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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. Hi! I'm not sure which guide you're using, but the one I'm using recommends heading to Edge City and upgrading your level 6 armor for one of the level 10 armors (Both are the exact same):

    Dawnshine Generator Shield - Spider Leg, Spider Pincer, Cobra Fang, and Iguana Eye

    Sorcerous Robe - Giant Spider Blood, Cobra Venom, Iguana Spit, Crystallized Mummy Blood


    After that your next staff/wand upgrade is at the Temple of Roo where you can have Erick craft you a Life Staff with the items: Growing Jewel, Carved Oaken Staff, and Coruscating Gem


    If I recall correctly, the shield has a chance to reflect, so it was the more preferred armor. It has been well over a year for me since i got passed the Erick avatar, though.

  2. I usually just sit in the bathroom with a hot shower running for the steam. I have pale and sensitive skin so I don't actually sit IN the hot shower, or I'd come out looking like an apple or tomato o.o A humidifier with some eucalyptus or mint oil helps with congestion too. Or just chew some minty gum, your sinuses might drain, helping to alleviate pressure.

  3. Welcome! Lots of helpful people here and some chatterboxes if you want them ^__^


    Took me about that long to get around to making a forum account too! maybe a year shy since I joined a couple months ago about this time last year.

  4. D= hrtbrk double posted! Only kidding - don't bite meo.o


    Wraith looks excellent, I like the detail on the tail. I do agree about the transparent Lupe. Black outlines defeats the purpose of it being "transparent".

  5. As stated before, the Rainbow Pool is your best friend for finding colors! You can also play around in DTI to find clothes, backgrounds and other stuff.


    Like FoolishFancy said, I would like to have my pets & petpets matching. I can't figure out a good petpet for my Bori since s/he's custard for the moment, also have to figure out how to get a hold of a faerie PPPB for the Ezzil on my Cy to match her. As for my Lutari, I have to find my magma pool time again o.o

  6. The thing that's supposed to go into your collection (prize for passing lvl 20) doesn't go, it says invalid or something along those lines. Just a heads up ^__^


    I read typos, grammar and verb/possessive/noun errors just fine, but I can not -for the life of me- make them myself on purpose! I have to be dead tired xD

  7. I've passed lvl 20 just an hour ago or so, and I've received all prizes thus far. You may want to let them know =3


    Not all levels were 3 starred, although it is quite a pet peeve of mine to have all three... Silly completionist part of me.

  8. I have the same idea as you for my Lunarysira. It's a toss up between Magma (which is WAAAAAAAY easier to get), Mutant, RoyalGirl, and possibly Eventide.

    Before the JumpStart M&A, my time was 08:45am NST, which is when I'm usually asleep. Go figure xD But since the M&A of JumpStart, I have read of peoples times not being the same. I have not tested it yet, but I think I will sometime this week.

  9. You could try to lay on the floor with your butt against the bottom/base of the couch/sofa/love seat/recliner-type chair with your calves resting on the cushion or bed (if you have it on a frame and not lazily slung on the floor like mine xP).

    I have mild scoliosis (my L1 veers to the left) so I can understand the pains of moving a bunch of stuff around or carrying heavy things for a period of time. If you sleep like that maybe 1-2 times a week (if you can, that is) it can help a bit to realign and even let gravity help blood flow and alleviate pressure.

  10. Could have been on accident since the buttons are pretty close if I recall correctly, then again, might not have been. Some people are hard to understand some times o.o I tend to try to avoid them all together most times. Forums are a different case xP

  11. You could always send an E-Mail to [email protected] I had to do that for mine. Just tell them your circumstances and see if they will allow you to / or for you, change the associated E-Mail.
    NeoFriends, stuff in your SDB, the day, month and year that you received a trophy (although that would be hard for me to remember xD) month & year should be fine though, little things only you would know about your account, like if you found a PB through a Random Event and which pet you painted it with or if you sold it.

    The more info you shove about your account into that message, I would say, the higher your chances are to recover it.

  12. Yeah, I was upset when I combined all of my dubloons and found out that Krawk Island didn't give change. Long long time ago <.< Still upset over it though *pouts*


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