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  1. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made that large avatar / button upon request.
    It could have turned better, but there is still something I like about it...
  2. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from lovedwallflower in Update weapon prices in battlepedia?   
    Anyone who wants to keep prices up to date for any area of our site is welcome to apply for staff. :P
  3. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Zombiiesque in Update weapon prices in battlepedia?   
    Anyone who wants to keep prices up to date for any area of our site is welcome to apply for staff. :P
  4. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lamppost in Update weapon prices in battlepedia?   
    Anyone who wants to keep prices up to date for any area of our site is welcome to apply for staff. :P
  5. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Ali Cat in Update weapon prices in battlepedia?   
    Anyone who wants to keep prices up to date for any area of our site is welcome to apply for staff. :P
  6. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Viridian in Public Service Announcement: The Apple Army   
    Thank you for the worm reminder. My battle pet is a Pteri as well. Gotta take advantage of that :P
  7. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Ali Cat in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made a petlook and a userlookup for The Seekers.
    Sadly, I don't have that much free times to do it for each teams...

    <style> #main { margin-top: 0px; } body, div, table, tr, td { color: #cbcdd6; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } body { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-plbgg.jpg"); } #ban, #footer, .user, #nst, .adbox, #ban_bottom, .ad_wrapper_fixed, hr { display: none; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers.png") no-repeat; height: 455px; width: 680px; border: 0px none; } #template_nav { margin-left: -160px; margin-top: -50px; margin-right: auto; width: 700px; } li.nav_image { margin-left: -4px; } ul.dropdown { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #2c1239; } #header .dropdown li a:hover { color: #ac939c; } .sidebar { display: none; background: none; } #main { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers-bg.png"); border: 2px solid #313131; } #main a, a b { color: #cbcbcb; } #main a:hover, a b:hover { color: #c1aeda; } #content div { color: #bdbfc7; font: 24pt tahoma; } #content a:hover b, a:hover { color: #e6c0d1; } #content a b, a { color: #e6c0d1; border: 0px dotted; } #main b, b { color: #927a83; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } #content { width: 680px; } #main { width: 680px; left: 0px; } .swf img { display: inline; visibility: visible; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModule, .contentModuleContent, .contentModuleContent img { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModuleHeaderAlt, .contentModuleHeader { background: none; font: 18pt tahoma; color: #c2c4cb; border-bottom: 1px dotted #39354a; text-align: left; } #CustomNeopetView { height: 450px; width: 450px; } .contentModule table div a img { display: none; } .contentModule table div img#rank_1 { display: inline; } </style> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a lacinia nulla. Praesent dolor sem, tempor at tempor ac, varius eget lorem. Fusce eu nisi nunc. Curabitur nisl mi, consequat id lacinia vitae, cursus ut urna. Praesent luctus rhoncus velit, ut gravida arcu venenatis vitae. Phasellus ante felis, lacinia nec malesuada quis, egestas adipiscing diam. Phasellus id sem massa, sit amet congue felis. Vivamus ultrices pharetra nisl, non vehicula libero convallis eu.</p> <p><b>Credits:</b> Layout by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=xepha">Xepha</a></p>
    <style> #ban { display: none; } #ad-slug-wrapper { display: none; } #main { margin-top: 0px; } body { background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/51859.png"); } #content, #header, #footer, #main { width: 980px; border: 0px; background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-bg.png"); text-align: left; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers.png"); height: 391px; width: 980px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #nst, #template_nav, #footer, .footerNifty, .eventIcon { display: none; } #content { background-color: #000000; } .user { visibility: hidden; } .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt, h4 { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-nd.png"); background-color: transparent; border: 3px solid #000000; color: #2c1239; padding: 10px; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 1px; } .contentModule { border: 0px; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px dotted #891873; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; margin-top: 7px; } .contentModuleContent { background-color: transparent; } #userinfo .contentModuleContent, #usercollections .contentModuleContent, #usershop .contentModuleContent { height: 370px; } #userneopets .contentModuleContent, #userneohome .contentModuleContent { height: 250px; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } #credits a img, #credits b { display: inline; } body, td, p { color: #FFFFFF; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; } a:hover, a:hover b { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } b { color: #d6cbc3; } hr { display: none; } #about { border: 0px dotted #701B7F; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; } #navi { margin: -80px auto 20px 330px; width: 600px; } #navi a { color: #000000; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; } #navi a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <div id="navi" align="center"> <a href="/myaccount.phtml">Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards </a> <a href="/nf.phtml">News</a> <a href="/customise/">Customise</a> <a href="/mall/index.phtml">NC</a> </div> <div id="about"> <h4>About me</h4> <div id="credits"> <p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum nisi vitae erat. Nam leo massa, pharetra eu, placerat eget, ornare ut, arcu. Quisque ornare nisl non quam molestie tincidunt. Nullam rutrum. Curabitur sed enim. Vestibulum eu risus a velit pellentesque faucibus. Integer nisi tortor, blandit vitae, mollis quis, posuere ut, elit. Praesent dui. Vestibulum metus lorem, venenatis a, hendrerit ut, suscipit vel, diam. Donec elit. Vivamus ultricies metus vitae ipsum. Donec vel diam sed arcu vulputate vehicula. Sed blandit orci facilisis odio. Quisque quis magna. Integer auctor viverra est. Aliquam sit amet nisl at lacus consequat condimentum.</p> <p><b>Credits</b><br><a href="http://neopets.com/~Sir_Gemely"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/credits.jpg" class="credits" border="0"></a> </p> </div> <p> </p> </div>
  8. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lamppost in battledome basics   
    The reward list of TDN is work in progress. (It's just a giant spreadsheet at this moment, but we are working on it :D)
  9. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made a petlook and a userlookup for The Seekers.
