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Posts posted by beenblessed40

  1. I have a whole stack to get through, but school keeps getting in the way. I have been able to read a few books though. I'm kind of into non-fiction right now, and I found a stack of really great books about Oregon history (I live in Oregon, so I found them quite interesting). I also read the Autobiography of Mark Twain and that was pretty great. A Prayer for Owen Meany has been on my list for quite some time so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, Teeniem.

  2. I used to donate everything but once I started visiting the money tree more and I saw how annoying it is when it's filled with nothing but junk (for me at least), I started discarding more of it. Now I'm kind of going for the rubbish avvie and I'm also selling a lot more.

  3. In second grade, my friend's dad heard about it and thought we would enjoy it but I was 7 at the time so I was just on Neopets junior. I thought it was the greatest thing at the time even though you really couldn't do much. Once I turned 9, one of my best friends brought it up and told me about all the things you could do on a regular account with permission, so I went home and my dad helped me with all that. I played on that account for about 4 years until it got hacked. Fast forward to high school. It was the middle of August and I was bored out of my mind scrolling through tumblr and someone had posted a neopets thingy and I was like, why not? So I made my current account. Just a few months ago I was able to regain access to my old account and it was one of the most nostalgic moments of my life.

  4. Hi, welcome! I was able to get my first account back after 7 years. The tickets weren't going through, so I just sent an email straight to TNT and I had it taken care of within a week. I think my case is a rare one, but there is definitely hope! I would say maybe wait until all the transition bugs are taken care of, but I don't know how soon that will be. As far as games go, neopoint ratios are changed on the 25th of each month.

  5. I started playing when I was 9 and now I'm 19. I stopped playing during middle school when my first account was hacked, then a few years ago I made a new one on a whim and have been playing steadily since then. Only a couple of my friends know that I play. I feel like I enjoy it more now than I did when I was younger. I understand what's going on a whole lot better. Also the guild I'm in is mostly older folks. Definitely not just a kids game.

  6. Hi there! I've been playing on and off for about 10 years now (I started when I was 9, now I'm 19) but I'm new to the forum as well. Only two of my friends know that I still play. I think it's sad that so many have dismissed it as a silly kids game and I would argue that it's even more fun now since I finally understand what's going on. I'm always willing to offer what little advice I have and I love talking to new people!

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