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  1. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Luxina in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Mootix' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Werelupe' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Much thanks to the ALP!
    Edit: March 14 Finally Master Vex!! This one was a long haul.
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Master Vex' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  2. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to Nielo in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    I hardly ever sell anything (and I hoard everything), because I don't really care about NeoPoints. I don't buy much either (hence the not caring about NP, and also not caring about whether or not the things I donate are more valuable than the things I might get in return; they all just sit in my SDB anyway). I just like getting random stuff, and yeah, I think anticipation is a good word to describe it: knowing you could get something rare, something awesome. I think I actually prefer the anticipation to getting the actual thing. The immediate moment of getting it is great, and then it just becomes normal real quick. (This goes for real life as much as Neopets, to be honest. XD)
    I actually think this way of hosting the CC is inspiring more greed, as last year you could donate only several times and still come away with some really great items (depending on your luck, of course), while this year, if the speculations about a prize shop are correct, it stands to reason that more points will equal better prizes. So people who don't have a lot of items to donate are either out of luck, or forced to buy a lot of stuff if they want to participate and get a shot at more points, and I'm guessing prices of every single thing will be rising super fast right now (I haven't checked, but that's usually what happens, right?).
    I don't know. It might be a great way to clear up some server space, but it's a real chore; at least the instant gratification made it bearable last year. I want to participate and help them clear server space, but without the restrictions of what we're able to donate, it just takes way too much time (that I don't have). I mean, a moral lesson is all well and good*, but this is still a game, right? Without the instant gratification, the part of the game that was actually fun is kind of gone.
    *I don't think one lesson about greed in a game that's primarily about things & NP (Win stuff! Buy stuff! Sell stuff! Trade stuff! Auction stuff! Stocks! Gambling (wheels, card games)! Etc.) is really all that effective, nor is it surprising that people aren't entirely happy with the way this CC is set up.
  3. Thanks
    lojoco49 got a reaction from rntracy1 in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    Yep that would've been a monumental pain in the a**!
    Further to @Steve's post I have just found this-
    r1-r79: 1 point r80-89: 2 points r90-97: 6 points r98-r100: 8 points r101: 1 point r102-r175: 4 points r200: 15 points
  4. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from micheee in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Mootix' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Werelupe' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Much thanks to the ALP!
    Edit: March 14 Finally Master Vex!! This one was a long haul.
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Master Vex' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  5. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Mootix' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Werelupe' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Much thanks to the ALP!
    Edit: March 14 Finally Master Vex!! This one was a long haul.
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Master Vex' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  6. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to neo_girl_300993 in Avatars: What have you got?   
    (So yeah did not clear the haze on this page)
    I love it when you get a random avatar and don't have to visit a page every day anymore! Peace of mind.
  7. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to neo_girl_300993 in Avatars: What have you got?   
  8. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to shoobopper in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Sewage Surfer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Gadgadsgame' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Got these two. Sewage Surfer took FOREVER. Gadsgadsgame was fun.
  9. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    Yep that would've been a monumental pain in the a**!
    Further to @Steve's post I have just found this-
    r1-r79: 1 point r80-89: 2 points r90-97: 6 points r98-r100: 8 points r101: 1 point r102-r175: 4 points r200: 15 points
  10. Haha
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in Last to post wins!   
    Oh no . . .
    *tries to resist*
     . . .
    *struggles hard*
    . . .
    Nope, I can't fight it, sorry guys, @Duma put the words in my head and now they HAVE to get out!
  11. Thanks
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    Certainly looks like it! Pretty interesting thing for them to do. I'm hoping this means not that from now on they'll be like this, but that there's always a chance that of a shake up of requirements for each new event.
    I'm just glad that I hadn't discarded the nearly 800 pieces of obsidian that I had tucked away, lol. I have previously donated/discarded all omelettes and  jellies, plus kelp, cinderblock, fish etc. so a lot of points lost for me, but I'm hopeful for getting a decent amount despite that.
    This is going to REALLY clear up a lot of bandwidth for TNT, isn't it! Pretty astute move of them really.
  12. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Last to post wins!   
    OMG @jellysundae just Rickrolled us 
  13. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Duma in Last to post wins!   
    Yep definitely looks manic-depressive to me...
  14. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from emily_speck_15 in The Coincidence   
    Lucky!! Well done to you  The only reason I try is in the hope of getting a petpetpet
  15. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to emily_speck_15 in The Coincidence   
    I would like to say thank you, I decided to do it after reading this just to see what would happen and got a Bumbluz petpetpet!
  16. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    You see, when I talked in another thread about them needing some Deus ex Machina thing to finally get those guys out of bed, I absolutely remembered them pulling the "the entire last season was all a bad dream" thing with whats-her-face on Dallas . . . whoever Victoria Principal played. So you saying this now amuses me greatly. xD
  17. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    I'll take your ending, just to be finished with this "plot". Or, Queen Fyora wakes up in bed and it was all a bad dream...
    I have a feeling this plot may have been delayed due to other things expected or promised in the next coming months. There is still, hopefully, the annual Faerie Quest event, Festival of Neggs, and Daily Dare. And a Charity Corner is/was promised. AC, for that matter, is "just around the corner", too. Wondering if they are having to get all of that ready, and has gotten them behind on (finishing) the plot. But, yeah, they never say why. Just, "Oh, sorry! But we will wrap things up soon.", kind of comment. At least they are acknowledging it, even if they aren't stating why.
  18. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    "Well they got away with it in Dallas!" - That's exactly what I thought when reading @Scoobert_Doo's post lol
  19. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to Duma in Last to post wins!   
    I'm all dizzy now reading that post from @Scoobert_Doo ROFL.
  20. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in Last to post wins!   
    *bundles @Scoobert_Doo into a cupboard, post-haste* 
  21. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from samid11 in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    This is on JN so I really hope we can wrap this thing up Monday!

  22. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Nielo in Spring Forward   
    I'll add in my 2 cents worth here to commiserate with @jellysundae and @Nielo.
    At the moment midnight NST is 9 pm for me. Once they 'spring forward' it will be 8 pm, then in 3 weeks when we 'fall back' it'll be 7 pm  So I don't catch up like you guys in the Northern hemisphere, I fall even further out of sync. I hate daylight savings!
  23. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in Spring Forward   
    All in all, we're all really lucky that it DOES say the Neo time on the site, aren't we.
  24. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Spring Forward   
    I'll add in my 2 cents worth here to commiserate with @jellysundae and @Nielo.
    At the moment midnight NST is 9 pm for me. Once they 'spring forward' it will be 8 pm, then in 3 weeks when we 'fall back' it'll be 7 pm  So I don't catch up like you guys in the Northern hemisphere, I fall even further out of sync. I hate daylight savings!
  25. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    Well, today's (9 Mar 2018) Neopian Times Editorial (Issue: 818, 9th day of Running, Y20) had this question and answer:
    ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=818
    So I guess @kayahtik's wish came true. I noted that Scrappy said "soon" three times. And I'm really hoping we will see movement on this plot, next week. However, I do get nervous when Scrappy say's "soon", as her definition of soon, doesn't match mine. I guess we will see.
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