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Posts posted by Sinvanor

  1. I love CinemaSins, Honest Trailers and Smooth McGroove too. :D

    Hmm, let's see here...

    I watch a few super popular ones like Pewdiepie, Jenna Marbles and NigaHiga. (All of which are inappropriate for young viewers under the tweens or teens depending on how their parents feel about swearing or more adult humor jokes.)

    But for a few less popular ones I like Good Mythical Morning. They're not funny right off the bat and they do weird things, in fact I hated them the first time I watched them, but once you get used to the style and watch their "Will it __" videos as well as the challenges, it's pretty entertaining. There is one episode called "Will it pizza?" and the last one was really disgusting, but it was so funny because one of the guys eating it screamed "I AM SO ANGRY AT THIS PIZZA" out of nowhere. I dunno, it's up my humor alley, might not be for everyone. (No swearing or adult content of any kind, though some episodes might be kind of gross)


    On of the more specific and probably less general things I watch Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time, which is a tribute channel to Epic Meal Time that developed into it's own thing. Many people know of when he screamed at the butter to melt it. They basically make Swedish foods viking style that's over the top. Most people seem to like it, even if they're not Swedish. Watching people chop pork with real axes and scream at food to melt is pretty funny to me. (The swearing if any is in Swedish or bleeped out, I would say it's fine for young viewers in their tweens and teens.)

    Other then that, I tend to watch Gaming channels like Robbaz, Game Theory and Zero Punctuation. (Game theory is fine for younger viewers, but both Zero Punctuation and Robbaz often have swearing or adult humor.)
    And Eat Your Kimchi which is a Canadian couple who live in Korea and talk about Korea. I'm not even all that interested in South Korea, but they're so entertaining to me. Plus I used to like their Kpop music mondays before they stopped. (Any swearing when it happens is bleeped out. Fine for tweens and above, most content is PG.)

    Those might be kinda specific suggestions, but they maybe worth a shot too.

    I'll definitely be checking out Ten Second songs. Sounds like fun. :D
    Edit: Checked it out, instant sub. That guy is talented. Such vocal style range, dang!

  2. Been in your situation maaaaany times.

    Now I don't know about you and your friend's connection but judging your post I believe she trusts you.

    I myself also get far too attached to people over the net and it's been like that since I was a little kid. Because of this, I've built quite a few super strong bonds over the years and I've been the receiver of many deep stories. Now, how one responds in such conversations depends a lot on personalities. I would personally never ever stay passive and go with replies like "don't worry. I'm sure everything will be alright!" and I would be truly disappointed if one of my friends replied in that way. Such a line works in real life when you can hug your friend and never let go but I believe the net requires other actions. A part of my personality is that I love to solve problems. That is, when a person opens up to me I'm likely to devote a lot of spare time in order to solve his/her problem. This means I have to dig deeper and most important, give my view no matter what. This is sometimes good, sometimes bad. There are two kinds of people. Those who can take a kick in the butt and those who can't. I could go on and tell you a couple of stories but I rather not. Instead, my advice to you is that, while helping people over the net, don't be boring and shallow, join her team, share her quest for happiness and satisfaction. Good luck!



    Agreed with the kick in the butt thing. Statistically speaking people who really want to commit suicide don't say anything and usually give no sign. If she's saying or doing things that point to it, then it's a huge cry for help. Best thing for her would be therapy and more then likely something to help depression if that's what's causing her issue. Depression is a terrible, terrible thing and while meds won't fix it, given how depression works, they may allow her to live every day life better.


    If she's not getting better no matter what is going on in her life, then there might be something else going on too, like depression or something.


    I have a good friend who's mother tried to commit suicide for attention, then one of her attempts succeeded. Before this happened, she herself would talk about suicide like it was something to sneeze at. She now has a very different view on it and feels it's her responsibility to live because what she does effects others. I know that when I feel suicidal (due to depression and really dumb RL stuff), I forget how it would effect others.

  3. I don't mean any offense, but how do you know it's supernatural and not schizophrenia?

    That's exactly how I feel on this.


    Given how typical she discribed many of these creatures and spirits, I would say this is not a gift, but a curse and that most spirits are creepy or jerks.


    After I heard the lizard people illuminati-esque part though, I have my doubts.


    I doubt that there is a spirit world, but I also know that there is room for real research on the point since scientifically we don't know what happens after death.


