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I FINALLY, after 3 months of futile attempts, got my Eliv Thade trophy. *head desk* As most of you know the last time I tried, I have a score well over 5000 and it errored when I tried to send the score in. I was so. friggin. angry. Anyway I barelyyyy made it onto the trophy list this time but I don't even care, I finally got it. So that one is the one I am most proud of.


I am also pretty proud of my Random Contest trophy.. :D


What are you proudest of? Post a link to your profile so we can all go look? :D Here is mine:




I don't know lol Mine are pretty common. The one I probably worked on a lot would be altador plot :D I guess that's my fav for now..I hope there are more plots coming up


I love my Hannah and the Ice Caves gold, and my Shapeshifter bronze ^_^ They're really the only two I've actively tried for so far xD


Probably my rarest one would be Faerie Caves II Spotlight though! My dream is to get all the spotlights... one day...


Hm, tough choice ^_^ I'd have to narrow it down to either my Kad trophy or my gold Lenny Conundrum trophy.


My kad trophy just because of the number of kads I've fed, and the LC trophy just because it's gold ^^


NeoQuest II Champion :)


But I'm proud of all my trophies. It's just that one was epic win :)


I'm terrible with trophies. XP


But I'll go with my shiniest trophy, the pyramid bonus one.

Hmm....this could be a goal.


Hmm, I don't really have a favorite. I'm proud of my war trophies. xD


And no. I will not post a link to my profile. =K


Me? Probably my ACII and ACIII trophies.


Just because ACII was my first trophy on this account, and ACIII because it's it's my third newest :D


My favorite trophy would be my sutek tomb trophy. I spent all day getting it, even leaving to go to class a few times. I got it at the end of the month too so it yeah it was difficult.


I'd have to say the trophy I'm most proud of is my Plushie Tycoon Champion trophy. It's the one I worked the hardest to get.


It would have to be my silver neoquest trophy just because of of how long it took me to get it (working on getting the gold one now)


Well I have about zero trophies, LOL, but I'm really happy with the ones I've got.

My absolute favorite is Caption contest, because humor is really my favorite personality trait.

Plus the caption contest trophy is my only gold one, I just wish the trophy was prettier, or funnier.



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