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Posts posted by beenblessed40

  1. People sighing, when there's more than one song playing at the same time, and really low-pitched noises. (I have perfect pitch and misophonia so there are a lot...)


    Name 3 things that instantly calm you down.

  2. I'm going for the rubbish avvie as well, then I will definitely donate.


    Question: Lately when I visit the second-hand shop it has allowed me to get more than 10 items per day. Is this a glitch or have they changed something? (I'm wondering because this is where I collect most of my rubbish)

  3. That's an interesting question. I'd never thought about it before.


    I have one petpet specifically for grave danger, then I have another cheap one specifically for Turmy. I just make sure my active pet is the one with the turmy petpet, and the other one can continue with grave danger. Unless you only have one pet, in which case I have no idea.

  4. Welcome!!! I also returned after several years away and have been on just about every day since then. It's always nice to meet other users like me :) And I cannot properly express my appreciation for the dailies page. Pretty sure I would be lost without it.

  5. Hmm, I wonder what it is that I'm remembering then. It's an avatar thing I think, changing the language to get one or something, I'm relatively sure it was before Neo was sold to Nickleodean, but I could be totally wrong there. :*


    I know a lot of players changed their language to increase their chances of getting the Island Mystic avatar. That trick was still working a few months ago when I got the avatar. Other than that I can't think of what else it might be.

  6. I can relate to this so much. My grandma is battling cancer round 2 and it would be going okay if she didn't also have a sudden heart problem. They can't treat her heart until the cancer is gone, but they can't give her the full cancer treatment until her heart is stronger. She has insisted on getting the full cancer treatment anyway. I'm trying to stay positive but it's really hard. I know she's strong in spirit, and I hope that will get her through this. We're going to visit her in 2 weeks if she makes it that far. Probably the hardest part for me is that my grandma and I never had a very strong relationship and now that I'm faced with all this I've started to feel guilty even though I know it's not really my fault (she's always had favorites, and it wasn't me). I just want to make things right between us before she's gone and I don't really know where to start.


    That said, it's encouraging to read about what you all have been through and how strong it has made you. I will keep you all in my thoughts.

  7. My house key with a kitty on it, pepper spray, and this old Winnie the Pooh keychain I got at Disneyland when I was 8.


    Name 3 things you cannot buy where you live.

  8. I'm an intern for a local portrait photographer right now. I use a Nikon D5100 and I just love it! Before that, I used a Sony A390 and although they aren't a major DSLR maker, it was a pretty good camera. I also have my grandfather's old Canon film camera that I use occasionally. I mostly shoot actor headshots and individual portraits. I thought about getting into wedding photography but that is so much more work and I don't think I'm ready for that at this point. I also very much enjoy nature/landscape/travel photography. I'll see if I can dig up some good ones to share.


    My best advice for those who want to get into photography is to find as many local photographers as you can and just ask them if you can follow them around. Most are eager to share their knowledge and would probably be more than willing to take you on. Also, make sure you have your own style. Something that makes your photos different from anyone else's. That's what makes people hire you.

  9. I generally make about 20K per day. I was curious about this one day so I made a spreadsheet and listed everything I earned and everything I spent (organized into columns for games, shop, dailies, etc. and in groups of a week) and it helped me so much. I figured out how to use my time most efficiently and I was able to set reasonable goals based on my data. It also kept me from spending too much at a time.

  10. I'm a relatively tidy person and it drives me crazy to have more than like 10 pages in my SDB. In the past, I've usually only kept very important things like advent calendar prizes, codestones and dubloons. I just got the pack rat avvie with 35 pages of junk and I'm trying to clean it out. Let me know if you want stuff, I have plenty! Whatever is left will probably be sold or donated.

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