    Given that I'm studying neurology and how the brain works, this does sound more like schizophrenia, specially with the idea that some spirits are mean to her.


    What would make a conclusion would be if she could answer this question. Can the spirits be mean to people who can't see them with recordable effects? Similar to a poltergeist like nature, Or do the spirits and creatures ONLY affect the seer? If the former can happen, then it would be a fascinating study and make bounds in something other then personal belief as to what happens in the afterlife. If it's the former, then I guess you could call me a non-believer, since the term belief means with out proof.


    I'm sorry to hear about your complete distrust of medication. I can in no way impose my opinions on you, so if you are in the belief that you don't need medical help, I can't do anything about that. However, you did admit to having anxiety and depression, and to taking your meds for that occasionally (which, I must stress, is a no-no! If there is a prescribed dose and schedule, you have to strictly adhere to it :sad01_anim: ), so I'm finding it hard to understand your blanket disapproval of the medical field. I was a fairly sickly child so I was a frequent visitor of doctors, so it appears we have completely opposite views on this matter. Then again, I am not in any type of medication so I can't put myself in your shoes. (I am all for distrusting the government, though. :rambo: My country's government has corruption deeply rooted in its system, and it's all over the news recently, so it's all really disheartening.)


    I am really not inclined to make sweeping generalizations about men and their behavior. I don't blame them, per se; I blame the patriarchal system set up in society that shape them into behaving in such a way. I am also in disagreement with your assigning gender to skills, intuitive or otherwise. I do, however, understand your frustration at being treated poorly by these people, and I am all for calling out rude behavior.


    I'm in no position to address this, since I can't perceive spirits and such, but vaccines? As in the smallpox/chickenpox/polio etc. variety? I find that hard to comprehend, even in a theoretical level. Those are specially targeted to deal with physical diseases, how could it be possibly relevant? I wish there was something I could do to convince you that medicine isn't here to get in the way between us and whatever's out there, but I just don't know how. And your conclusion that your medication "causes" other conditions is invalidated by your admission that you don't take them as you should. It really saddens me that you think of your doctors as your enemies instead of your allies.


    I must admit that I can't follow your train of thought with respect to your discussion on you having a dark past. But hey, a believer of reincarnation! I can totally get on board with that. :)


    It's good to hear you get nice experiences too, even little ones count. :) Though I notice you constantly return to expressing your dislike of medication. I just want to say that the fact that the people you knew who took their lives were on medication does not establish a causation between the meds and their actions. Because there are people who succumb to suicide despite not taking meds. There are many variables, so I wish you would try and not focus on only one.


    Ahhh, I would like to hear more about actual angels! What do they look like, what do they do, how do you know if they actually are? :nerd: To say that I am incredibly fascinated by angels would be an understatement. But it's just so incredibly hard to find decent reference books about them!

    :offtopic: @Azurablue - did you study to be an Egyptologist through formal education or self-study? Because if it's the former, I just want to commend you for taking up something you actually like! (This coming from someone who got a degree studying something she isn't even remotely interested in. :P ) Heck, even if you studied it on your own, that's a pretty awesome feat in itself. So good on you! :thumbsup:

    The extreme dislike of medication is frustrating to me too and makes me doubt it in the first place.


    I seem to be the only one questioning the validity of this though.


    Perhaps I've heard these kinds of stories with the focus on the person being special and protected so much that it sounds like a broken record to me, however, so I might be bias.


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  4. My mom woke me up this morning by telling me to get her purse for her and open the door for her while she carried one of my cats all bundled up in a blanket. She just told me something was wrong with him and that he was bleeding from his butt pretty heavily.


    She didn't call me back for a while, but I wasn't really nervous. I figured he would be okay. Then I got a call from my mom saying that she had made the call to put him down.

    Initially I was furious, not because she put him down but because she hadn't come to get me beforehand so that I could say goodbye.


    So I cried for a long time and snuggled my other cat.


    Then my mom got home and talked to me.


    They found dozens of tumors in his stomach chub. They said they multiplied really quickly and there was nothing they could do. They could be removed but they would keep coming back.


    So they put him down.

    It's heartbreaking to know that he isn't here anymore.


    I've never dealt with death well. Simply because it is so strange to me that someone or something I saw so much doesn't exist anymore and that I will never see them again.


