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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Happy Pteri Day everyone! The only time I have one of these in the pet line up is if I have zapped it there. I am not a fan of any bird species that I can think of but to be honest I do think all of them below the Valentine are very cute and colorful! I hope those that are bird lovers will like the new options. Oh and I do have a bird, a Lenny. I was granted this through a zap and I also have a baby one. Guess that makes me a bird lover after all!
  2. Did you end up with a good amount of NP's? I just got home and saw this message so I went to check it out and it is down to 60 right now. The last time that stock was up high I sold all but one of mine so I don't have any to sell. Glad you caught it and had some to sell!
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