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Posts posted by Nubisbully

  1. I always get nervous when you can choose prizes and have yet to decide on this years FON prizes. I'm never quite sure on the time limit for such things. If anyone could enlighten me, I'd be obliged. I still have yet to choose my Obelisk plot prizes and have assumed we would get a warning as to our time being up.

  2. I couldn't figure out how to get em' on here so no pic but I wanted a faerie on my wrist originally. The guy told me he wouldn't do it because I was young and dumb essentially and I wouldn't get a good job. Ended up getting "Organic" on my ankle. Next time I got the V for Vendetta logo on my calf.


    The original winner of "InkMaster" is an hour from me, as are several other contestants and one of the main tattoo artists for bands like Slipknot, so I"m hoping to have the money to get a really detailed, well thought out tattoo from someone amazing...one day.

  3. Unfortunately no. Quite a pain sometimes. One of my pets is stuck there atm because of the ridiculous cost of the codestones asked for. I have a ton of the cheaper ones but it wants four higher priced ones. Which do you need? Might be able to help.

  4. Most of my online usernames are pet related. My neopets account is homage to one of my cats (Anubis) whom I hand raised from 5 days old with her sister (Seraphim.) Most of my neopets are named after one of my pets (I have a lot of furry and not so furry babies.) The bully part is from pitbull, as I have a pit/boxer mix who saved my life as a teen and started me on a pro-bully/mastiff type crusade, if you will. I didn't know that pits were hated/feared when I adopted her as a puppy and it's been a long, crazy journey ever since.

  5. In Florida we had pinata birthdays a lot as well. Possibly from the large Hispanic population, although not hugely Mexican.


    Also in Florida we never wore shoes casually. If going out usually sneakers or flip flops but I liked closed shoes because the tops of my feet got sun burned.


    In Vermont it's hiking boots year round' for the most part.

  6. I really like the Clockwork Eyepatch Facepaint added to him. It is NC but only 50 if you have any left from making the account initially or from AC this past year. I have one on a side account but I'm not sure if I have a gift box to send it. I wanted to make a steampunk pet but don't think I'll actually get around to it. Love yours though, just think it needs the face paint.

  7. ^--Me too! That area of the country has always had my heart, especially since I visited Seattle about 15 years ago. We put it off due to the radiation fears but recently have thought about it again since Arizona has let me down and North Carolina might be a little "too country" for my boyfriend.


    I eat ranch with everything as well, I think I got that from West Virginia but I also put ketchup and mustard on everything (grosses my bf out when I put it on eggs so I've become "civilized" and put salsa on them instead)


    Like deboratibi, I eat pizza with a fork and knife if possible but that's thanks to my British roommate in college, who made me feel like a Neanderthal when I picked it up with my hands.

  8. Thanks so much! I have a mostly up to date list on Dress to Impress if you're ever interested. I found a ?widget? from awhile back that I think was a FC prize or something so I tired my luck and got these mall_acc_flower_armour.gif. They're not what I wanted but much better than some of the options. I actually like a few of the other items so I might try to scrounge some cash before it retires or just attempt a trade once more people have used it.

  9. We have fast food maybe 6-10x/year and are vegetarian so Taco Bell would be my vote. Would say Subway off of that list except that i'm allergic to their dough conditioner and try to stay away from the GMOs in their veggie burgers (plus they have egg whites which sometimes trigger seizures.)


    Ohhh Chipotle or Moes would really be my national pick as the first is GMO free now and the second has awesome tofu burritos! :)

  10. I grew up in the south eastern US (born in North Carolina, grew up in Orlando Florida, school in West Virginia (by Pittsburgh), college in South Carolina) so I classify any southern behavior as "normal" and everything else is "unique." More recently I lived in Vermont for several years and am now around Philadelphia so I"m learning how different these areas really are.


    In Vermont they say "wicked" a lot in regards to things being "awesome." In the south "wicked" would be a naughty or sinful thing.


    In Philadelphia they have an odd accent which I don't really like and they are very particular about how you call a sandwich. I am use to saying "sub" for a long piece of bread which is cut and has cheese, veggies etc but here it's a "grinder" or "hoagie" but they mean specific things. I still get confused after 5 years of living here.


