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Posts posted by beenblessed40

  1. I use Maraquan supporter on my old side account. I think it's one of my favorites. I've made it a goal to use all of my avatars for at least a week on my main. I just went through my pirate ones, and I really like the pirate shoyru. I've also been using the Tyrannian background, and the tyrannian avatars look great with it. Before that, I favored the library faerie.

  2. Yes, this is me. There are a few things I would like that are around 2 mil. I told myself that once I reached 5 mil and upgraded my account then I would buy it, but I can't get myself to do it. Now I've told myself I'll wait until the next upgrade, and so on. Basically, if something is under 1 mil, and I can justify spending that much, then I have no problem. But I hardly ever just buy stuff without thinking it through. Fortunately, this trait carries over in real life, too.

  3. Yes, I have so many 20 and 50 dubloon coins, but somehow I can never get the 5 dubloon coins I need for training. Grr... They had a rapid decrease around December, I believe, but I couldn't say why for sure.

  4. Welcome! We always enjoy meeting new friends around here. You already have more trophies than I do, way to go! I started playing full-time again about a year ago. I agree that some of the changes are quite wonderful, especially the new Trudy daily.


    Tracy- thank you for listing some more ways to get trophies! I haven't done too many site events yet.

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