    It breaks my heart even more to know that he had been suffering and we had no idea.


    I hope he didn't think we didn't love him enough to get him help because we really didn't know. The vet even said up until that point there most likely wouldn't have been any indicators that there was anything wrong with him.


    I have another cat, named Simba [yes I know, very original, I was in 7th grade when I got him.] who was my very first pet. I have always been closer with Simba than I was with Wrigley [the one we had to put down] as Wrigley was my Mom's buddy.


    Simba has been wandering around all day crying and it's breaking my heart to think that he doesn't understand where his friend has gone or that he does and he misses him.



    We are currently in the middle of moving from Ohio to Florida but as soon as we get to Florida, I am taking Simba to a vet to get checked, simply because I am worried now. He seems healthy but who knows.


    I'm just scared that they are going to find something wrong with him and I am going to lose both my babies.


    I am sorry for the long post. I just needed somewhere to vent.




    Wrigley [the lighter coloured one.] He was very pretty wasn't he? :[


    Simba misses his buddy.


    Awww, I'm so sorry to hear that :( I've had a cat that got lost and I never got him back, so I've never dealt with the death of a pet-pal. But my grandparents both died in the last year and that was tough to say the least for many reasons, specially because I didn't get to say goodbye to my Grandma, so I know some of what you're going though.


    I'm not religious in the least, but there is a scientific saying that says so far with what we know, energy doesn't get destroyed, only transfered. So everything that made up Wrigley is out there somewhere, perhaps in a flower outside your house, perhaps in a new born kitten or just in their air itself. He's still out there in our big wide world, as is every pet-person and person lost to time, disease and ageing.


    I know dealing with death is never easy (honestly, I don't think anyone is "good" with it, we're not supposed to be ok with death), but I feel it helps to know that in at least someway, be it energy transfer, photos, videos or just memories, Wrigley is still around and every precious and awesome moment you had with him, your mom had with him and Simba had with him, happened. And nothing can take that away.

  5. All I did today was simply state the fact that a peach was going bad already. That it had to be eaten soon. And what did Dad take that as? A COMPLAIN! I DID NOT GRIPE I WAS SIMPLY STATING THE OBVIOUS! All this monster does is take every thing I say as a gripe or complain. So now he tells me he'll never buy peaches again. I love peaches and now I'll never get any more! Excuse me for simply stating something obvious. Excuse me for simply speaking my thoughts out loud. Things happen FAR less often than he thinks. He thinks stuff like this happens a TON when it only happened once or twice. How can my mom stay married to this demon? How? He's horrible, and I want him gone. I'm now wanting to cut my tongue out. Dad would actually LIKE me if I couldn't speak. So if I can't talk anymore, this would stop happening.

    That's abuse. Flat out to make someone feel bad for no reason is mental abuse and isn't something to mess around with. I would get therapy as he's probably made deep seated scars over time, if not though, that's awesome because it's really rare that people like him don't do that.


    He probably has psychological issues himself if he treats people like that. My guess is one of those people who never takes responsibility and blames everything on others.


    I have two abusive parents, one is a narcissist with memory issues and the other is borderline personality disorder who flat out told me that I was interferring with their relationship (they were divorced when I was 2 and tried to get back together 3 times because they're both really stupid people in many respects). I speak now to neither of them and realizing my mom was just as bad if not worse then my father (at one point he made me so angry and hurt I physically wanted to hurt him, ironically because he was putting down or being mean to my mom, who I once was fericely protective of because she trained me to be so subconsciously) was hard. But she did similar things. Finding any excuse to be angry with me. I know my own issues make me not the easiest person to live with, but then I realized why I have the issues


    If you can, distance yourself from him and pretend he doesn't exist. If you can, you can flat out call him out on being abusive and also childish. I don't know if he's physically aggressive though.


    Have you told your mom about his less then adult and right minded behavior? She might be an unfortunate victim if she thinks you're overreacting or doesn't believe you. I really, really hope this isn't the case and I hope she doesn't keep him around because he helps financially. If you're at the point to be calling him a demon, then he's not worth it for any reason.



    Bottom line, blood does NOT make family and parents aren't sacred, there are bad parents out there and it's not just the physically abusive ones either.



    I'm so sorry you have a dad like that. I swear the last generation that were born in the 60's+ were just not really well prepared for adult hood, let alone having children. Empty promises of world peace made them all kinda bitter and for lack of a better term, messed up.