    Cooking methods is also very different. In the south we used a lot of Pecans (pronounced PEE-CON not PEE-CAN in Florida but reverse in NC) sweet potatoes and butter/lard. Here it's more pumpkin pie and walnuts and olive oil (from the large Italian population.) Vermont is all maple syrup and local eggs, raw milk, raw cheeses and overall yummy but expensive.


    The biggest irk to me was an ex-bf who called "soda" , "pop". This is an Ohio/West Virginia thing that drives me NUTS!!! In some southern states it's all "Coke." No matter the brand or flavor sometimes.


    Sooo.. that was all food related, I think it's time to eat!

  11. Thanks everyone, I'm glad I'm not the only one whose torn! I perhaps should have clarified that I would put the wig on someone else, maybe a pink or pastel Xweetok or white Zafara w/resplendent wings. I think I shall wait a bit longer but I'll probably go with the wing. I dislike the color schemes TNT uses sometimes for their items vs pet colors. I find it very hard to get pinks/purples etc to match well. One always looks muted or "off" and I think that's my problem with the wig, it's pretty but it's either too light or flat for most pet colors (especially with pink being almost neon.)

  12. I got a "Sparkling Negg Dust" originally because I loooooved the Cherry Blossom Wings and thought they'd go great with my future Woodland Uni. I decided to hold off until all the Negg Gazer items were released in case I liked something better or fell out of love with the wings.


    I've had the hardest time deciding which wings to get or trade for, as they all only suit one particular pet/color combo and I don't have the money to get all of them nor the NP to get many/any of my dream pets atm.


    Up until today I only liked a few of the other NG items so I though I was safe with the wings until... PASTEL PINK WIG!!! Oh my. I rarely find wigs I really like (the one on SadleBully is really my only love) so this is killing me. Any opinions? I really can't get any more NC right now, went a lil crazy on GBC and FC lately.


    Thanks in advance, the two items are below. I'll throw up a poll to make it easier.



  13. 2_crazyman_2:


    Love your neck piece and the inspiration (admittedly didn't watch Dark Angel but can get behind Banksy.) I wanted something similar in college but tattoos were illegal there. When they became legalized in my second year, I still couldn't get it because I wasn't old enough (had to be 18 w/parent signature or 21 without, I was only 18 but 1000 miles from my parents) AND ... it was still illegal to tattoo the face, hands OR NECK!!! So bummed. Got two small leg pieces instead once I moved back to Vermont.


    My "V" needs to be reworked, maybe I'll ask for suggestions here later.


    The idea for your new piece sounds interesting. I'm exhausted so I can't really imagine it well but if done correctly, could be wicked.

  14. Sorry, guess I rambled a bit. I'd like to create a Cybunny for my main account but I already have four pets. One of the NC items I want to use on a main pet is on a side and I don't want to waste a box sending it to another account. NC items don't transfer, only NP items so I'd just swap pets out and decorate it on my side since I only have one NC item for her and the NP items I can move. Not sure if that was any clearer actually.




    ETA: I bought one on my side, opened it, and got 2 items (soft hanging lamp and friendly flying petpet house foreground -- what?) and one box, so I bought another there -- three more items (I heart NC flag -- ugh, pastel blue hair bow, and tower princess shoes) and one more box. Then I bought 3 on my main but didn't open them. I'll need to try on the items and see if I like any of them enough to want to send them over to my main. (I know I"m sending A Rolling Fog over, and maybe Rose String Lights... unless I decide to trade something from my side or like one of the new items enough to want it on my main...)


    I did that exact thing and got a bunch of junk and one thing I really quite liked. It's frustrating to have all these cheap trinket things you don't want and don't want to buy a box to send. The upcycle fortune cookies are nice to get rid of this stuff and get something back but it's so random it drives me nuts, and I don't really want to spend the money to buy a FC for my other account when I only have four things to get rid of there and that might only be one day or "upcycling."


    Hope any of that made sense... lack of sleep frying my brain.

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