    Sadly, I don't have that much free times to do it for each teams...

    <style> #main { margin-top: 0px; } body, div, table, tr, td { color: #cbcdd6; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } body { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-plbgg.jpg"); } #ban, #footer, .user, #nst, .adbox, #ban_bottom, .ad_wrapper_fixed, hr { display: none; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers.png") no-repeat; height: 455px; width: 680px; border: 0px none; } #template_nav { margin-left: -160px; margin-top: -50px; margin-right: auto; width: 700px; } li.nav_image { margin-left: -4px; } ul.dropdown { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #2c1239; } #header .dropdown li a:hover { color: #ac939c; } .sidebar { display: none; background: none; } #main { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers-bg.png"); border: 2px solid #313131; } #main a, a b { color: #cbcbcb; } #main a:hover, a b:hover { color: #c1aeda; } #content div { color: #bdbfc7; font: 24pt tahoma; } #content a:hover b, a:hover { color: #e6c0d1; } #content a b, a { color: #e6c0d1; border: 0px dotted; } #main b, b { color: #927a83; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } #content { width: 680px; } #main { width: 680px; left: 0px; } .swf img { display: inline; visibility: visible; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModule, .contentModuleContent, .contentModuleContent img { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModuleHeaderAlt, .contentModuleHeader { background: none; font: 18pt tahoma; color: #c2c4cb; border-bottom: 1px dotted #39354a; text-align: left; } #CustomNeopetView { height: 450px; width: 450px; } .contentModule table div a img { display: none; } .contentModule table div img#rank_1 { display: inline; } </style> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a lacinia nulla. Praesent dolor sem, tempor at tempor ac, varius eget lorem. Fusce eu nisi nunc. Curabitur nisl mi, consequat id lacinia vitae, cursus ut urna. Praesent luctus rhoncus velit, ut gravida arcu venenatis vitae. Phasellus ante felis, lacinia nec malesuada quis, egestas adipiscing diam. Phasellus id sem massa, sit amet congue felis. Vivamus ultrices pharetra nisl, non vehicula libero convallis eu.</p> <p><b>Credits:</b> Layout by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=xepha">Xepha</a></p>
    <style> #ban { display: none; } #ad-slug-wrapper { display: none; } #main { margin-top: 0px; } body { background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/51859.png"); } #content, #header, #footer, #main { width: 980px; border: 0px; background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-bg.png"); text-align: left; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers.png"); height: 391px; width: 980px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #nst, #template_nav, #footer, .footerNifty, .eventIcon { display: none; } #content { background-color: #000000; } .user { visibility: hidden; } .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt, h4 { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-nd.png"); background-color: transparent; border: 3px solid #000000; color: #2c1239; padding: 10px; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 1px; } .contentModule { border: 0px; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px dotted #891873; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; margin-top: 7px; } .contentModuleContent { background-color: transparent; } #userinfo .contentModuleContent, #usercollections .contentModuleContent, #usershop .contentModuleContent { height: 370px; } #userneopets .contentModuleContent, #userneohome .contentModuleContent { height: 250px; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } #credits a img, #credits b { display: inline; } body, td, p { color: #FFFFFF; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; } a:hover, a:hover b { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } b { color: #d6cbc3; } hr { display: none; } #about { border: 0px dotted #701B7F; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; } #navi { margin: -80px auto 20px 330px; width: 600px; } #navi a { color: #000000; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; } #navi a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <div id="navi" align="center"> <a href="/myaccount.phtml">Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards </a> <a href="/nf.phtml">News</a> <a href="/customise/">Customise</a> <a href="/mall/index.phtml">NC</a> </div> <div id="about"> <h4>About me</h4> <div id="credits"> <p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum nisi vitae erat. Nam leo massa, pharetra eu, placerat eget, ornare ut, arcu. Quisque ornare nisl non quam molestie tincidunt. Nullam rutrum. Curabitur sed enim. Vestibulum eu risus a velit pellentesque faucibus. Integer nisi tortor, blandit vitae, mollis quis, posuere ut, elit. Praesent dui. Vestibulum metus lorem, venenatis a, hendrerit ut, suscipit vel, diam. Donec elit. Vivamus ultricies metus vitae ipsum. Donec vel diam sed arcu vulputate vehicula. Sed blandit orci facilisis odio. Quisque quis magna. Integer auctor viverra est. Aliquam sit amet nisl at lacus consequat condimentum.</p> <p><b>Credits</b><br><a href="http://neopets.com/~Sir_Gemely"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/credits.jpg" class="credits" border="0"></a> </p> </div> <p> </p> </div>
  10. Like
    Xepha reacted to Welcome Back Apathy in Public Service Announcement: The Apple Army   
    Before you ask what "the apple army" is, it's not a real thing.
