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Posts posted by Nubisbully

  1. I think you have quite a point. It does start alarmingly young and it is ingrained very young to turn on our own gender. How often do you hear about friendships spanning a decade or more, coming to a bitter end over a guy. It's ridiculous. Also, I know of many young boys who play this sort of "game" with "dating" girls and dumping them almost weekly. I'm completely against anyone dating that young, even in jest and am horrendously offended that these parents do not correct such behavior. As if girls were a toy to throw away and buy a new one when you get bored. It could definitely contribute to adults behaving in such a manner. Not that girls don't do the same mind you.

  2. I'm a bit jealous that he gets to go all around the world and meet adoring fans, not sure how interested I'd be in actually meeting any of them.


    Did you see last night's qualifiers? Not going to spoil it if not. I'm just a bit shocked, though I suspect you'll be happy about several of the happenings.


    I think the twins went through? So few actually beat the course that I'm not exactly sure how far back you could fail and still go through.

  3. I completely agree with you AzuraBlue. I'm getting a little fed up and frustrated with the riots against one thing or another without looking at the big picture and trying to change the mentality of the masses which fosters and creates these disparities.


    I think one of the bigger issues than the sexual abuse or misogyny is the role of gender and the areas of the country (world) which still hold onto these ridiculous notions of what is it to be a man or a woman.


    I grew up in the south and loved (still love) so many aspects of the culture there as far as speaking respectfully, allowing someone to communicate why they disagree with you (without being belittled) and even chivalry. On the flip side, I am continuously disappointed and enraged when I hear stories about the south trying to hinder marriage equality, women's rights and even those about good old fashion racism. This mind frame is toxic all equality and devalues everyone.


    Until I met my current boyfriend (and baby's daddy) about five years ago, I thought that many of the issues you all have brought up were normal.


    I developed (physically) very early and was made aware of it from a young age, when girls in class would accuse me of "stuffing" and the torment only grew through my school years.


    With my southern sense of "not bringing attention to dirty details" and to not be a burden to my family or friends, I endured years of abuse from many men and women I met. In high school, I felt that the things that happened to me were deserved, that I somehow encouraged or asked for it. I was treated like a sl*t because I had a huge chest on a small frame (i'm 5'4''.) I got in trouble with teachers for being "out of dress code" because shirts did not fit me well and anything I wore was "exposing too much." I went through middle school and much of high school in men's shirts and long sleeve shirts (in Florida.)


    I went through college and my young adult life in a haze of aggressive/possessive/psychotic men, overly touchy "friends" and constant stares/glares/whispers.


    I was always the girl telling the "less endowed" how lucky they were to escape such attention, mockery and fear. I was the girl who would sleep with anyone because my chest took up too much room in my shirt and made my stomach show a little (even though I was actually very prudish.)


    The fact that I was abused never dawned on me until I met my boyfriend and we started talking about our pasts. He is also a victim of abuse (even though he's 6'4'' and has been on the taller side most of his life) and does not remember much of his childhood. This campaign annoys me if only for the fact that he is excluded. He has been treated like a piece of meat throughout his life (he was very athletic and girls tried to use him, assuming he was a pig like most all-star athletes) and doesn't deserve to be lumped into a "all guys do this." I wouldn't have known or considered how much my past weighed on me and how poorly I had been treated or protected if I hadn't had him to give me the courage to confront it.


    No one deserves this and I'm not sure how to really address it without a massive overhaul in the way we talk to each other and what we value as a society.


    It has taken me these five years to start to address some of my own prejudices and fears. I still get nervous when I'm alone around a group of guys just as I still pack-rat food (from years of going hungry but another discussion altogether.) I still get stares from old men, still get comments from cocky young latinos, and it's even worse since I had my baby (as my cup size has doubled.)


    I fear this has become a disheveled rant and I'm not sure if it's even coherent but I tried. The whole thing is very triggery for me but I'm use to it and I definitely fall into the "other people have it worse, I can deal with what happens to me" but now I have a baby and it's not ok. It's not alright for anyone to have to endure and it is a huge goal for me to make my son respectful and aware of to treat others and how we impact those around us. He's going to be a beast (in size) and I will not have him become a monster.

