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Posts posted by Nubisbully

  1. I'm having this same issue. I opened one GBC on a side and got 4 items (worth about 350NC) and one gift box. I was planning on sending one of the items to my main but I really like one of the new items I got. So I'm debating on sending it to my main or just sending that pet over next month since I would like a Cy on my main account.


    Other question: I would just try to trade from the side. It is a waste to send it to your main, unless you just have a million boxes and care. I'm planning on do that if I can find someone to trade me the wings I want. I'll have them send them to my main and send the item or GBC from my side. I wish you could just move items within your accounts or that you'd get at least two or more boxes from the capsules.. :(


    I bought five boxes and opened one on each side (since I had too) and will wait to open any on my main because I know one person wants one and a FQC. Might have to buy more but I've already spend too much today.

  2. Rotten luck. I'm a big PS fan as well. On my second PS3 (got the first the day they were released but it didn't last long.) Hoping to get a PS4 once they've been out long enough to have the kinks worked out. I don't game as much as I use to anyway with the little un' and all. I've always been with the Gameboy handheld though, since I'm old and that's all there was when I was young. I have a PSP but haven't used it much, don't know much about the Vita. Good luck either way, can't go wrong with Sony.

  3. If you are thinking you want to go the NC route, I would definitely do it today. Gift box capsules are half off today and 25% off tomorrow but are not for sale all the time anyway. Many users want GBCs or Faerie Quest Cookies (also from the NC mall but not available all the time) as trades. If you are interested, I'd just get $5 of NC and get 5 GBC of whichever variety you want and not open them. You'll have to open one or two to send the others to whomever but I would wait until you figure out a trade. I would search either dress to impress or galleries (on neopets) and neomail anyone who says it's up for trade to see what they want for it. There are a couple dozen who have it listed for trade on DTI but I honestly didn't look into any of them.


    I don't know of any cloud/lightning combo quite like that, there are grey clouds and purple Jhudora clouds w/moon (I have those two but no black clouds.) Let me know if you have anymore questions. Good luck!

  4. I am fond of only a few stealthy pets but the Cybunny is definitely one of the best. Pastel has been one of my favorites since the beginning, though disappointing at times. The pastel Cybunny's colors remind me of jelly beans for some reason. I don't dislike it but I don't particularly love it. Hoping for a Pastel Xweetok MP to fall into my lap :rolleyes_anim:

  5. ShelleyJoy: I'm very much the same way. I have a hard to fit body type and am very picky about the materials and feel. Thrift stores are my best friend (and my wallets) because there is usually something to fit at least one part of me and my eclectic tastes. Best part is that it doesn't have to be broken in.




    I totally understand your point, but actually no, I can't have beautiful clothing here, because everything is so absurdly expensive :( The reason these Chinese sites are the latest trend 'round here is exactly the fact that prices are so low. People are tired of paying so much for things. It's getting worse with the Advent of the World Cup and the Olympics: living here in Rio is becoming so expensive I can't even... You can read a little about it here.


    That does sound ridiculous, much like living in New York over here or La but I imagine it's prettier where you are, with a nicer climate. The prices in that article sound like where I want to live (Seattle area) but there is no work there unless you're a software engineer. Do you not think it will go back to being more reasonable after the Olympics? That's still over two years I know, but hopefully.

  6. I'm not a fan of supporting anything "from China." There's a big pull towards items "made in the US" for example now. We've lost/are losing a lot of jobs and the savings aren't worth it. Everyone has their items made there and there's a big problem with the factories in China stealing the item design and making it illegally themselves and selling for cheap. It's almost impossible to save your product design/patent once it's been stolen there. Sorry to be such a spoil sport but I've seen a lot of negative impact and the quality is rarely there. I've recently had a baby and am using cloth diapers and WILL NOT buy any made in China for lack of quality and lack of knowledge of what they're using. Many of their regulations are lax and who knows what chemicals they're using on the fabrics plus, they allow Walmart to cheat their employees and have the states half support them with food stamps and medicaid.


    I personally prefer items made in the EU or US or Aus/Nz for better quality as I hate falling in love with something only to have it rip at the seams or disintegrate due to inferior production. Depends on why you're buying it I guess.


    I want to clarify that I am not being prejudice against the country since this can/does happen in other places, including the US but the Chinese are smart in that they make/ship out cheap/inferior products but they themselves have stricter standards for their own citizens.


    We (Americans) are also giant hypocrites since we throw a fit about chicken dog treats from China, but ship our (human grade) chickens over there to be defeathered/treated and shipped back to us....


    The dress is cute though, but I'd think you'd have beautiful clothing where you are.

  7. Even with the cancel button, new items are still hugely inflated.


    If anyone has a casket table, I'd be much obliged.

    I have 2 of the 3 asked for and I've cancelled three really expensive quests already so I'd like to do this one if possible.


    I also have some dried prunes if needed.




    Thanks so much firstsight_ I actually got one cheap from the TP earlier, so I returned yours. Let me know if you need anything!

  8. I feel ya! I never had sinus issues until two years ago when I had half a dozen in a year, had sinus surgery, got pregnant (cured most of my ails) thought I was in the clear until the end of this winter then BAM! Off and on for two months. Ick. Luckily no flu or strep here so I'll count my blessings. Good luck getting over it, hopefully the Spring air will help it clear out.