    It's just a reminder to everyone that the price of healing potions is way up, and battlers are suffering for it. Essence of Everlasting Apple is 1,000 np a pop. But here's the thing: you can buy them every half hour from the healing faerie for only 250 np.
    My recommendation:
    If you're going to need them during the war, BUY THEM NOW FROM THE HEALING FAERIE. Stock up every half hour. Check the prices on the shop wiz before you buy, to make sure they haven't gone down, but BUY BUY BUY.
    To everyone else, everyone who will NOT need them during the war...battlers need your help!
    Even if you don't need them, for the sake of battlers who do need them, please buy them every half hour and sell them. You get to sell for a profit, but having more in circulation will prevent inflation from going nuts. It's a win-win situation--the price goes down, AND you can make a profit. Check the prices on the shop wiz before you buy, but if it's worth it...why not do it?
    I ask us all to join in...THE APPLE ARMY. Which...just means...go buy stuff. You can buy Essence of Everlasting Apple, or you can buy the cheaper ones as well. Again, always check the prices on the shop wiz before you do it.
    Visit the Healing Springs now and buy.
    (I put this in the Battledome chat because it's most relevant to people battling and getting ready for the war...I understand if you move it, though.)
  11. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Spritzie in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made a petlook and a userlookup for The Seekers.
    Sadly, I don't have that much free times to do it for each teams...

    <style> #main { margin-top: 0px; } body, div, table, tr, td { color: #cbcdd6; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } body { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-plbgg.jpg"); } #ban, #footer, .user, #nst, .adbox, #ban_bottom, .ad_wrapper_fixed, hr { display: none; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers.png") no-repeat; height: 455px; width: 680px; border: 0px none; } #template_nav { margin-left: -160px; margin-top: -50px; margin-right: auto; width: 700px; } li.nav_image { margin-left: -4px; } ul.dropdown { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #2c1239; } #header .dropdown li a:hover { color: #ac939c; } .sidebar { display: none; background: none; } #main { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers-bg.png"); border: 2px solid #313131; } #main a, a b { color: #cbcbcb; } #main a:hover, a b:hover { color: #c1aeda; } #content div { color: #bdbfc7; font: 24pt tahoma; } #content a:hover b, a:hover { color: #e6c0d1; } #content a b, a { color: #e6c0d1; border: 0px dotted; } #main b, b { color: #927a83; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } #content { width: 680px; } #main { width: 680px; left: 0px; } .swf img { display: inline; visibility: visible; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModule, .contentModuleContent, .contentModuleContent img { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModuleHeaderAlt, .contentModuleHeader { background: none; font: 18pt tahoma; color: #c2c4cb; border-bottom: 1px dotted #39354a; text-align: left; } #CustomNeopetView { height: 450px; width: 450px; } .contentModule table div a img { display: none; } .contentModule table div img#rank_1 { display: inline; } </style> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a lacinia nulla. Praesent dolor sem, tempor at tempor ac, varius eget lorem. Fusce eu nisi nunc. Curabitur nisl mi, consequat id lacinia vitae, cursus ut urna. Praesent luctus rhoncus velit, ut gravida arcu venenatis vitae. Phasellus ante felis, lacinia nec malesuada quis, egestas adipiscing diam. Phasellus id sem massa, sit amet congue felis. Vivamus ultrices pharetra nisl, non vehicula libero convallis eu.</p> <p><b>Credits:</b> Layout by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=xepha">Xepha</a></p>
    <style> #ban { display: none; } #ad-slug-wrapper { display: none; } #main { margin-top: 0px; } body { background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/51859.png"); } #content, #header, #footer, #main { width: 980px; border: 0px; background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-bg.png"); text-align: left; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers.png"); height: 391px; width: 980px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #nst, #template_nav, #footer, .footerNifty, .eventIcon { display: none; } #content { background-color: #000000; } .user { visibility: hidden; } .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt, h4 { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-nd.png"); background-color: transparent; border: 3px solid #000000; color: #2c1239; padding: 10px; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 1px; } .contentModule { border: 0px; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px dotted #891873; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; margin-top: 7px; } .contentModuleContent { background-color: transparent; } #userinfo .contentModuleContent, #usercollections .contentModuleContent, #usershop .contentModuleContent { height: 370px; } #userneopets .contentModuleContent, #userneohome .contentModuleContent { height: 250px; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } #credits a img, #credits b { display: inline; } body, td, p { color: #FFFFFF; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; } a:hover, a:hover b { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } b { color: #d6cbc3; } hr { display: none; } #about { border: 0px dotted #701B7F; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; } #navi { margin: -80px auto 20px 330px; width: 600px; } #navi a { color: #000000; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; } #navi a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <div id="navi" align="center"> <a href="/myaccount.phtml">Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards </a> <a href="/nf.phtml">News</a> <a href="/customise/">Customise</a> <a href="/mall/index.phtml">NC</a> </div> <div id="about"> <h4>About me</h4> <div id="credits"> <p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum nisi vitae erat. Nam leo massa, pharetra eu, placerat eget, ornare ut, arcu. Quisque ornare nisl non quam molestie tincidunt. Nullam rutrum. Curabitur sed enim. Vestibulum eu risus a velit pellentesque faucibus. Integer nisi tortor, blandit vitae, mollis quis, posuere ut, elit. Praesent dui. Vestibulum metus lorem, venenatis a, hendrerit ut, suscipit vel, diam. Donec elit. Vivamus ultricies metus vitae ipsum. Donec vel diam sed arcu vulputate vehicula. Sed blandit orci facilisis odio. Quisque quis magna. Integer auctor viverra est. Aliquam sit amet nisl at lacus consequat condimentum.