  4. I'm Aspen, nice to meet you!


    I'm not a fan of GoT and Adventure Time creeps me out tbh. However, I LOVE Final Fantasy (up to 10..maybe X-2) and anything Bethesda. Elders Scrolls is my favorite franchise followed closely by BioShock (playing Infinite now and HOLY COW!!!)


    I also studied marine geology in college so that's pretty cool but I'm not sure what to do with rocks without water. :laughingsmiley:



  5. I dislike any plot or event where you're almost required to play excessively to get anything. I liked the Obelisk plot but again, there were people I talked to who gave me a bit of grief for only being at 100 fights when they had 2000+ (I was also trying to train my BD pet at this time so I wasn't as helpful.) I'm have A.D.D. issues anyway and without a super fast internet connection and top of the line computer/upgrades, it was a lot of hassle to get there.


    Neopets as a whole bothers me with the amount of rampant cheating. In theory it seems like you could keep a handle on it (in the AC at least) if they just linked IP addresses to new accounts created during this time (or a few months prior) or just didn't allow new players to compete/go past a certain level... at least not without raising serious flags. I'm not sure how they have it set up and what they can actually monitor but being able to rely on greater support from the honest players seems like it would help.


    If I were them, I'd probably just ban accounts with known activity on "cheating" sites. I'm not very democratic sometimes I guess.

  6. I'm confused. I don't believe I got the bonus item. Is this randomly given out or to a certain MME path? I wish Maleficent got better reviews because it looks amazing and I love the idea of the "villian" not being sooo bad. I love the mystery capsule but have had terrible luck getting any bonus items, let alone the ones I want. *sigh* Guess it's off to beg for trades.


    Edit: Never mind, found out and disappointed. :(

  7. Wow, that's per day? I don't know what the caps were before but that seems like a heck of a lot of games. My computer hates YYB anyway and this is my first participating AC so I'll try but I might only get around that for the whole thing. What number rank is ideal to be worthwhile?

  8. Definitely ask if you're unsure. I'm also still new to trading and to NC in general and super nervous about trading. I prefer item for item trades. The capsules are Gift Box Capsule (which are not up for sale all the time.) Good luck. Most items that are common or currently in the NC Mall(or have recently been) are 1-2 GBC unless they were pricey to begin with or hard to get.

  9. I didn't get a chance to watch it until tonight but I agree. Some aspects were very disappointing. Loved two of the walk-ons, very surprised how well they did.


    I'm glad that the couple of veterans that ran it, did well. I can't believe after all the trouble last year, that they made it even harder this year. Out of the 30 moving on to the regional finales, a dozen or so actually finished the course?? So much different from the first year I watched, where people were getting cut because they were a fraction of a second behind someone else.


    I was also very shocked at all the Olympians. Last year there were a few MMA fighters, professional basketball player and stunt people but this year... several Olympians from other countries as well as the US. It annoyed me that they let the professional Luger through. If she deserved it fine, but in her sport, they don't use their arms much. It's their thighs that are very powerful and in ANW you really need incredible arm strength and endurance (as well as finger strength) to do well.


    I didn't hear which additional area of the country they added auditions too, so that should be interesting. I thought this course was hard until I saw previews of the other cities. If they don't reel it in soon, they're going to be known as not even giving a fair shot and I think it will hurt their tryouts and the interest in actually competing. There's no reason to make it so impossible and dangerous.


    I was glad to see that a woman makes it up the wall next week! I just hope it isn't Steffenson's girlfriend.. I'm so bitter about her still.


    Two years ago there was a (Japanese?) student who was amazing, but last year he was absent, so I was happy to see he made it through with a pretty good time. Rock climbing still seems to be one of the most helpful talents to get you through (second to parkour.)


    I'm stoked for the season, although I didn't realize they were all going to be two hours... stayed up waaaay too late trying to finish it.

  10. Totally with all the manatee lovers and diggin' the Maraquan Yurble (being from Florida, how could I not???) I did get a woodland/stone vibe but could also tell instantly what it was supposed to be. The marine biologist in me wants to dedicate all of my accounts to Maraquan... but sooo much NP and too many other amazing options.. boo four pet limit again.


