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Posts posted by Sinvanor

  1. Edit: I realized this might of been posted in the wrong place so I moved it to the official neopets having issues thread, but I see no ability to delete this post.


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  2. I do the Faerie caverns daily and the amount of times you choose left or right used to be 3, now for some reason it's four? Today was right, left, left, left today. Has anyone else noticed this? Perhaps it's a glitch?

    Also, I'm pretty sure your chances of getting the right one is 50/50 each time if it's procedurally generated, meaning it could be all left all the way and there's not really a pattern, so your chances of choosing say left, left and right being correct are no more or less likely than left, left, left as an example.
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  3. Dunno if this is anyone's dreamie or anything, but I figured stripped isn't a common color and the brush may not be cheap, but also not expensive. So if anyone would like her, her name is Beshtian ( Which I now realize is a bit more of a masculine name, but I wanted to pick a name that was at least ok) Though if you prefer a male, challenge the mad scientist in the battle dome and he'll change the gender :)

    If no one wants her, I'll go ahead and pound her ^_^

  4. Dunno if this is anyone's dreamie or anything, but I figured stripped isn't a common color and the brush may not be cheap, but also not expensive. So if anyone would like her, her name is Beshtian ( Which I now realize is a bit more of a masculine name, but I wanted to pick a name that was at least ok)

    PS: If I posted this in the wrong place, let me know. I don't know if there is a particular thread where people offer to give zapped painted pets away.

    I also don't know if I should just put it in the pound and be up for grabs, or if it's ok to offer it.
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    There is already a thread regarding pounding, adopting and tradig Neopets .
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  5. My favourite is Donnie Darko, though I still don't understand it at all.

    I don't know if they meant to do this, but I remember reading a blurb by someone who is the wife of a schizophrenic and that the movie perfectly portrayed what her partner goes through in an artistic way, but got the feelings and emotions across.


    I have no idea if that's true though. Either way, the movie is quite the experience. I really like it too.



    I have no idea what my favorite would be. So I'll pick a few and the reasons why.


    Balto: Total childhood favorite. I liked that it was about a real story (loosely) and all the pretty drawn scenery of Alaska and cold wilderness

    Iron Giant: That movie is a masterpiece to me. The characters, the time line and the ending were all so well done and the emotions came across perfectly, along with a good message.

    I've also really liked Inside Out as well. That hit me in feels I didn't know I could have. Never seen a child's emotions and feelings come across to an audience that allowed them to relate and think of the person as human and not just a child.

    And Tron Legacy, because as far as technology goes, it's one of the smarter movies out there to me and doesn't construe the whole "All technology/machines are eviiiil" trope that many others do unlike a certain movie that came out recently that I won't mention because possible spoilers.


    Special shout out to Warm Bodies that funkydragondiva78 mentioned. That movie was better than I thought it would be. The beginning had me in stitches, but I'm a sucker for that type of humor. Didn't entirely like the main female character, but R totally made up for it to me (That actor was great in Mad Max too)


    Those are all movies I'd watch pretty much anytime.

  6. I'm not a huge comic buff, but I have a friend who is. Deadpool is technically I think part of X-men and was an experiment (Any comic buffs please correct me if I'm wrong.) Deadpool's personality is full off off humor. Think of him a bit like a Spider-man, with puns, wit and all the hilarious aggravation that comes with it to his enemies, but a far more adult version.
    Deadpool's actual name is Wade Wilson (Which is a play on many other characters in the DC universe from what I understand.) and he's pretty much insane and has multiple voices in his head. He can't die (or it is at least very hard to kill him) due to have the regeneration ability taken from Wolverine and being an amalgamation of other powers from the X-men. He's quite a formidable foe and a mercenary, so he's not really a good guy, per say, more his loyalties (if he actually has any, I think he might for a few select people) lie with the highest bidder.
    He is absolutely hilarious though. That Deadpool cos-play is spot on for his personality.
    Common memes with DP are stuff about how he loves pancakes and chimichangas and his voices in his head.
    He also LOVES breaking the fourth wall, often speaking to the reader or viewer and will most likely do so in the movie if they keep him faithful personality wise.
    The movie will likely be rated R as Deadpool has adult humor and the violence might be up to 11. So just a forewarning if you're young or have kids that want to go with; viewer discretion is most certainly advised :)

    Anyway, I hope that gave you a little info. Sorry if it's a bit of a blurb and not very organized. And anyone who knows more about him, feel free to correct me on any of my possible misinformation.