    I know the feeling, my father is very emotionally abusive, and he used to be physically abusive to my mother.

    He's an alcoholic and my childhood wasn't very pleasant because of him. My mother would be better off without him, but she refuses to leave him.n

    I know it sounds harsh but I'm just waiting on him to croak so my mother can live the rest of her life in peace.





    The discussion wasn't about peaches, the discussion was about her father twisting her words around and then using them to threaten her.




    Said behavior is destructive, aggravating, and depressing.

    This may sound harsh too, but your mom has stockholm syndrom ( In a nut shell, in case you didn't know, stockholm syndrom is when someone kidnaps you and tortures you and in defense your brain decides to think they're an alright person or even fall in love out of sheer fear of consequences for leaving them) or something similar if she won't leave him. And it's very rare for someone who is stuck in this abusive rut to get out.


    You may want to consider an choice to her. Meaning, she chooses a relationship with you or she stays with her abusive and mentally unstable husband. You really don't need her calling you at some point or telling you what he's doing to her, and how she'll excuse it and think he's just misunderstood or something. It's up to you, but I've realized I can't handle people like that. They tend to be toxic with out meaning to because they're drowning in their own mental torment that they can't get out of.


    Think about it this way, if she really is terrified of him to the point of refusing to leave, I'm not sure it'll be a relief for her when he dies. She may still feel like he somehow has a hold on her and not be able to move on or maybe even sad because she thinked she loved him and to realize what was actually going on would be very difficult at her age (assuming the guy doens't die in a few years for her to take)


    Also if he is physically abusive, I doubt it won't pop up again. Specially if he won't stop drinking.


    She needs therapy. This is a classic case of anyone who stays with an abusive partner. You may at some point need to decide if it's an issue you can handle or even want to deal with. I know that sounds harsh, but at this point I think you're the most important thing, because you're innocent in this and you can see what a horrid relationship your mom and dad have.



    P.S. In response to your wiki post, OMG there is an actual word for it! I unfortunately used to use this argument when I'd hear my friends complain about things I found silly. I realize now that even that's a small form of abuse as it's saying their problems aren't worth anything, even if they're genuinely distressed. So glad to hear there is an actual term for this and I can now just comment that exact term when they use that stupid argument.


    A problem is a problem and if someone is truly distressed should not be taken lightly. Anguish is anguish no matter how it's caused or who's feeling it and should be treated as such.


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  6. Thanks everyone for the sweet and uplifting comments. What he has done is cruel, to not even tell me what's going on.... Idk, just seems really immature. He finally called me and said he was coming home today. At this point, I'm so worked up, I don't even know what to say to him. I mean, he could have just told me he needed a break and I would have been completely fine with it. But instead he's going to make me think he broke up with me?!!! Really? Ugh, I'm beyond furious.


    Anyways; I'm a bit calmer today despite being alone on Thanksgiving. It kinda sucks and brings me back to my childhood. I was alone a lot around the holidays as a kid. :sad02:

    I'm not going to sugar coat it, he sounds like a jerk. I personally would tell him to not let the door hit him on his way out. Specially if he knew you have depression and he was helping you with it. Doesn't matter who said what in the fight, that's just not an ok thing to do.


    The very least he should do is apologize. I get so furious when anyone in a relationship pulls pathetic crap like that.


    I suddenly realized this is a 2 year old post, but I couldn't help saying something.



    I hope things worked out and that he realizes that was no an ok or remotely adult response to any situation.


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  7. It's not easy to hold your head high when things are tough and I think losing weight and getting healthier is one of those goals so many people have, yet so few actually attain it let alone all the other adversities you've spoken of that you've had to and possibly are going through.

    I too have been working on diet currently, doing ketogenic and have lost 12 pounds in 2 months. I've struggled with weight since I was 9 as I got hit with depression and major OCD that dominated my life, though I didn't know it at the time. I know how hard it is to stick to something, when every fiber of your being is crying and whinning for you to stop. But you don't. And that's awesome. That's sheer victory in the face of a mountain of adversity, even if others can't see it or don't think it's a big deal. I just want you to know that many of us have been or are down the same road, the road that we felt we could never traverse and laughed sadly at the very thought.

