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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. No luck again today! and the little buddy...
  2. I gave them away because they needed it and I had them. I give away a lot of stuff. Are you kidding me? Those maps are 2.5 M now? Well I guess I will wait until I RE the pieces instead of buying they. I looked and I have 8 of the 9 pieces. Some I have 2 of and some I 3 of and I have 7 of one of the pieces. I didn't know that so all I need is 1 piece to put a map on my side. WOW That is a lot of NP's!
  3. Wow, I wish I hadn't have given away the sets I had. I think I only remember selling 2 or 3 sets then the rest went to players that needed them. I have 4 sides but I have moved the pets on the sides into just 2 accounts so 2 accounts are waiting to have pets. I would really only need 2 sets unless I started getting a lot more pets. Glad you told me this!
  4. For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's level has increased!
  5. What, you have a Lab Ray on all your accounts? Maybe I should do that! Can we do that? When I think of all the map sets I have given away and I could have used them on side accounts?
  6. Angelo your so lucky at the Lab Ray! This isn't funny anymore but he laughs ! and the little buddy
  7. I don't often get a good prize from the Fruit Machine.
  8. Always like getting those special treats!
  9. so it's the same and heres what happens to little buddy Wow! a name change. I am just so excited to use the Lab Ray. I can't believe all the exciting changes that are happening every day.
  10. Hey, alright! I got movement points. I am so excited!!!!! Now, let's try the petpet Well, oh no. Poor Dirigibles. At least he's going to get a fresh start, exciting!
  11. I just bought my stocks (1000 FISH) but as I was checking through what I owned I ran across this. Maybe it will be worth more tomorrow.
  12. Oh, that now makes sense. I really was confused, lol. Is Chocolate only available from the lab ray?
  13. Am I reading this right? She was a Strawberry Wocky! turned into a Blue Koi and you zapped the Koi again only to have her turn back into a Strawberry Wocky! ???
  14. Yum! I was looking for something to snack on. Just in time.
  15. Might as well keep this going, right. And today's zap is.... And for a zap of the petpet.... and nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. I expect no less than nothing. LOL. I will return tomorrow for another go!
  16. I was just checking to see where the stocks were standing. It almost makes me wish I had wanted instead of jumping on the 1st stock that hit 15 today. Maybe we'll have more choices tomorrow. Here is what I found just now. I do have all of these stocks, some a little amount and others a larger amount and the SMUG I have one of that I bought earlier today.
  17. Turmaculus is awake until the top of the hour!
  18. Well that's 500 NP's I didn't have! Here is the coordinates to the NP's I found. I don't know if it has been tested before so if someone wants to try the same and see if they get the same prize of maybe a different prize that would be interesting to know. Go to 32,147 Please let me know if you do try this, thanks.
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