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Posts posted by Nubisbully

  1. I thought that too for a long while. It's because the different tokens you can play as, are NC. I dislike my token but the cheapest NC one is 350NC I think, and I don't really like any of the items they give you. Also, some of them move oddly on the screen which causes me to have head issues, so I try to not play with players using those.

  2. Oh awesome. I almost wish I didn't know that, because now I'm tempted to get another one! Hmmm... Thanks for letting me know how to check that.




    I found the number on the one in my cart but can't on the one I already purchased last week. It's ending today, so I guess I'll just hold my breath. Don't wanna be stuck with the same transformations. Thanks again

  3. I have ALWAYS thought the Sand Bottles to be some of the prettiest items in Neopia. They are the reason I started my Sand Gallery in the first place.


    I'm soooo excited about the new Faerieland and Haunted Woods Bottles of Sand!

    I cannot wait to add them to my Gallery and I hope that TNT plans on making Bottles of Sand to represent each part of Neopia. :D



    I never really gave them much thought (aside from reminding me of my childhood) until I saw this tiki_elegantsand.gif and had to buy it. I've looked into other sand items and all of yours and am really a fan. There's quite a few items so probably not my cup of tea but I do love your gallery!

  4. So no real reason to get two MME's? Looking back on others, there seems to always be a preferred stage path but I don't want to get two of them and have a legitimate chance of getting the same path twice. I was hoping two would transform differently, but I guess as with most NC or even NP things, it's all chance.

  5. Beads! Well just yellow and blue ones with the random green/red when I find one cheap enough. My slight OCD is making it really hard for me and I can't get find the last ones I need anywhere. :sad02:


    Also, codestones just because they go straight to my SDB and I rarely train my pet there anymore. Oh and Neggs because I dislike selling them and one day I might trade them in for a few Cool or Super Neggs.

  6. My computer has recently been too laggy to play well and I don't want to possibly cause problems for the other players. I've found that I get better prizes from silver keys. I was unsure if they are random or if in general gold is supposed to be better. Would make sense but I've only gotten one good group from gold and several nerkmids and paintbrushes from silver. Hmm..

  7. I don't think getting the np is the hard part at all. It's not spending as others have said. I restarted a year and a half ago but was mostly just messing around and trying to figure out what had happened since I last played. Apparently in over ten years a WHOLE LOT changes. I had no idea what was going on or what to do even. Once I figured out the main ways players earn NP, my bank account went from 100k to 6mil in a matter of a few months.


    Unfortunately it went to my head a bit and I spent all of it on pretty things that didn't really make much sense, except for the lap map of course. And once I have something I like (no matter how ridiculous) I have a hard time selling it, so my SDB and gallery are full of weird things.


    I have a couple mil in stocks still but for the most part I'm around 500k because I've lost my drive a bit, my computer has been dren lately and I've been physically too exhausted to spend much time with the more duldrum activities.


    Can't wait to try the AC and see if it makes things fun again!

  8. Wow. I feel kinda bad that I actually have a baby but never really thought about baby names until I was about 5 months pregnant. I'm not expecting to have another one for another couple years but I'd like to find something that matches my first. His name is Corvo meaning "raven."



    I'm a big fan of many of your names Saxen. I debated "Leif" and "Rune" myself but they didn't fit properly. Also like "Rhett" and "Rip".


    I'm rooting for a girl so I can call her "Gaige" possibly.

  9. I have no idea about the Cove but have been wondering as well. I was compulsively saving them in my SDB until I recently discovered how to get food back from the Golden Dubloon. Needless to say... most of them are gone. Back to saving! If you need the NP then sell them in smaller denominations but the values fluctuate quite a bit and the very high value coins are still on par with selling a ton of the smaller ones.

  10. I got a nerkmid from a RE awhile ago and decided to try my hand (didn't need the np at the time.) I got another Nerkmid, tried it again and got a wraith PB! I was stoked but didn't really want a wraith pet, got impatient and traded it for a couple super pricey MP that were such a pain to unload. Shoulda stuck with the PB after seeing the price increase drastically.


