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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Might as well keep this going, right. And today's zap is.... And for a zap of the petpet.... and nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. I expect no less than nothing. LOL. I will return tomorrow for another go!
  2. I was just checking to see where the stocks were standing. It almost makes me wish I had wanted instead of jumping on the 1st stock that hit 15 today. Maybe we'll have more choices tomorrow. Here is what I found just now. I do have all of these stocks, some a little amount and others a larger amount and the SMUG I have one of that I bought earlier today.
  3. Turmaculus is awake until the top of the hour!
  4. Well that's 500 NP's I didn't have! Here is the coordinates to the NP's I found. I don't know if it has been tested before so if someone wants to try the same and see if they get the same prize of maybe a different prize that would be interesting to know. Go to 32,147 Please let me know if you do try this, thanks.
  5. I had to leave for errands at 1 this afternoon but checked the stocks before leaving and I saw the SMUG and I too bought 1000. I didn't have any at all for the same reasons you stated. There are a couple of stocks that I saw about 50 and another in the higher 40's and I believe there was 1 around 39. Those were stocks I already own. That was last night when I was looking at the prices. I haven't looked to day yet. Have you seen anything that might be worth keeping an eye on? I don't have alot and maybe not even the same as yours so you might have something that's going up. Just curious on your thoughts or the thoughts of others about the stocks.
  6. I just got a FQ from Kaia and I thought great! The last one I did for her she gave me a Bioluminescent Bay Foreground. I kept that in my inventory just in case she should come back I would have it for her. She came back today, I gave her the item and she in turn gave me..... Bioluminescent Bay Foreground. If all they really wanted was my 75 NC then why not ask? Pay for FQ cookies, Pay for FQ bags get the same item. What a deal? I can't wait for tomorrow!
  7. So, here I go again! Don't want to leave out the petpet. JEEZ!
  8. Thanks for posting. I have been checking on and off for 15NP stocks today with no luck. A lot of 14 - 16 but this is the 1st 15. I hurried over and bought 1000 in case they disappear.
  9. OK I thought if I posted and said I haven't had a good zap in sometime it would happen. Well, here's todays results. Maybe tomorrow? WOOHOO! I got a zap change on my petpet. At least that's something!
  10. Sure wish we didn't have the new 30 minute time limit on the posts. Before I was able to put 6 (if I remember right, maybe more) Random Events in the same post. Does anyone have any ideas on why this time limit was invoked? Who would have known that a Mashed Potato Hat could be worth more than 18,000 NP
  11. From the Treasure of the Black Pawkeet
  12. I use to buy the Lab Ray Cookies but I stopped because I got the same results that I'm complaining about. No, not really complaining but asserting the fact it's so disappointing. I know you get it since you said it has been a couple of months. It seems to be about the same with the petpets. Awe, it's probably just the way I click the button. lol It's all a matter of luck I just wish I knew what to do to increase my chances of a change.
  13. I've been trying to get in on posting my lab rat pets changing into new species so I have a reason to post here too but all I seem to get is reoccurring stuff (like today). Well maybe by posting this my luck will change and make a liar out of me. Tomorrow is the day!
  14. I thought the Bori's were cute but these are the cutest! Makes me want ALL f them.
  15. Well they have it posted as The 9th. Maybe I am reading it wrong or perhaps they are a day later than Neo? I did see this in my email. Thank you for taking the time to post in both areas so I was sure t see it. I don't know why I didn't know this but I didn't. Very nice of you to get back to me on this. I wonder if again I am the last to know. That happens to me quite often.
  16. AWE! These are all so cute. Double AWE!
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