fog cloud.


((That means no more RPing for me! D= I'm out.))

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