</p> <p><b>Credits</b><br><a href="http://neopets.com/~Sir_Gemely"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/credits.jpg" class="credits" border="0"></a> </p> </div> <p> </p> </div>
  12. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mireia in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made a petlook and a userlookup for The Seekers.
    Sadly, I don't have that much free times to do it for each teams...

    <style> #main { margin-top: 0px; } body, div, table, tr, td { color: #cbcdd6; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } body { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-plbgg.jpg"); } #ban, #footer, .user, #nst, .adbox, #ban_bottom, .ad_wrapper_fixed, hr { display: none; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers.png") no-repeat; height: 455px; width: 680px; border: 0px none; } #template_nav { margin-left: -160px; margin-top: -50px; margin-right: auto; width: 700px; } li.nav_image { margin-left: -4px; } ul.dropdown { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #2c1239; } #header .dropdown li a:hover { color: #ac939c; } .sidebar { display: none; background: none; } #main { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers-bg.png"); border: 2px solid #313131; } #main a, a b { color: #cbcbcb; } #main a:hover, a b:hover { color: #c1aeda; } #content div { color: #bdbfc7; font: 24pt tahoma; } #content a:hover b, a:hover { color: #e6c0d1; } #content a b, a { color: #e6c0d1; border: 0px dotted; } #main b, b { color: #927a83; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } #content { width: 680px; } #main { width: 680px; left: 0px; } .swf img { display: inline; visibility: visible; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModule, .contentModuleContent, .contentModuleContent img { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModuleHeaderAlt, .contentModuleHeader { background: none; font: 18pt tahoma; color: #c2c4cb; border-bottom: 1px dotted #39354a; text-align: left; } #CustomNeopetView { height: 450px; width: 450px; } .contentModule table div a img { display: none; } .contentModule table div img#rank_1 { display: inline; } </style> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a lacinia nulla. Praesent dolor sem, tempor at tempor ac, varius eget lorem. Fusce eu nisi nunc. Curabitur nisl mi, consequat id lacinia vitae, cursus ut urna. Praesent luctus rhoncus velit, ut gravida arcu venenatis vitae. Phasellus ante felis, lacinia nec malesuada quis, egestas adipiscing diam. Phasellus id sem massa, sit amet congue felis. Vivamus ultrices pharetra nisl, non vehicula libero convallis eu.</p> <p><b>Credits:</b> Layout by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=xepha">Xepha</a></p>
    <style> #ban { display: none; } #ad-slug-wrapper { display: none; } #main { margin-top: 0px; } body { background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/51859.png"); } #content, #header, #footer, #main { width: 980px; border: 0px; background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-bg.png"); text-align: left; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers.png"); height: 391px; width: 980px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #nst, #template_nav, #footer, .footerNifty, .eventIcon { display: none; } #content { background-color: #000000; } .user { visibility: hidden; } .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt, h4 { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-nd.png"); background-color: transparent; border: 3px solid #000000; color: #2c1239; padding: 10px; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 1px; } .contentModule { border: 0px; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px dotted #891873; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; margin-top: 7px; } .contentModuleContent { background-color: transparent; } #userinfo .contentModuleContent, #usercollections .contentModuleContent, #usershop .contentModuleContent { height: 370px; } #userneopets .contentModuleContent, #userneohome .contentModuleContent { height: 250px; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } #credits a img, #credits b { display: inline; } body, td, p { color: #FFFFFF; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; } a:hover, a:hover b { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } b { color: #d6cbc3; } hr { display: none; } #about { border: 0px dotted #701B7F; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; } #navi { margin: -80px auto 20px 330px; width: 600px; } #navi a { color: #000000; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; } #navi a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <div id="navi" align="center"> <a href="/myaccount.phtml">Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards </a> <a href="/nf.phtml">News</a> <a href="/customise/">Customise</a> <a href="/mall/index.phtml">NC</a> </div> <div id="about"> <h4>About me</h4> <div id="credits"> <p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum nisi vitae erat. Nam leo massa, pharetra eu, placerat eget, ornare ut, arcu. Quisque ornare nisl non quam molestie tincidunt. Nullam rutrum. Curabitur sed enim. Vestibulum eu risus a velit pellentesque faucibus. Integer nisi tortor, blandit vitae, mollis quis, posuere ut, elit. Praesent dui. Vestibulum metus lorem, venenatis a, hendrerit ut, suscipit vel, diam. Donec elit. Vivamus ultricies metus vitae ipsum. Donec vel diam sed arcu vulputate vehicula. Sed blandit orci facilisis odio. Quisque quis magna. Integer auctor viverra est. Aliquam sit amet nisl at lacus consequat condimentum.</p> <p><b>Credits</b><br><a href="http://neopets.com/~Sir_Gemely"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/credits.jpg" class="credits" border="0"></a> </p> </div> <p> </p> </div>