    Oh, in addition a pretty good um, kinda introduction to Deadpool's character beyond the gifs you've seen is a YouTuber used action figures to do storylines and such. The one called Rorschach and Deadpool by ItsJustSomeRandomGuy (I don't remember if links are allowed here on the forums, I'm betting not.) It's a bit confusing because there is a lot of jokes to previous episodes and well known stuff with in the comic scene, but it still gives a great idea into his character and how random he is. "Copy right Deadpooool, copy and I'll suuuuuue." :)
    And don't worry, very mild swearing, if terms describing heck and such can be considered swears. (I know Neopets doesn't allow use of H-E double hockey sticks)

  7. Yep, get 19k every time. Usually two of a kind.


    not complaining about the free nps but now that you mention it i have noticed it too.  i have had no problem with kiko pop, but have not a much luck with fruit machine in well over two weeks.


    Same. I get nothing from fruit machine as well as forgotten shore has been totally barren for about a week and a half now. I wonder if it's just coincidence or to keep people from making too many NP's LOL. Probably just coincidence.

  8. A super generous fellow neopeter (neopeti?) on the boards helped me to acquire the last lab map piece I needed and I decided I would help out in making nicely named (or at least, I hope nicely named in the eyes of others.) pets and place them in the pound. Problem is that I have three pets I want to keep as they are and just save for brushes as far as colors go on them. So that leaves me with one spot to have as a guinea pig. But if that pet turns into one I'd like then I'd have no spots for more lab test pets. So, my question is, can I switch pets freely between my sides and main so I can have extra guinea pigs with out giving up my current pets?

    I want to make absolutely sure that I can't get iced or something and to make sure that this is in fact legal with in neopets rules. I think it is given that it doesn't make any np, but I just want to make sure. 
    I'd cry if I lost my account, especially after finally getting the lab available.

  9. Alright, thanks for the advice you two. I'll probably put it in the Neggs gallery, but then again, I kind of think that since there are so many Negg things and so few Jellybean things that maybe I should take what I can get for the Jellybean gallery? 

    I was gonna play devil's advocate as it were and say jellybean gallery, given that it's negg shaped, but primarily for stuffing with jellybeans and not really negg like. I think I'd put it in the jellybean gallery given what you said about Jellybean themed things being rather scarce in comparison to neggs. :)


  10. I'm looking for some feedback/opinions on petpets for my pets. I'm having trouble deciding! I'm open to new ideas, too, if you think of a great pair. Please help!


    Faerie Uni:



    Ideas: Faerie Fireball, Faerie Naleap, Faerie Polarchuck, White Weewoo, Island Rock



    Maraquan Shoyru:



    Ideas: Slugawoo, Green Bowla, Goldy


    I kinda like the faerie fire ball for the Uni. But in addition to that, here are my suggestions for the Uni :)kadoatie_faerie.gif Faerie Kadoatiekazeriu_faerie.gif FaerieKazeriu mimbi_faerie.gifFaerie Mimbi alabriss_faerie.gifor maybe Faerie Alabriss


    As for the Shoyru, I like the Slugawoo. ghoti_green.gifGreen Ghotiprimella_green.gif  Green Primella pet_searex.gifSearexgeb_maraquan.gifMaraquan Geb stego_maraquan.gifMaraquan Stego


    I hope I posted the pics right :)

  11. I actually don't like Banette because it looks terrifying. I'm not a particularly brave person, so I'd sleep in a circle of salt and bay leaves for the rest of my life if I ever saw one in real life  :ohno:

    Same here. I thought, ooh, cool at first seeing it, zipper mouth and eerie smile, but then read about how it's vengeful and got 'Chuckie' vibes from it which made me nope all the way to the sun.

  12. It's probably just a simple glitch. I'd suggest trying to buy the piece again, or use the Auction House.



    Did you receive the item?


    You will get a notice even if your offer was rejected but both notices do look confusingly similar.


