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Posts posted by Nubisbully

  1. I'm kind of a hermit because I'm a stay at home mom, but people know I play. I shared a Facebook status saying "playing Neopets" and a few people liked it. :laughingsmiley:


    I'm in the same boat. My so knows all too well that I play and plays a little bit to humor me. I started playing over a decade ago in high school and had a few friends that played as well. One of them continued into college then stopped, whereas I had my account hacked, stopped then picked back up when I found out I was pregnant as something to have fun with and to help de-stress. I don't have much time anymore as my little boy is a handful but when he's nursing or sleeping on my lap...

  2. Oh, Grey Day is coming...Wait, that's a week from now! Still....with the Chia, REALLY? It's not sad enough, it just looks sick, sleepy, or confused, it's hair isn't messy enough, it's eyes aren't pink, no sign of tears or depression.....Nobody is gonna want this. Of course, I never really liked Chias to begin with....


    Completely agree! Love the Wherfy though. Wish I had one to turn grey. Looks like a little evil winged ferret :laughingsmiley: Probably my favorite Gwalla color too.

  3. It only irks me when someone has multiples of rare/rare colored pets and acts like a stingy jerk on TP or doesn't do anything with them. Otherwise, it's fair but I don't see the point. I have half a dozen dogs and even though I love Rotties, I only have one. I like customizing and like diversity so I just wouldn't have the same pet/color combo. I have mostly Xweetoks but one of my dream pets is a woodland Uni because they're much more stunning than a woodland Xweetok for example.


    I get a little snotty with UC pets simply because my original account/pets was stolen back in 2001 so I quit playing for awhile and lost the chance to get/keep UC pets. If they're going to keep them that way I'd rather someone have them that appreciates them than someone going for status but with two of the same UC pets, I think they're either being greedy/gloating or they're worried they'll fall into the wrong hands or be abandoned in a dead or frozen account. I have three UC on my wishlist but probably won't ever pursue it as there are much more devoted UC people and I'd feel like a waste.

  4. I'm definitely looking forward to a cancel button. I was able to do a quest yesterday, though one item cost me 35k. (It was my first day hearing about it, I couldn't resist trying it.)


    Today, I need 3 of an item that's over 20k, and 1 item over 15k. Not happening today, so I guess I'll hold out for the items coming up in my dailies or the cancel button for now.


    Same here. I kept saying I wasn't trying again but ended up spending a bit less than I thought I'd have too so I did a few more and ended up with +1 intelligence and 1,600np after spending 200k+. The one I've been stuck on for the past few days is: Landfish x3 and five other items that are about 9k. So looking at around 100k again depending. Getting super annoyed that i can't cancel and that I'm really low on np now and my friend has each of his cost less than 1k.

  5. I think I'm going to give up on this one as well for awhile. I blew through most of my np recently on a depressed customizing spree and so far I've gotten 1,600 np only. The last one wanted 2 landfish, box of wheat flakes and something cheap. I kinda hoped my luck would change and spent the ridiculous 50k to get... nothing. I was hoping there'd be a time limit of sorts so you wouldn't be forced out of possibly 100k (stagnant puddles at 48k really?)


    Some of the dailies give you better prizes if your pet is a lower level (coltzan shrine usually gives me a level up if my low level pet is active but never my bd pet) so I'm wondering if this is the same here?


    Those of you who've had pet stats increase/decrease, were they your bd or lab pets?

  6. I agree Angel. Even with inflation, my items only cost around 1k luckily even though I didn't get anything. My so had to dish out the same np and one of his pets dropped to level 0!!! Really? She's not a bd pet obviously but still, a little insulting. :( I probably won't take the chance with my bd pet. I haven't seen a species/color change yet, so I think my other pets are safe to try. I'd be irked if I lost my chocolate xweetok.

  7. A parade of dozens of Lutaris marches through the spaceship. They get to the end of their song, then look around, confused. 'Eh, how do we get to Shenkuu?' one asks you.

    I wish this were a hint or clue instead of another random weird Neopet thing.

  8. I am just loving all the pastel colours so far!! *crosses fingers tightly for Draik* *chants "Draik...Draik....Draik....Draik..."*


    ..........I swear I have no obsession with Draiks........ /shifty eyes

    Me too! Pastel is probably my favorite across the species. I like others more for say Xweetoks or Unis but in general the pastels are lovely. Like Lady Lyuba said, they work very well for customizing and the Shoyru is adorable. Can't wait for them to expand it.

  9. One more piece to go in 10.5 hours! So excited as I usually slack off and forget a day or get busy. Anyone hear of a final prize yet? I have to believe that someone was much quicker than I and joined all three parts, unless they were just greedy or impatient and got the three seperate ones.

  10. I'm wondering what the final prize will be or if it'll be worth it. I've seen the book go for 50k+ on auction and people asking 5x more on the TP. Greedy neopians! In retrospect, they could just be earning back the NP needed to complete the quests. Hmm...


    I can't wait to find out what the big one is! I have one piece tonight and one tommorrow and I'm done! I'm very glad that they extended the item pool but in the beginning I spent half my total np on silly clown sprinklers and such (just went on a massive outfit splurge before the even started)! I don't like feeling like I'm gouging people but I did get ripped off in the beginning so much and I hate not finishing things. I'm going to wait and put all three together, but I hate not having the three seperate ones.

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