  13. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made a petlook and a userlookup for The Seekers.
    Sadly, I don't have that much free times to do it for each teams...

    <style> #main { margin-top: 0px; } body, div, table, tr, td { color: #cbcdd6; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } body { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-plbgg.jpg"); } #ban, #footer, .user, #nst, .adbox, #ban_bottom, .ad_wrapper_fixed, hr { display: none; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers.png") no-repeat; height: 455px; width: 680px; border: 0px none; } #template_nav { margin-left: -160px; margin-top: -50px; margin-right: auto; width: 700px; } li.nav_image { margin-left: -4px; } ul.dropdown { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #2c1239; } #header .dropdown li a:hover { color: #ac939c; } .sidebar { display: none; background: none; } #main { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers-bg.png"); border: 2px solid #313131; } #main a, a b { color: #cbcbcb; } #main a:hover, a b:hover { color: #c1aeda; } #content div { color: #bdbfc7; font: 24pt tahoma; } #content a:hover b, a:hover { color: #e6c0d1; } #content a b, a { color: #e6c0d1; border: 0px dotted; } #main b, b { color: #927a83; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } #content { width: 680px; } #main { width: 680px; left: 0px; } .swf img { display: inline; visibility: visible; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModule, .contentModuleContent, .contentModuleContent img { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModuleHeaderAlt, .contentModuleHeader { background: none; font: 18pt tahoma; color: #c2c4cb; border-bottom: 1px dotted #39354a; text-align: left; } #CustomNeopetView { height: 450px; width: 450px; } .contentModule table div a img { display: none; } .contentModule table div img#rank_1 { display: inline; } </style> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a lacinia nulla. Praesent dolor sem, tempor at tempor ac, varius eget lorem. Fusce eu nisi nunc. Curabitur nisl mi, consequat id lacinia vitae, cursus ut urna. Praesent luctus rhoncus velit, ut gravida arcu venenatis vitae. Phasellus ante felis, lacinia nec malesuada quis, egestas adipiscing diam. Phasellus id sem massa, sit amet congue felis. Vivamus ultrices pharetra nisl, non vehicula libero convallis eu.</p> <p><b>Credits:</b> Layout by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=xepha">Xepha</a></p>
    <style> #ban { display: none; } #ad-slug-wrapper { display: none; } #main { margin-top: 0px; } body { background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/51859.png"); } #content, #header, #footer, #main { width: 980px; border: 0px; background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-bg.png"); text-align: left; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers.png"); height: 391px; width: 980px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #nst, #template_nav, #footer, .footerNifty, .eventIcon { display: none; } #content { background-color: #000000; } .user { visibility: hidden; } .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt, h4 { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-nd.png"); background-color: transparent; border: 3px solid #000000; color: #2c1239; padding: 10px; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 1px; } .contentModule { border: 0px; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px dotted #891873; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; margin-top: 7px; } .contentModuleContent { background-color: transparent; } #userinfo .contentModuleContent, #usercollections .contentModuleContent, #usershop .contentModuleContent { height: 370px; } #userneopets .contentModuleContent, #userneohome .contentModuleContent { height: 250px; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } #credits a img, #credits b { display: inline; } body, td, p { color: #FFFFFF; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; } a:hover, a:hover b { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } b { color: #d6cbc3; } hr { display: none; } #about { border: 0px dotted #701B7F; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; } #navi { margin: -80px auto 20px 330px; width: 600px; } #navi a { color: #000000; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; } #navi a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <div id="navi" align="center"> <a href="/myaccount.phtml">Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards </a> <a href="/nf.phtml">News</a> <a href="/customise/">Customise</a> <a href="/mall/index.phtml">NC</a> </div> <div id="about"> <h4>About me</h4> <div id="credits"> <p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum nisi vitae erat. Nam leo massa, pharetra eu, placerat eget, ornare ut, arcu. Quisque ornare nisl non quam molestie tincidunt. Nullam rutrum. Curabitur sed enim. Vestibulum eu risus a velit pellentesque faucibus. Integer nisi tortor, blandit vitae, mollis quis, posuere ut, elit. Praesent dui. Vestibulum metus lorem, venenatis a, hendrerit ut, suscipit vel, diam. Donec elit. Vivamus ultricies metus vitae ipsum. Donec vel diam sed arcu vulputate vehicula. Sed blandit orci facilisis odio. Quisque quis magna. Integer auctor viverra est. Aliquam sit amet nisl at lacus consequat condimentum.</p> <p><b>Credits</b><br><a href="http://neopets.com/~Sir_Gemely"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/credits.jpg" class="credits" border="0"></a> </p> </div> <p> </p> </div>
  14. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made a petlook and a userlookup for The Seekers.