    If you did receive the item this was probably a glitch and you should submit a ticket.


    I did not recieve the item, so I'm betting it was rejected. The person who was selling it does not have it any longer on the trading post. I sent them a neomail to make sure, telling them to disregard the neomail if they did reject it.


    Thank you for the help guys. I'll try with a different trader if I don't get a response in a day or so.

  13. Anyone else notice how the JumpStaff is releasing fantastic art every week for any new items available on the site, but most of the new Neopet colors have been a tad horrendous? :mellow:  


    It isn't all of them, but most look like... well, lazy work. I have even seen amateur fan artists edit these newly released colors to look more aesthetically pleasing, so it should not be all that difficult for the official staff to do a better job. I have been waiting for countless pet colors for months, and once they have arrived, I always recoil and cringe in my seat at the novice, crayola-looking illustrations for these poor Neopets <_< Anyone else feel this way about new items vs new pets? Because the item artworks look great! The same effort, nay, more effort should be put into drawing and coloring pets!  :sad01_anim: 


    Look at these nice items, man!

    gro_rainbow_lip_balm.gif klf_kiko_cola.gifplu_cloud_xweetok.gifboo_secret_past_kacheek.gifffo_spar_can.gifpot_cloud_peophin.gif






    Whoa, what is wrong with that Quiggle's eyes? And agreed, the Nimmo just looks like the color was removed. And the Ruki... why is only it's head green? I mean, at least tie it together by making the back shell and feet the same color as the head. It just looks so out of place.

    I really dislike the Acara dimensional color, but at least it does look dimensional.

    I do have to ay, that does seem very lazy over all.


    The Yurble doesn't look too bad, I mean, considering most of the dimensionals look that way.

  14. I decided to bite the bullet and buy the last piece I needed for the Secret Labratory Map and made the exact offer the person asked for. I was told today that the offer was accepted, but now the NP is returned to me and no item. I'm confused. It's possible the offer was refused maybe? I could of sworn I read accepted, but when I clicked the notice, I think I said ok? The notice is now gone too, so now I can't see what it said.

    Pretty sure I did something wrong, but I don't know what. Is there some kind of finalization after the person accepts where you can reject it back and I might of accidentally done that?

    I was also really worried about being ripped off on the Trading Post, so any advice for it in general would also be lovely.


    I will also send a Neomail to the trader and ask them as well. But just in case they don't respond, I wanted to post my question here.

  15. I know it's been down for I think nearly a year now? (or maybe I'm terrible with time) but does anyone know of any news as to when it might come back? Sorry if it's a bit of either a noob question or has been asked before.

  16. Mine is Haunter. I like Haunter because it's a spooky ghost, and it can learn Hypnosis and Dream Eater.

    For some reason when I first learned of pokemon when it came out in my old country, I really clicked with Ninetails. One of my biggest card trades was an Alakazam for a Ninetails.

    I just found the design and mischevious smile so pretty.


    I also really like Dragonair, most of Evee's evolutions and Espurr.


    I also used to know all the pokemon when they came out, had a poster and memorized them all by heart. Now there are so many I don't even recognize half the names people mentioned.



    Edit. Decided to do all favorites by type.


    So I decided to look at all the new pokemon and now here are my favorites by type and reasons why I chose them. :)


    Normal: Ciccino. It looks adorable and I would totally have on as a pet

    Fairy: Sylveon. I don't usually like bows everywhere, but on this one it works. It also really encapsulates for me what I think of when I think fairy, from the color choices and soft/playful design

    Steel: Jirachi because you would NOT think that this pokemon is a steel type. I also like the little smile on it's belly.

    Dark: Houndoom, Hydreigon, Umbreon and Absol because hell hound, hydra, Evee evolution and I have no clue what, but it looks cool with the icey blue and white with red eyes.

    Ghost: Pumpkaboo, because that is just an interesting design and actually fits it's name. Bat+Pumpkin plus face that doesn't give a crap about anything and yet the description says that they do something nice for spirits.

    Rock: Aurorus because I love Aurora Borealis and dinosaur = Win for me.

    Bug: Vivillon becuase it's clearly a butterfly and I wanted to choose something other than butterfree. I also really like the name meaning combination.

