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Everything posted by thrillerman1234

  1. The Faerie's ruin plot is what the RE is referencing.
  2. This is kind of hard. If we were able to get 2, then I could see the price plummet to somewhere around 7-10 mil, maybe even less. However, since we only get 1, and the only people with extras are the ones who already have one or the cheaters, idk. Maybe the massive supply in the trading post might bring it down HOPEFULLY to the previous range, but I doubt it. Though, if it does, then I plan to scoop one.
  3. I'm playing it now, just got my town to level 2. My main gripes that it feels that it holds my hand a bit more than I would like it to, one MAJOR plus I have for this game is that the pearly neggs can be earned by playing the microgames. If I remember this post, I'll give my further thought after I get deeper in
  4. I'm just happy they're not stuck at 10k. Speaking of charity corner, I do hope that the next chairity corner is a true charity where we can donate unlimited items. M̶y̶ 3̶k̶ o̶b̶s̶i̶d̶i̶a̶n̶s̶ h̶a̶v̶e̶ b̶e̶e̶n̶ w̶a̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶o̶o̶ l̶o̶n̶g̶. But if we get to donate as much as we want, PLEASE make it so that we don't have to refresh the page every time.
  5. I mean, why not? He has to have a combat form to be able to humble those who dare challenge him. I can imagine this playing out: Thief: Your NP or your life! Sabre-X: Child, you are not ready. Leave before I make an omelette out of you. Thief: I've taken on many Lupes like you, I can take you on, ! Sabre-X: *transforms into BD pose* Do you feel as confident now, or should I get my carrots and peas? *pulls out Bone Axe* Thief: *books it* On a realistic note, they probably didn't update the old design for him, the BD one his actually his new design.
  6. Nice try!
  7. I guess a new challenger approaches
  8. The legend returns.
  9. It doesn’t hurt to try
  10. Hey, there are actually a few posts on reddit that explain how to deal with the issue, but I'm assuming you found those posts.
  11. You did a great job with this custom! How much did the whole customization cost?
  12. We sure will
  13. Nice try.
  14. Worth a shot. Thanks for the advice!
  15. Hey guys. It's been a while. I wanted to post something here and see what you guys think it was a story I was writing for my shopkeeper. This might take a while to read though. Zazzles the shopkeeper says: I'll give you an omelette if I can have few minutes of your time You actually want the omelette? Well, here you go! (He hands you an omelette from behind the counter) (Your pet eats it immediately) Thanks! (He grabs a timer and sets it for 5 minutes) Now, I know this is weird, but I just need someone to talk to about how I feel. I've been this guy's shopkeeper for, like 11 years. I remember when he first saw me, he named me zazzles. He said I had a lot of 'zazz', and eagerly chose me as to stay here and run the shop. And I had no problem doing so. He was just a kid, and I needed something to do. I was just an orphan whose parents never returned, and having someone finally want me, and love me felt great, really great. (He wipes a tear from his eye) He would come in, give me a big hug, drop in some random junk, sell it at a random price, and check the till to see if anyone bought any items and come back in like a week or so. A few years later, he made a big expansion to the shop, like a HUGE one, and told me he wanted to own one of the strongest weapons in Neopia: a Wand of the Dark Faerie, or WoDF for short. I was amazed at this massive goal he had and was happy for him. He put these books at high prices and hoped that people would come by and help support him in his dream. And I waited for the day when he would finally own one. (His face saddens) Of course, he got older and got busier. He would say hi and quickly check the till then leave. Some days, he drop a bunch of items, set their price and leave, all without saying hello. Others, he wouldn't even come by, even when he was online with his other pets. I was just here... alone... waiting. I remember one day, after like a year since he last logged on, I told him about some of the things I seen in other shops, and some nice design choices, some business ideas he could use to he could use to attract customers, and that if he wanted to achieve his dream he has to come by more often. (You notice that anger is slowly mixed with his sadness) Nothing. He just checked the till and tried to leave. I remember leaving the desk and trying to show all the work I put into his dream. He just walked right over me and out the shop. Multiple times... MULTIPLE times I tried to get his attention and and help him out and what do I get?! Nothing... just... nothing. (His anger subsides) Months go by, and one day, a light faerie stopped by the shop. I was so excited, like, finally, a customer! Said she needed some directions to money tree and I told her where to go. She was about to leave, but then came back and asked how I was feeling. I told her what was going on, and she encouraged me to not lose hope but the next time he was here, do your best to tell him how you feel. She gave me a big hug, kindly say goodbye and said she would return to help me set some things up to have a party when he returns. A month later, he finally returns! and I was so happy! I let the confetti fall and drop the banner. But no response, he was going to do what he normally does. But I didn't give up! I remember doing what the light faerie told me and told him what I was feeling, that I was feeling really lonely and that I wanted to be one of his pets. No response; he was putting a price on one of items he brought. I tried harder, I was getting in his face, hiding items he was going to put on sale, nothing. It was like I was not even there. (Tears start to form in eyes) I got violent, I tugged, I scratched, I bit. He headed for the till. I yelled... I begged... I cried. He started to go for the door. I told him I loved him. He didn't even stop, he walked right out. He didn't even see the gift I had in my hand for him. I was devastated. (The timer rings) Oh, I guess that's it. Thanks for listening to me. I mean if you have another five minutes, I'll give you another omelette? (Take the omelette?) [Yes/No] [Yes] To be continued. [No] I-I understand. (He wipes his tears) Thanks for shopping **** Let me know what you think.
  16. My favorite has been the grarrl. It's the neopet that I grew up with as a kid and still is my favorite. But Eyries have been a close second for me. Dislikes though I haven't thought about.
  17. Shortly, indeed. Welcome to the thread.
  18. I've been seeing your name around and now noticed you are a mod for the forum. Do you like the job?
  19. I find it funny that when I looked at this thread It was like 1 & 1/2 since the last post, thinking this was going to be my chance. I'm either not going to win, or I was the spark this thread needed. Either way, I'm now in the lead.
  20. How about now?
  21. Guess who's back after a long hiatus.
  22. That sucks to hear. I know i almost got my account hacked, but managed to get it back before they did any damage. If you would like a np donation to help rebuild what was lost, you can nm saying you opened a trade for me. <---- username is there
  23. From what i heard (don't quote me) but you can get banned for mentioning reddit(). Plus, the rules on the reddit are a lot more lax than neo, (cursing, etc)
  24. i do the same with the orange grundo wardrobe. It goes from dying to very bloated after 1-2 feeds. Plus the very bloated stat lasts for 1-2 weeks
  25. Pie is overrated (just kidding) What's the best pie to try? I only had it once.
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