    Sadly, I don't have that much free times to do it for each teams...

    <style> #main { margin-top: 0px; } body, div, table, tr, td { color: #cbcdd6; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } body { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-plbgg.jpg"); } #ban, #footer, .user, #nst, .adbox, #ban_bottom, .ad_wrapper_fixed, hr { display: none; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers.png") no-repeat; height: 455px; width: 680px; border: 0px none; } #template_nav { margin-left: -160px; margin-top: -50px; margin-right: auto; width: 700px; } li.nav_image { margin-left: -4px; } ul.dropdown { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #2c1239; } #header .dropdown li a:hover { color: #ac939c; } .sidebar { display: none; background: none; } #main { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers-bg.png"); border: 2px solid #313131; } #main a, a b { color: #cbcbcb; } #main a:hover, a b:hover { color: #c1aeda; } #content div { color: #bdbfc7; font: 24pt tahoma; } #content a:hover b, a:hover { color: #e6c0d1; } #content a b, a { color: #e6c0d1; border: 0px dotted; } #main b, b { color: #927a83; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } #content { width: 680px; } #main { width: 680px; left: 0px; } .swf img { display: inline; visibility: visible; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModule, .contentModuleContent, .contentModuleContent img { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModuleHeaderAlt, .contentModuleHeader { background: none; font: 18pt tahoma; color: #c2c4cb; border-bottom: 1px dotted #39354a; text-align: left; } #CustomNeopetView { height: 450px; width: 450px; } .contentModule table div a img { display: none; } .contentModule table div img#rank_1 { display: inline; } </style> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a lacinia nulla. Praesent dolor sem, tempor at tempor ac, varius eget lorem. Fusce eu nisi nunc. Curabitur nisl mi, consequat id lacinia vitae, cursus ut urna. Praesent luctus rhoncus velit, ut gravida arcu venenatis vitae. Phasellus ante felis, lacinia nec malesuada quis, egestas adipiscing diam. Phasellus id sem massa, sit amet congue felis. Vivamus ultrices pharetra nisl, non vehicula libero convallis eu.</p> <p><b>Credits:</b> Layout by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=xepha">Xepha</a></p>
    <style> #ban { display: none; } #ad-slug-wrapper { display: none; } #main { margin-top: 0px; } body { background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/51859.png"); } #content, #header, #footer, #main { width: 980px; border: 0px; background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-bg.png"); text-align: left; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers.png"); height: 391px; width: 980px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #nst, #template_nav, #footer, .footerNifty, .eventIcon { display: none; } #content { background-color: #000000; } .user { visibility: hidden; } .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt, h4 { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-nd.png"); background-color: transparent; border: 3px solid #000000; color: #2c1239; padding: 10px; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 1px; } .contentModule { border: 0px; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px dotted #891873; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; margin-top: 7px; } .contentModuleContent { background-color: transparent; } #userinfo .contentModuleContent, #usercollections .contentModuleContent, #usershop .contentModuleContent { height: 370px; } #userneopets .contentModuleContent, #userneohome .contentModuleContent { height: 250px; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } #credits a img, #credits b { display: inline; } body, td, p { color: #FFFFFF; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; } a:hover, a:hover b { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } b { color: #d6cbc3; } hr { display: none; } #about { border: 0px dotted #701B7F; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; } #navi { margin: -80px auto 20px 330px; width: 600px; } #navi a { color: #000000; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; } #navi a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <div id="navi" align="center"> <a href="/myaccount.phtml">Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards </a> <a href="/nf.phtml">News</a> <a href="/customise/">Customise</a> <a href="/mall/index.phtml">NC</a> </div> <div id="about"> <h4>About me</h4> <div id="credits"> <p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum nisi vitae erat. Nam leo massa, pharetra eu, placerat eget, ornare ut, arcu. Quisque ornare nisl non quam molestie tincidunt. Nullam rutrum. Curabitur sed enim. Vestibulum eu risus a velit pellentesque faucibus. Integer nisi tortor, blandit vitae, mollis quis, posuere ut, elit. Praesent dui. Vestibulum metus lorem, venenatis a, hendrerit ut, suscipit vel, diam. Donec elit. Vivamus ultricies metus vitae ipsum. Donec vel diam sed arcu vulputate vehicula. Sed blandit orci facilisis odio. Quisque quis magna. Integer auctor viverra est. Aliquam sit amet nisl at lacus consequat condimentum.</p> <p><b>Credits</b><br><a href="http://neopets.com/~Sir_Gemely"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/credits.jpg" class="credits" border="0"></a> </p> </div> <p> </p> </div>
  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from hrtbrk in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made a petlook and a userlookup for The Seekers.
