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Posts posted by fishstick013

  1. Jumpstart has questionable business ethics.  :c

    I feel like, every day I spend on Neopets, I hear another NC or premium horror story.  Perhaps you can dispute the charge with your credit card (?) or Paypal (?), depending how you paid.  I mean, you haven't gotten services you paid for, so if they revoke the charge, that should get Jumpstart's attention.

    I'm sorry you're money has been wasted so far.

  2. For previous Festival of Neggs they released the same avatar several years in a row which was actually great so new avatar hunters could get the event related avatar. I for one am glad they did this or I wouldn't have been able to get that avatar. If they release a new avatar great, that's one more for my collection "if I qualify to get it". If they re-release last year's avatar then that's great too for those who may have missed it. :)


    I completely understand your reasoning from both angles, lol.  Either way, avs are cool with me, too.

  3. So, I'm kind of hoping that the (assumed) avatar for the event with be a re-release of the one from last year.  I know many people would be uproarious about that, but I'm just not impressed with some of the artwork related to the event already.  A new (potentially ugly) avatar is worse than an old (kinda hideous), re-released avatar.

  4. I've never had roommates, so I can't exactly relate to the situation.  One thing you could try (if compromise doesn't work) is finding ways to be gone when she typically gets ready to leave to go out.  That might be hard, being overseas.  Maybe you could find other students (?) that don't enjoy going out as often and spend more time doing things with them.  If there are cafes you like, you could maybe visit one of those for a couple hours in the evening so perhaps your roommate will have left to go out already.


    Hopefully you don't have to change roommates/rooms just because her zealous partying is ... overzealous.

  5. The only game I really started to dislike because of the av score is mynci's beach volleyball, but when I try again to get the av score hours will pass, sometimes half the day is gone, thinking THIS time I'll get it and be done with it! Just to fail again...

    Oh, man!  RIGHT?  That's the one I've actually been putting effort into lately, and it's just so ... crappy that there are 6 levels.  Maybe if the cut-off score was 15 instead of 12 the first few levels, things would be easier.




    Most of the avies that have eluded me are games and stamp related (I'll never get the stamps ones... I've given up on them). I play the games, but I end up rage quitting because they take forever or I get bored very quickly. The ones I've gotten like Kass Basher or Advert Attack have been out of pure luck. 

    Apparently, all the other games take luck just as much as skill and practice.  Why are avs so hard?  XD




    Hmm, I just looked at the "high-score" table for Hannah and the Wardrobe of Adventure, and I saw "fishstick013" in 88th place. Can't be too bad at Flash games if you managed to beat Hannah's score of 10,325, for the "Better Than You" game, and place in the top 100. The bonus levels can be tricky. Mynci Volleyball is still evil, though.

    Maybe I'd be more honest to say most flash games?  :c  I feel like maybe I can do those bonus levels because it's a 'quick' diversion and not the whole game?  I don't know how to explain myself, lol.  Maybe I'm just bad at getting scores for av games?  


    A general tip I have for any avatar game is to look for videos on youtube (a lot of people have game-play videos there). It might not always help, but it doesn't hurt!

    I've watched them for a few games (one that immediately comes to mind is Chia Bomber 2), and they're sometimes helpful.  Lol.  Other times, it's just confusing how people manage to make their hands/fingers move quickly enough to do the things they're doing.




    One last thing, if you can Kad, I know you can get game avatars. Kadding is one of the hardest avatars to get, IMHO.

    This is the most hopeful statement.  I think it's going to be hard for me to stop kadding after the avatar.  It's an addicting routine to get into, and there's such an adrenaline rush at refreshes.




    (and stamp album avatars, but I pretend those don't exist) 

    ... it also gives you more plays in a variety of games

    Uhhh.  They don't exist.  They're a myth like Jelly World, yo.

    That's genius.  I usually end up playing a game until I'm burnt out on it (and usually still haven't gotten the avatar D:).  At least that way, I'd diversify.  Like stocks.  Heh.  Now to actually put into effect this desire to do that.




    My favorites is filled with the games I need the avatar for.

    When you play . . .  Do you play each a certain amount of time before you decide to move on and try another?  I get wrapped up and play the same game for hours without realizing just how long I've been doing it.  I take breaks and stuff; I just don't pay any attention to the clock.




    I will concentrate on a game, and hope to get an avie.

    Best of luck to you when you decide that's what you want to do!  Your fruit machine trophy is wonderful.  Congrats on getting a wraith poogle, too!  Your lookup reflects how excited you are.

  7. I don't know about better, really.  I do know I greatly enjoyed math.  That game reminds me of the old timed tests we took in elementary school - 50 problems in about 1-2 minutes.  


    Your account is quite impressive!  And your pets have such intriguing customizations.  I love it!


    Um.  Game avatars I still need, sure.  There are tons.  I'll just list 4-5.  Spacerocked!  Snowmuncher, Extreme Potato Counter, Turtum, Volcano Run


    I have so few of them.  I think there are over 60 more I need to achieve at some point.

  8. I think it's really cool that parents are using the forums.  o:

    It's my fault my mom got her NP account, just under two years ago, and she's only semi-active.  She works and everything, so I understand, but it's really nice seeing (older) adults that use and enjoy the site because of their children's use of the site.

  9. I know I can't be alone in this, but ... I really want to up my avatar count.  Most of what I'm missing at this point falls in the game section, I believe.  That's definitely the area I've neglected.

    Even after reading guides and practicing for hours, I am awful at flash games.


    I've been feeding kads lately, and in the downtime between refreshes, my goal has been to practice a 'simple' avatar game - Mynci Beach Volleyball.  I still can't do well enough to even touch the av req score.  It's kinda disheartening, but I know it's on me to improve.  I don't know.


    Just makes the whole account improvement thing seem like a real reach, you know?

  10. Wow.  You're definitely putting a lot of effort into a free giveaway.  Kudos to you, and thanks for sharing with everybody!

    I'm sorry you don't celebrate Thanksgiving.  It's always such a delight to have family mayhem and lots of food.

    May I have 170, 207, 208, 209, and 245 please?


    Hopefully this might be of some help, if others are still going to ask for items.

    If I tallied properly, the remaining numbers should be:

    38, 39

    41, 46, 47, 49

    55, 56, 58

    61, 62, 68

    74, 76, 77, 79


    92, 93, 94, 95, 96

    103, 108, 109


    120, 128, 129

    131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138

    140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 149

    152, 153, 154, 155, 157

    165, 166, 168

    171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 178, 179

    181, 182, 184, 186, 188, 189

    192, 193, 195, 196, 197


    211, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219

    220, 221, 223, 225, 226, 228, 229

    233, 235, 237, 239

    240, 241, 243, 244

  11. tylerta98 - The only thing I noticed when I first looked at the line-up was the teacup. I think it's fantastic, and it just made the others unremarkable.

    Looking back, the others are cool enough, but they definitely don't hold a candle to the teacup.


    And on the flip side, your active pet is the one that is vulnerable to all the 'bad' random events too -- such as getting Boochi'd, turned invisible, turned blue if sad, etc.



    When REs were revamped, it was decided that color-changing REs would no longer exist. Your expensively-painted pets are safe from their color being affected like that. Boochi still zaps, but he will always miss. (I think he only still exists as an RE to give users a chance to obtain him as a battledome challenger.)

  13. This makes me really sad.


    You can definitely do something to help Stripes, though. If he has to be an outdoor cat while it's cold, you can make a shelter for him.

    These shelters should be pretty cheap to create, too, and maybe you could get your friends/neighbors to pitch in a little bit if the insulation or straw are harder to come by.


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