    Went on a bit of a binge a few months ago and tried maybe 10 or so. Ended up with Squat. Got a couple nerkmids that I played and walked away with food items worth maybe 1k?


    I'll stick to playing them if I get them but probably won't seek them out for awhile.

  11. I haven't seen anything the like. Her whole profile and pets/store etc is odd. In addition to 3 UC pets but no proof of playing, which isn't abnormal but it all seems weird.


    I might report it to adjust the "glitch" or maybe just bring TNT's attention to it, in case there's something more serious going on, even if not sinister.


    Go with your gut.

  12. So, I have a question about Shenanigifts while this is up. I've never played, had an invite and decided to try (with two additional power ups.) I ended up picking three different ones, got the same prize each time, which I DID NOT WANT!!! It's the worse prize of them all, so I used the second chance (I think) and picked a fourth elephante.


    Wouldn't ya know, I got THE EXACT SAME PRIZE!!!!!!! In addition to wasting a power-up. I also had the two prize thing but didn't use it and am glad, because I probably would have gotten two of the dern things. At least I got the bonus prize but, I don't like/need/want that either.


    Is this normal? I still have a power up, so I might try again once but after that I'm through if they regularly goat you into buying/spending NC just to have the same outcome regardless. Seems like an underhanded system. Anyone play this regularly and have any experiences they could share??? Thanks



    mall_trink_partylights.gif Ew.

  13. I second everything Bright said.


    We got Prime through school and you can "gift" it to a few other people for free which is pretty cool. We use it a lot (probably a legitimate cause of our spending getting a bit out of control.) I love Prime for tv (mostly BBC) but they can be annoying and mysterious drop that second season you just got to (talking to you Copper!)


    Recently Prime has become a bit less reliable, with the addition of so many different sellers, not everything gets out at the exact time and Prime doesn't guarantee it's the cheapest (usually within a few dollars but not always.) I like subscribe and save for things like dog food and such, which has become very expensive recently and S&S saves an extra 5-20%.


    Word of caution: They recently started adding tax if you live in the state they're shipping from. So in Pa, since everything is based around Carlisle or Philly, we get hit with tax A LOT. Super annoying when the tax eats the savings so we end up scouring stores for what we need.

  14. I agree. Very kind but it's super hard to trust anyone you don't routinely communicate with. I lost my tens of millions a decade ago in an early scam but forgive and forget. Unfortunately I don't have the disposable NP right now for the GKB I want. Might check back to see if you still have it up for grabs and get something else if there are no takers.

  15. First thought is ew bacon, as I'm a vegetarian. I love coffee but usually bruss/floss to get RID of the coffee flavor/smell.


    Buuuutttt... I'm s tremendous sucker for cupcake/cake flavored ANYTHING!!!! Love birthday cake ice cream, tried the BC oreos and even had a body spray that was cupcake scented.. however, I don't use flouride toothpaste and would be afraid I or any little kids would just eat it.. hmm....


    If I saw it cheaply in a store I might pick it up? :whistle:

  16. I've never gotten or really followed a MME but saw the dress, "tried it on" and fell in love. Going to have to cut myself off after the rest of the NC is gone (luckily it was a present) because buying adorable rl diapers is a higher priority (kind of). Can't wait to see what it turns into!




    OK so please allow a possibly ridiculous question.


    On a certain dress up preview site there are three options for the current MME. Does this mean that there will be three different routes your item (i.e. dress) can take? If so, can you purchase TWO MMEs and get different transformations or is it likely you'll end up with the same one because it's on the same account?

  17. I actually figured that out just a bit ago. Guessing I have another day or so until it's released. I got impatient and got super lucky on wonderclaw so, I have my wings now to tide me over! mall_wing_multi_piece.gif Yay :) Such a girl sometimes, really.


    I'm not super impressed, getting sick of backgrounds honestly. But, the Spring Faellie is kinda cute. Don't much need a petpet either though.

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