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  1. Like
    Xepha reacted to Clumsy rockyroad1 in Why does AA Sans Quotes have so many likes?   
    I am also amusing myself on how many likes I get on this matter.
    Edit: I can't believe how much reputation I get for this topic!
  2. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lydia Trebond in Why does AA Sans Quotes have so many likes?   
    So close and yet so far...
    AA did not manipulate his own reputation.
    (We are amusing ourselves seeing what theories crop up...)
  3. Like
    Xepha reacted to antiaircraft in Why does AA Sans Quotes have so many likes?   
    I have no comment on the matter.
  4. Like
    Xepha reacted to Clumsy rockyroad1 in Why does AA Sans Quotes have so many likes?   
    Why does AA have 1,000,000,015 (For Europeans: likes?
    Is this accidental or intentional?
    Edit: 1,000,000,018 likes.
    Let's see, even if the whole community, including yourself, liked every post you made, you will have a maximum of 309,595,870 likes.
  5. Like
    Xepha reacted to Spritzie in Question about lending items for avatars   
    For item lending, previous lend history really doesn't factor in. (Unless items have been stolen, at which point that leads to no future lending to that person.) We don't lend for free, so a member requesting a lend, whether they have a lend history or not, either has the collateral and can be lent to, or doesn't have the collateral and they have to wait until they do have it.
    However, we do offer reduced collateral. After 100 posts here on the forums, a member is eligible for reduced collateral lends. The amount the collateral is reduced is based on the number of posts.
    (Just remember to never spam to achieve a higher post count. All posts should contribute to the community and conversation.)
  6. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in New Altador Cup Images Show Roster Changes   
    New Altador Cup wallpaper images have been found, some depicting roster changes for this seasons line up!

    Click for larger preview
  7. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Regarding FFQ..   
    You can keep your reward for later. If you were to get a third FFQ tomorrow, you would have to use your pending reward before being able to turn in the required items for quest #3. (I've got screenies from a TDN visitor attesting of that fact.)
  8. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from ~Xandria in I've got an adoption problem :(   
    Grundos are not overly popular as species. Christmas is a cheap paint job. Add to that the fact that many people are name picky and will turn down a pet if its name is not capitalised.
    If you plan to keep your other Grundo (princess), then I'd advise pounding since you will be keeping the clothes for your other pet.
  9. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Unreleased Caption #1307   
    I will never get sick of captions featuring WOCKIES! :P
  10. Like
    Xepha reacted to Emily in Thieves Win Boons, Avatar And Site Theme!   
    TNT mentioned in the news on the 30th that we could once again choose factions. On the page where that's done, there's a countdown to battle. We also noted this in our Obelisk Guide and in our news posts. Whenever there's something going on, be sure to keep and eye on TDN's front page for up to the minute updates!
  11. Like
    Xepha reacted to Aquamentis12 in Thieves Win Boons, Avatar And Site Theme!   
    Congrats to the Thieves guild!
    I must agree with my fellow Order members, it's a bit disappointing getting over 1000 victories for a loss of the boon. But perhaps the Order shall rise in the next round. I am very impressed with the members of The Order who've been posting their wins on the official forum. I'm sure we gave you thieves a good run for the boons. But you guys pulled it off, so congrats again! :)
    I must say though, I believe this system is going to be tedious for most people after awhile. If every 7 days, we have to battle for 4 days just to get a chance at the boon. And doing tens of thousands of battles per faction. Well, it's going to be a pain and very tiring. They should do it maybe 24 or 48 hours at the most, then award the boon for 7 days. 4days of fighting just is too much. At least so soon after the war's end. I'm still suffering battle fatigue from my battles during the war. And now this skirmish. For me, combined, that's over 10,000 battles.
    I'm kinda glad to not have to worry about it for another 7 days though. I can build up some of the NP I've lost to training. LOL
    Thieves Guild, enjoy your boon! :)
  12. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in TDN NOW HIRING: Awesome jobs for awesome people!   
    We at TDN are hiring several new positions in our Altador Cup, Battlepedia, and News departments. We are also looking for users who are consistently online at midnight NST to help with various site updates as they arise.
    If any of these positions peak your interest, apply now!

    Altador Cup | Battlepedia | News | Midnight Staffers

  13. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Lenny Library   
    There is no way to know the answer to that question... Nobody here works for Neopets.
  14. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from crazy_cat_luv_bb in One-click import for avatars   
    I can place a word with Ian and see if that can be decreased for everybody...
    Meanwhile, if for any reason you need to run the tool more than once per 30 days, please send us a ticket and we will be able to manually reset it within your profile (Do not abuse of our kindness :P)
  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in One-click import for avatars   
    I can place a word with Ian and see if that can be decreased for everybody...
    Meanwhile, if for any reason you need to run the tool more than once per 30 days, please send us a ticket and we will be able to manually reset it within your profile (Do not abuse of our kindness :P)
  16. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Alishkah in Game Trohpies   
    For sure, you need to practice a lot. But the one thing that can really help you getting a trophy is landing on the highscore table on the first of the month. I got most of my trophy that way. It's a combination of luck and good timing.
  17. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in One-click import for avatars   
    I can place a word with Ian and see if that can be decreased for everybody...
    Meanwhile, if for any reason you need to run the tool more than once per 30 days, please send us a ticket and we will be able to manually reset it within your profile (Do not abuse of our kindness :P)
  18. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Game Trohpies   
    For sure, you need to practice a lot. But the one thing that can really help you getting a trophy is landing on the highscore table on the first of the month. I got most of my trophy that way. It's a combination of luck and good timing.
  19. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from tk421beth in Game Trohpies   
    For sure, you need to practice a lot. But the one thing that can really help you getting a trophy is landing on the highscore table on the first of the month. I got most of my trophy that way. It's a combination of luck and good timing.
  20. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Game Trohpies   
    For sure, you need to practice a lot. But the one thing that can really help you getting a trophy is landing on the highscore table on the first of the month. I got most of my trophy that way. It's a combination of luck and good timing.
  21. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Welcome to May!   
    First reaction when I saw the thread from the homepage. "Ohhh we have a new staffer named May"
    And then, I clicked, and yes, it's MAY ALREADY!
  22. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Welcome to May!   
    First reaction when I saw the thread from the homepage. "Ohhh we have a new staffer named May"
    And then, I clicked, and yes, it's MAY ALREADY!
  23. Like
    Xepha reacted to Dynohawk in Where can I find an up todate list of Backgrounds   
    Awesome thanks :)
    Ah I should have known this site would have something :D Thanks
  24. Like
    Xepha reacted to Rune Valentine in We're Hiring: Several New Positions!   
    Depends really on what you're applying for, like if you are after Altador Cup Staff, you'll be needing to be available for coverage during the Altador Cup (obviously), for News Team you'll be wanting to be available to post news as it becomes available, Content Staff you'll be wanting to be around for events that need coverage, and available to do other projects when they are needed, Battlepedia Team you'll be wanting to be able to do weapons updates, testing, etc. We also have a ticket system that always needs some tending to ;)
    Regular contributions just mean getting things up-to-date and not disappearing without a word, mostly :) We want our Staffers to stick around and get stuff done! It's not to say you should be available 24/7, but you should be able to set aside enough time to work on things that currently need to be worked on. Each department has their own head, so they'd be your go-to person for to-do lists in each department.
  25. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lydia Trebond in We're Hiring: Several New Positions!   
    Also last year, our most reliable new AC reporter had never participated in it :)
    My first post in the forums was my AC Interview two years ago as AC Trial staff. XD
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