  9. Super stoked! I just checked yesterday for it, then checked the prices of landfish (x3) dried apricots (x2) and dried prunes (x2) that I've been stuck on for weeks, and decided to give up checking for awhile as TNT seemed super busy converting things over and with FON going then... BOOM! YESSS!




    Sooo.. nevermind. Cancelled and restarted and found that all the previously reasonable items from before are now 3-20k!!! Still need 60k+ to complete it. Shoulda seen that coming. D'oh :(

  10. I've definitely had a run like that but not recently. My zaps have either been nothing/change gender or increases. I don't use it to train anymore after my main bd pet had a terrible run that took her down a dozen levels (and cost a lot to get back up) and kept zapping her to terribly boring species/colors.


    I also usually get worthless re's but lately I've gotten a couple thousand np from them and a nerkmid!

  11. That's so fun! I've had chickens for years in Wv, Vermont and Pa. They stand up to Vermont winters fine so yours should do well. After having fresh eggs, it'll be hard to go back! At our largest, we had over 50 chickens of every size and color. We had so many that we had to feed them to the dogs. A few of our larger chickens even laid double yolks! You'll probably know before they're mature, which are males when the lights come on or sun comes up. They're very vocal from a young age, even at random times :rolleyes_anim:


    You don't have to keep the males separate unless you really want to or have religious reasons. Fertilized eggs are no different unless someone is brooding (sitting on them.) You also don't have to refrigerate fresh eggs as long as you roll them every day. That's how they were kept in the days before refrigeration.




    Do you know what type of chicken they are? If they're broilers (not to be gross, I'm a vegetarian anyway) then they probably won't brood and might not lay well. I can't wait until next year when my little guy is bigger so we can try to start a new flock. Good luck, they look great, healthy and happy baby birds! :)

  12. You have to use a morphing potion, get lucky with a lab zap or get lucky and nab one when TNT releases a "batch" of them to create. I'm hoping for one as I usually forget to try on Lutari day.



    I got her!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, hurry Babe! Go create one now!


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  13. Unfortunately unless you hit it big somewhere (like a game jackpot etc) or in stocks, you'll have to save up. I'm bad about that as well. I usually set a goal (say a mil in bank) then will go on a mini splurge once I hit it then set another goal. Best I've done was 6mil in bank I think but I went overboard with non sense and am back to practically nothing. Saving is all well and good but you gotta have fun with it too or it's not worth it. I don't understand the players who just hoard tens of millions of np and don't customize their pets or set up great bd sets or anything. What do they do with it? Just watch the interest go up I guess... how boring.

  14. Ciao Bella! Similar story plus or minus a few years on either side. Lots has changed, lots to learn but there's help everywhere if you know where to look. Everyone here seems very willing to help if able. Perfect time for Festival of Neggs but you missed the (lame) Coincidence plot. The battledome has an ongoing daily (bi-weekly) if you're into that and get your pet up in stats a little.

  15. Passiflora: Hemp actually is illegal to grow in most states. Most (99+%) of the hemp available today such as hemp seeds (yum and super healthy) and fiber (for clothing, bags, etc) is from Canada. A handful of states are able to grow hemp legally (including my state of Vermont) but there are no large scale operations currently. Eventually it will take over much of the south as a replacement for the immensely pesticide dependent cotton crop, but currently we have to import it all for insane reasons.


    Hemp was also not made illegal due to plastics or even the wood/paper industry but Family Guy did a great episode on this even if not quite accurate. Marijuana criminalization like most "drugs" in the 18 and 1900's was the brain child of old fashion racism. Opium was another. Such an interesting and hateful history we have here in the U.S.


    Also, medically, marijuana is hardly limited to small sections of the population. Aside from schizophrenia, a significant number of disorders (and majority of people in the states) can benefit from it. This includes the low THC strains of mj which greatly benefit seizure disorders. Anxiety being one of the most widespread and destructive to "normal" people and everyday life, is hugely reduced by use at onset.

  16. I had this problem in college as well. I had a dx of major depressive disorder that was changed to bipolar and not having any pets in college was torture. I ended up getting a rat and hiding her in my closet for inspections.


    Now I have three kitties and three dogs, just lost my rat and my parents have my lizard and other furry babies.


    Two of my dogs are "restricted" breeds (pit mix and rottie) so housing is amazingly hard to come by regardless. I've looked into the therapy pet loopholes and unfortunately they're not always easy. Some states are easier than others, especially with good local help and a good doctor whose willing to fight for you. Southern states can be especially cruel though (lived in NC,SC,FL) and it doesn't guarantee that you can keep your apartment (they can always find other "legal" means but they'd have to be pretty heartless, which is sounds like they are with past experience.)


    Good luck, I'm rooting for you big time. Let us know how it turns out, you'll get your lil one back in no time. I miss my own Sydney tons. Yours looks like a Maine Coon mix, so sweet. :)

  17. Hey! Welcome fellow newbie :) Great story about your first pet, not so great about your health. I've been around about as long as you (started playing 2000/2001 but with a big break until about a year ago.)


    I've been in your shoes and am currently three years into my SLE/Fibro/Sjorgrens plus migrane/seizure diagnosis fun. Love neo to take your mind off of it, except for KeyQuest which is impossible when my joints seize up.


    I'm always up to chat if you're interested or bored.

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