    Psychic: Espeon because the design is cool. Catlike, but also pretty formbidable given it's powers.

    Ground: Sandslash, because that design is cool, mouse, sloth with porcupine.

    Dragon: Dragonaire and Zygarde because that design. It's just a ton of hexagons and it's snake like.

    Poison: Arbok, because cobra, plus the name being switched around makes me giggle for some reason.

    Fighting: Meinshao and Virizion simply because neither of them look scary or intimidating, but they are fighting pokemon and could kick butt.

    Ice: Glaceon and Dewgong. Both exemplify cold and sleek designs. I love Glaceon's ”hair/fur” style too.

    Grass: Oddish, because that face is so adorable. Leafeon because Evee's evolutions are so cool and Sawsbuck, because a season pokemon is pretty cool.

    Electric: Pikachu, because that pretty much is Pokemon, Luxray and Jolteon

    Water: Vaporeon and Suicune

    Fire: Ninetails (Probably in my top favorite pokemon), Flareon, Delphox and Vulpix because foxes and Rapidash, because fire horse.

  17. How do you guys manage to get anything at all from any of these?! What`s the trick, because I have only managed to grab about 4 items since Feb of last year!

    The way I'm able to get items is to middle click my mouse, which opens up a new tab next to it. It's the only way I can click a bunch of things and not leave the page which increases the chance of getting the item.


    Whoa, I never realized that. I'll have to try it tomorrow and see if the space shows up.

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one annoyed by the lack of notice that the limit has been reached, LOL.


    One way that I know I have reached the limit is when you click an item in the donation tree and it gives you that "So you didnt get this item... blah blah blah" There is a huge space in front of it!! But this only works if you would of got the item... If you were actually too slow, there will be no space in front.



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  18. Just out of sheer curiosity, is anyone else annoyed that the money tree doesn't tell you when you've reached your 10 item limit? I could of sworn today I only counted 6 items, but I can't even get really easy stuff like discarded food, so I probably did grab 10 but forgot everything since I put some of it away. 

    Anyway, just a super short little rant about it. I wish like many of the other dailies there was a message with the Acara that said "Sorry, you seem to of grabbed your 10 items for the day. Return to the money tree tomorrow or feel free to donate" or something to that effect instead of the "Someone took that item while you were pondering" message.

  19. The caption contest has been down for several months now, so the competition/captions displayed are not being updated. That being said, when the contest does return, just entering does not guarantee your caption will be displayed - you still have to be selected - this can take some time.

    Oh, I didn't even know the contest had been down. Ok, thank you. I just wasn't sure if my caption got sent at all, hence my confusion. Thank you for your help! :)


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  20. stop playing with them means dont un attach 'em.  you cant win if they arent attached.


    as to the second question, i dont think a single type of certain painted petpet has won twice in a row, but i guess it could happen.



    You don't need to physically play with them ie say hello.  If you remove your petpet from your pet that's what it means to stop playing with them.

    Ah, ok, that's very helpful, thank you :)

    I suppose that means I can change my petpet entirely or the color then, lol.

  21. First off, I read that you are supposed to never stop playing with your petpets from the main site page about petpet protection league. Does this mean that I should of been adding it to my dailies to play with my petpets everyday? And if so, how long? Just today I said hello to one of my petpets, does that count as play? Or does playing with them even matter and it's just about them being attatched to a pet?

    Second, can a petpet with a specific color that already won one of the weeks win again? For instance I have an unpainted Biyako and apparently that won on week 280 (I have no idea if I had it attatched at that time, week 280 does not give a date, so if anyone knows what date that was, that would be helpful too.)

    Thanks in advance for anyones help. I just recently learned that Petpet Protection League was even a thing, LOL.

  22. I wish the filters would either tell you which word it doesn't like or replace the offending word with asterisks. If they are going to be that strict, why would they not want people to know what the rules are? Having to play twenty questions and try to read dirty words into literally everything is ridiculous and ironically encourages you to see inappropriate double meanings in innocent words.  

    Exactly. I remember sending a neomail to a friend asking her if she wanted to play keyquest. It was so long ago so I don't remember what word got flagged, but I remember thinking "Wha?" It serves no purpose if it's just going to make you try to see inappropriate things that aren't there.

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