    Sadly, I don't have that much free times to do it for each teams...

    <style> #main { margin-top: 0px; } body, div, table, tr, td { color: #cbcdd6; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } body { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-plbgg.jpg"); } #ban, #footer, .user, #nst, .adbox, #ban_bottom, .ad_wrapper_fixed, hr { display: none; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers.png") no-repeat; height: 455px; width: 680px; border: 0px none; } #template_nav { margin-left: -160px; margin-top: -50px; margin-right: auto; width: 700px; } li.nav_image { margin-left: -4px; } ul.dropdown { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #2c1239; } #header .dropdown li a:hover { color: #ac939c; } .sidebar { display: none; background: none; } #main { background-image: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/plseekers-bg.png"); border: 2px solid #313131; } #main a, a b { color: #cbcbcb; } #main a:hover, a b:hover { color: #c1aeda; } #content div { color: #bdbfc7; font: 24pt tahoma; } #content a:hover b, a:hover { color: #e6c0d1; } #content a b, a { color: #e6c0d1; border: 0px dotted; } #main b, b { color: #927a83; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } #content { width: 680px; } #main { width: 680px; left: 0px; } .swf img { display: inline; visibility: visible; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModule, .contentModuleContent, .contentModuleContent img { border: 0px solid black; background: none; } .contentModuleHeaderAlt, .contentModuleHeader { background: none; font: 18pt tahoma; color: #c2c4cb; border-bottom: 1px dotted #39354a; text-align: left; } #CustomNeopetView { height: 450px; width: 450px; } .contentModule table div a img { display: none; } .contentModule table div img#rank_1 { display: inline; } </style> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a lacinia nulla. Praesent dolor sem, tempor at tempor ac, varius eget lorem. Fusce eu nisi nunc. Curabitur nisl mi, consequat id lacinia vitae, cursus ut urna. Praesent luctus rhoncus velit, ut gravida arcu venenatis vitae. Phasellus ante felis, lacinia nec malesuada quis, egestas adipiscing diam. Phasellus id sem massa, sit amet congue felis. Vivamus ultrices pharetra nisl, non vehicula libero convallis eu.</p> <p><b>Credits:</b> Layout by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=xepha">Xepha</a></p>
    <style> #ban { display: none; } #ad-slug-wrapper { display: none; } #main { margin-top: 0px; } body { background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/51859.png"); } #content, #header, #footer, #main { width: 980px; border: 0px; background-color: #000000; background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-bg.png"); text-align: left; } #header { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers.png"); height: 391px; width: 980px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #nst, #template_nav, #footer, .footerNifty, .eventIcon { display: none; } #content { background-color: #000000; } .user { visibility: hidden; } .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt, h4 { background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/seekers-nd.png"); background-color: transparent; border: 3px solid #000000; color: #2c1239; padding: 10px; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 1px; } .contentModule { border: 0px; } .contentModuleTable { border: 0px dotted #891873; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; margin-top: 7px; } .contentModuleContent { background-color: transparent; } #userinfo .contentModuleContent, #usercollections .contentModuleContent, #usershop .contentModuleContent { height: 370px; } #userneopets .contentModuleContent, #userneohome .contentModuleContent { height: 250px; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } .content div a img, .content div b { display: none; } .contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b { display: inline; } #credits a img, #credits b { display: inline; } body, td, p { color: #FFFFFF; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; } a:hover, a:hover b { color: #d9bac6; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } b { color: #d6cbc3; } hr { display: none; } #about { border: 0px dotted #701B7F; padding: 5px; background-color: #473e4c; } #navi { margin: -80px auto 20px 330px; width: 600px; } #navi a { color: #000000; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; } #navi a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; margin: 1px; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <div id="navi" align="center"> <a href="/myaccount.phtml">Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards </a> <a href="/nf.phtml">News</a> <a href="/customise/">Customise</a> <a href="/mall/index.phtml">NC</a> </div> <div id="about"> <h4>About me</h4> <div id="credits"> <p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum nisi vitae erat. Nam leo massa, pharetra eu, placerat eget, ornare ut, arcu. Quisque ornare nisl non quam molestie tincidunt. Nullam rutrum. Curabitur sed enim. Vestibulum eu risus a velit pellentesque faucibus. Integer nisi tortor, blandit vitae, mollis quis, posuere ut, elit. Praesent dui. Vestibulum metus lorem, venenatis a, hendrerit ut, suscipit vel, diam. Donec elit. Vivamus ultricies metus vitae ipsum. Donec vel diam sed arcu vulputate vehicula. Sed blandit orci facilisis odio. Quisque quis magna. Integer auctor viverra est. Aliquam sit amet nisl at lacus consequat condimentum.</p> <p><b>Credits</b><br><a href="http://neopets.com/~Sir_Gemely"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/credits.jpg" class="credits" border="0"></a> </p> </div> <p> </p> </div>
  16. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    I was getting a bit impatient.... sorry :P
    I'm gonna do a pet lookup too.