    Just letting you know, anyone who has travelled this long and often difficult path, we're all very proud of you. <3

    P.S. I hope you brothers friend is banned from ever driving your car again, LOL.

  8. Kyoko, I completely agree. Wouldn't be something to meet the people who grow your coffee beans? That's the same reason I would prefer to shop at farmer's markets rather than big chain grocery stores. There's so many farms around me, why not support them? I don't mind if the price is a little higher. It's no different than a neighbor or friend growing in their backyard. That's essentially a farmer, no?


    Thanks for the compliment, but that video wasn't mine. I couldn't upload mine, but I found one in which the cat was doing the same thing Sherbert was doing, lol. She's a smart one, that Sherbert!


    I really don't like throwing out food. I feel like wasting resources, especially food is wrong. Do you know how much food restaurants waste every day? It makes me mad. Sometimes I get a little huffy at buffets (that I hardly ever go to!) because people go in there and stuff themselves silly, and all that food gets contaminated and wasted. It's also the same reason I can't stand Adam Richman and that Man vs Food nonsense on tv that glorifies gluttony.


    Instead of watching one overweight man try to eat 10 pounds of food that could feed 5 or more people, I wish we could see people here at home getting fed. The USA is one of the richest countries on earth, yet more children go hungry here every day than a person really realizes. One out of every six Americans go hungry every night. And people forget that, which was one of the reasons for my post. To remind people to be thankful for what they have, even in abundance. <3


    This is a very interesting topic. I would like to note though that things aren't that rosy when it comes to big business. You would not want to meet the people cultivating the beans in big chain places because they are not paid nearly enough to survive on, but cheap labor is what makes big business thrive and all countries and big companies do this to one extent or the other sadly.


    I live in a country where supporting local farmers isn't as needed because the food is really well regulated as well as very strict and country wide policies make things mostly sustainable and treat the animals well. In fact, good animal treatment has been around since 1882 and laws have been around since about 1945 to make sure that the animals are killed as humanely as possible and mistreatment of pets is just not remotely ok.


    Waste of food and resources is the price so many pay for convience. However, even farmers have to let go of a lot of their food if it goes bad or is unsellable. The reason many grocery stores get rid of so much food is due to the regulation of expiration dates. Better to waste food then get sued for massive food poisoning from consumers.


    I've had an incredbily hard time in my life recently andI'm very grateful for all the oppertunities I have and what I've been given. It's helpful though to recognize that even if someone does have it much worse or better then you, they can still suffer or be unhappy with things and it doesn't make their suffering less or more important. Unfortunately the human brain isn't built to stay stagnated on happiness, and so we easily get accustomed to our surroundings and end up wanting more and no one is immune to it either. :/


    I think gratefulness and harmony with others has a LOT to do with culture. People in poor countries where they aren't bombarded by fear (from the media, towards eachother etc) are much more giving and easier going people. They are willing to share food with strangers because they're more curious and welcoming then the entire western side of the world is very closed off and believes everything is personal and private. When people who have nothing to eat in Africa, widely considered one of the worst continents to live on for various reasons, are willing to share an apple with someone whom they do not know or even if they did know has more then enough, you know something is really wrong with the way we think in the west.


    I think things should be a balance between understanding safe caution toward people you don't know, but also not jumping the gun and thinking "Omg he's gonna kill me, she's gonna rape me, he's gonna mug me, she's gonna steal my credit card" and all the things people are trained to subconsciously think when they see a person they don't know :/ There are those who want to harm others, usually due to mental disorders such as narcissism and sociopathy or were corrupted by something, but on the whole, most people are the same and just want to live in harmony and I think we'd do much better and appreciate things and each other more if we try to remember that.

  9. Am I the only one who thinks the shop limit is a bit ridiculous?

    I read ALL about scammers on auctions and the trading post and it makes me nervous to try to sell my magical peach chia pop on the auctions,

    I've never heard of scammers in shops unless they ask for donations, have contests or somehow get their item to link to some other page that steals NP (to my knowledge, that isn't possible)

    I think if you could just sell any item for any price in your shop it would cut down massively on scammers in both the trading post and auction house.

    I just put up my peach pop for auction and I'm very nervous someone will scan me out of it or something :( I'd be so much happier if I could just sell it in my shop for a straight up price, even if I'd get less out of the deal, it feels safer.

    Can anyone explain the point of in my opinion, the really silly limit of 99,999?

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