    I agree with the ax being very creepy as well. Very much "little red riding hood meets a lumberjack ax murderer"! :whaa:

  11. I have it set to record. I put "record new episodes only" and it had around ten scheduled today from last year. I'm excited as well, and was actually thinking earlier about a woman making it through. Last year there were a few who got close, but that wall is killer, regardless of gender.


    Hopefully the weather holds out and doesn't ruin too many runs.

  12. Paul lost his girlfriend in a hiking accident I think. Samm Sanns sounds familiar but there are so many competitors I can't honestly remember right now. I'm sure it'll come up during the try outs. The guy I was talking about was Brent Steffenson. He made to to stage 3, two years ago and everyone expected him to kill it last year. He got a new girlfriend who competed as well (and we learned was a hardcore stalkerish-type fan) and he got psyched out early and did very poorly.


    So many interesting stories every year. I personally love "Grandpa Ninja" and the Harlem Globtrotter.


    I've honestly never heard of "Irish Stepdancing." Sounds interesting. I know how badly stress and desire to win can cripple you. Had similar issues in tap dancing, jazz dance and competitive swimming when I was younger. Sometimes just trying to relax and stay calm can cause enough stress to throw you off.

  13. I have an almost eleven month old and voted "yes" on the finding out but it was pretty much a given. I didn't want any ultrasounds but was deemed a "high risk" pregnancy so I found out at 5 months. We had already been talking about boy names, had already gotten boy clothes and I generally knew it was a boy (instinct and the high prevalence of males on my partners side.)


    We've been talking about our next one and because we went the natural route with our first a little late, and we're more aware of the happening of having a baby, I think we'll have it be a surprise. I tend to like gender neutral items more and I'm hoping for a girl and also like the surprise/suspense.


    After that ramble, I think, since it's your first, you should not find out. It's more fun, less worry and you won't be expecting one way or another hopefully. I worry with our second, that I will be a tad disappointed if it's another boy (he has a brother and a sister but his brother has two boys.)


    I also like the surprise gender cake idea but I would be wicked and have it green on the inside (as to tell that you don't even know the gender!)


    I think your family will go crazy either way! My family and friends did and I have quite a few very "girly" items from early on that I will hold onto for the future. My son is in a tye-dyed pink/green/blue/purple cloth diaper right now and has worn a pink monkey outfit, so I guess it doesn't matter all that much!


    Sorry for the length but I just reread the previous and YES if it's a boy or even a girl probably, opt out of newborn clothing. Super cute but lasted less than a month on our little guy (he was also 22in and 10lbs at birth however)

  14. Looooove ANW!!!!!!!! I actually squealed when I saw the first commercial recently. Last year we were in the stix so it was hard keeping up with it all but it turned out to be disappointing anyhow. Can't wait to see if a few of my favorites get redemption. It's a shame that the best guy (arguably) wiped out so early... I surmise it had something to do with his new obsessive girlfriend (who also competed.)


    I don't do parkour either (autoimmune/rhematic issues) but I do wish I would have known about it when I was younger. We did things similar, just messing around and while hanging out with the "skaters." I fractured my foot once on a bad landing from about ?10ft?


    Perhaps it's best that I didn't know about/practice it. I think I might have exhausted my insurance and my broken bone allowance :rolleyes_anim:

  15. Sooooo disappointed. I was hoping the new Wraith would be a female on HW. There are two teams with 3 female players. Krawk Island and Faerieland. I really want to go HW (the little Korbat is adorable) or Terror Mtn but I think I"m heading towards Krawk. Hmm... at least we have some time to decide.




    My main pet is painted Halloween though...does that make her a traitor?

  16. I'm definitely going to try to get one but all three is out of the question. I'd love to get the bonus prize but 700NC each is a bit steep. After this, I'm going to have to take a loong NC break and really try to do some trading. Really loving the Lavishams Satchel prizes but I really like the "inside a balloon" and "mystery capsule staff." Oh well.

  17. Oooo I really wanted to join HW this year for my first real try at the AC but I'm really not feeling the colors (though I really like their cuffs.) I kinda wish Krawk Island wasn't such a heavy hitter, because I really prefer their colors and shield. I also really like Terror Mountain. I'm not going to be a big help either way so maybe I'll flip a coin?


    I'm assuming the sign ups are on a timer? Does anyone know how long you have to choose?

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