  17. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lydia Trebond in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    Of course you can V! (Of course, I saw the preview before I gave you official permission but I think you knew what I'd say XD )
  18. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    I think I will make a userlookup or petlookup for the Seekers... can I borrow "I seek, therefore I am" to stick on it? XD
  19. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    *hides brains from lurking Awakened*
    Well, I joined the Seekers too.^.^
  20. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from ehoffy in battledome basics   
    The reward list of TDN is work in progress. (It's just a giant spreadsheet at this moment, but we are working on it :D)
  21. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from ehsgeek15 in The Awakened Want The Obelisk!   
    The cake is a lie. Always. :P
    And thanks goodness, it's the last faction! (Although I adored the WOCKIES. MUST DO A GRAPHICS WITH THAT!)
  22. Like
    Xepha reacted to savamal in A detailed fight with abilities   
    FIghter: Drago_Boss (strength boost: 15, defense boost: 9.75)
    Opponent: The Drenched (strength boost: 13)
    Starting situation:

    Drago_Boss starts with 523 Health points
    Round 1: Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield + Bow of Destiny + Drain Life

    The Drenched healed 66 Health points which were taken by Drain Life only.
    Drago_Boss: 523 Health points - 108 damages + 66 Health points from Drain Life = 481 Health points.
    Round 2: Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield + Bow of Destiny + Meditate

    Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield doesn't defend against Dark icons, Drago_Boss takes 3x13 (strength boost of The Drench) = 39 damages.
    Drago_Boss: 481 Health points - 39 damages + 4 Health points from Meditation = 446.
    Round 3: Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield + Bow of Destiny + Burrow

    Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield fully blocked the Physical icons (5x9.75 > 2x13)
    Burrow only fully blocked the Fire icons. Thus only Dark icons remain: 8x13 = 104 damages
    Meditation is working FOR ANOTHER ROUND!!!
    Drago_Boss: 446 Health points -104 damages + 4 Health points from Meditation = 346 Health points
    Round 4: Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield + Bow of Destiny (no more abilities)

    Sadly Meditation stopped working
    Well the result of this battle is quite obvious...
    Extra note on Burrow
    I don't know if it's a glitch, but you can use Burrow on the turn when you're frozen and it WORKS!!!
  23. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from karmacow in Aethia's Ability Academy Opens!   
    Our BP crew would appreciate to be notified of any discoveries you make. :P
    The abilities page just refuse to load here, so even though I have some points to spend, I can't do it now. :(
    And I'd try to explain how things work for Summer, but it's pretty confusing until you see if for yourself. In a nutshell, bless your pet to gain "favor points" with faeries. Then each abilities cost some of these favor points. You can train one abilities per row (e.g. level 1, level 5...) And if you change your mind on which abilities you want to be active, you will have to spend some more favor points.
    One major difference now is that this abilities system encourage people to keep training their pet up to level 500!!!
  24. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Aethia's Ability Academy Opens!   
    Our BP crew would appreciate to be notified of any discoveries you make. :P
    The abilities page just refuse to load here, so even though I have some points to spend, I can't do it now. :(
    And I'd try to explain how things work for Summer, but it's pretty confusing until you see if for yourself. In a nutshell, bless your pet to gain "favor points" with faeries. Then each abilities cost some of these favor points. You can train one abilities per row (e.g. level 1, level 5...) And if you change your mind on which abilities you want to be active, you will have to spend some more favor points.
    One major difference now is that this abilities system encourage people to keep training their pet up to level 500!!!
  25. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Aethia's Ability Academy Opens!   
    Typically, we don't post news when Neopets is experiencing server problems. It's happening more and more, and that would be extremely difficult to catch.
    However, we have a thread on the forums, pinned in our help section, titled Official Neopets down/having issues. Check it out when you want to know if you are the only person having problems.
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