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Posts posted by donutdraik

  1. I read in the Neopian times that you're less likely to win the Gallery Spotlight if you're using a pre-made layout so I was hoping to try making my own that fits within the theme of my gallery. However, while I've got some basic knowledge of coding petpages I know absolutely nothing about coding a shop or gallery. Does anyone know of any good guides?


    I have a few general coding guides saved, but I was hoping there might be some guides out there that are specifically for coding shops/galleries. c: Thanks in advance!

  2. ^This is what is causing it...


    If you remove it from the code, trophies will show up.



    Ooh, it worked! Thanks Xepha! c:


    Do you know of a way to make the "Petname the Color Species" text smaller, so it's less obtrusive? That's part of why I had that portion of the code, but if it's what was hiding my trophies then I'll have to find a different way handle that.

  3. Hey guys! I've been editing a pre-made layout for my pets' lookups and I like the layout a lot, but unfortunately it hides the trophies on their lookups. I spent a few hours trying to figure out how to make the trophies show up but I couldn't figure it out, and I even contacted the person who made the layout but unfortunately they haven't been on in a while so I figured I'd see if anyone on here could lend me a hand. c:


    .content div {
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    <div style="color: #D6E1C7; background: #D6E1C7; width: 100%; height: 10px;">c</div>

    <div id="nav">« <a href="petpage link goes here" class="nav">PETPAGE</a> | <a href="/~Adiele" class="nav">CSS</a> | <a href="neomail link goes here" class="nav">NEOMAIL</a> »</div>

    <br> text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text

    text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text


    Thanks in advance!

  4. I finally achieved the Freaky Factory avatar, after days of trying! c:

    I actually got the score needed once before but there was an error when I tried to send, so that just made me more determined to eventually get it again.


    I also got my first trophy that required me to get on the highscore table, thanks to one of TDN's guides!

  5. I haven't gotten a FFQ on any account. . .Gotta say I'm getting pretty sick of those Craft Faerie quests though . . .


    Supposedly if you change your language to Chinese before clicking to accept your quest you will not get any Crafting Faerie quests (and of course you can change it back after clicking "accept"). c: A few of the folks in my guild suggested doing so, and it has worked for me so far.

  6. I can't say that I've received upgrades after going over the 5k limit (frankly, I'm not sure I've ever hit it!), but I don't see why that would stop you. You're still able to win avatars in Bilge Dice after hitting your max payout, and you can still upgrade your trophy (and win the avatar) after hitting 5k in Cell Block as well. I'd be really interested to find out for sure, but I would be really surprised if you couldn't. :)


    Here are three easy trophy guides that I had bookmarked. :) They definitely helped me get a tonne of trophies, so hopefully they help you too!






    Thanks for the quick response, Rebecca! That's really helpful. c:


    I had one of those sites bookmarked already, but I'll check out the others and hopefully find a new trophy to try for!

  7. I recently got a bronze Sakhmet Solitaire trophy and I've been working on upgrading it to silver. I know that with Solitaire you can only earn a maximum of 5K per day, however you can still keep playing and earning earning points towards your total after you surpass your daily limit of 5K so I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to still earn a trophy even if you can't earn any more neopoints that day? Thanks in advance! c:


    (As a sort of secondary question, can anyone recommend some more trophies (games or otherwise!) that don't require getting on a highscore table? I'm at the start of my second row of trophies and I'm trying to find some other ones to work towards so I'd love some suggestions!)

  8. My primary goal right now is to get more trophies for both my account and my pets. I'd like to get atleast one BC trophy for each of my pets (two down, three to go!) as well as a customization spotlight, pet spotlight, petpet spotlight and site spotlight trophy for atleast one of my pets.


    I also need to kick myself into finishing my game of NeoQuest so I can get those trophies. :x

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