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discobiscuit last won the day on May 22 2024

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  1. I had to turn off my ad blocker for the ad to appear. Makes sense now that I typed it out like that, but maybe that'll help somebody.
  2. Neopets is back up! Like everyone else, I lost the opportunity to battle or volunteer yesterday, but both battles and working in the hospital are working like before for me. Trudy's surprise didn't reset for me, but I think I may have gotten it in before the outage yesterday, so that may be different for other players. My weekly quest started over because I couldn't finish my daily quest yesterday which is unfortunate, but at least the weekly prize didn't change.
  3. still down 4 hours in (11pm NST). No chance of finishing my daily quest today
  4. This happened to me two days in a row, but I noticed it fast enough I could cancel and re-assign my second neopet to the job. It happens when I'm in a hurry and click the join button before the page completely finished loading. The join button gets drawn first or something and if you click it too early, it seems to assign the first pet a second time.
  5. Just started mine, so I only have one link so far: Single referral link
  6. I just tried again, (things are slow) and got the "Come back tomorrow" screen, refreshed, and was able to spin normally. Thank you! I'd rather get error messages or something so I know to come back and try again later. A normal person would've just gone away sad and had to start over the next day.
  7. A week ago, neopets was being super slow and odd things happened in the morning, but corrected themselves by the evening. The odd things I noticed included the bank interest was wrong and Trudy's Surprise acting like I'd already spun. These two things definitely happened to me again this morning. I also think Jhudora's quest reset. I'm wondering if other people have noticed weirdness as well? Maybe some internal neopets clock is stuck. Hopefully, things will go back to normal in a few hours like last week.
  8. Also, isn't this kind of a strange warning to send out? It's not like I can get a 7-day quest cycle done in 5 days to beat a deadline. It just seems like added pressure to not miss a day and reset the weekly quest counter.
  9. I know Neopets has had some issues with lag/slowness but this morning (6am NST) was super slow and super weird. One of the weird things was Trudy's surprise loaded as if I had spun it already today and also reset the 28 day cycle. I was only one week into the cycle, so I wasn't too sad about the reset, but I checked just now (7pm NST) and it wasn't reset after all. I was able to spin it and got my proper amount. If you happen to be reading TDN forums after a disappointing Tuesday neopets morning, try again! It may be working now.
  10. I kept thinking "Man, I really need to restart my browser or something, Neopets seems slow" and then, of course, doing nothing. So I thought it was just me!
  11. It's just for today for April Fools Day. A bunch of positive posters appeared, but after you sign the contract, the posters that pop up were distinctly less friendly. I didn't think to save all the ones I saw, but here's another example
  12. that took a dark turn from "hang in there!" didn't it?
  13. I'm old and don't like change, so I thought I'd ask what the kids thought of the Neopass? I'm mostly joking. They didn't put this much effort into a new authentication system without expecting it to be around forever, so I assume at some point I will have to use it. I guess I'm wondering if people are having good experiences and would recommend switching to it now or is it buggy and I should wait?
  14. After years and years of playing, I discovered that if you have the shop wizard open prior to getting a quest, you can do one search after the quest starts. This has helped me immeasurably when using faerie quest fortune cookies or during an event with daily quests since you control when the quest begins, but it also got me into the habit of having the shop wizard open in a tab while I do my dailies.
  15. I did! Mintyfish is at level 503, with strength and defense just above 750. I did move HP up to 1008 but I don't think I'm going to push it to 1500. There's no increase in multiplier after 750 for strength or defense so one could safely stop at level 375, but because I had put HP at 840 on my own, I had to bring level up to at least 420 in order to do anything with strength/defense. Once I did that, I made a goal of getting to level 500 to be able to get the last level of faerie abilities. I'm collecting my bottled faeries for it now. I should mention that by the end, I'd invested into Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies, so I spent the last few months doing a faerie quest every day (sometimes twice - thanks faerie festival!) and upgraded randomly for much of the way and trained to even things out. To be honest, the FQFC path was more fun than the full-time training grind, but you might have to spend real life money for it. There have been in-game gifts of NC lately and I happily spent it all on fortune cookies.
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