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Everything posted by iheartsaku

  1. Yeah strange .... wonder when it will be up and running again.
  2. I have been trying for like forever now ... and still no avatar for me.
  3. For whatever reason...the mushrooms on the Chomby make me uncomfortable.... like they are diseased the poor things definitely not an item for me haha.
  4. So I have 94 points and am not sure which items I should pick. Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe the Faerie paintbrush or should I go more with stamps/books?
  5. I would be willing to join your guild if it would actually be active haha there are not many out there. Anything interesting happening in your guild at the moment?
  6. Thanks for sharing all of your opinions was interesting to see the different tastes of everyone.
  7. In general I am quite in accordance with your preferences. They fit with my likings and dislikes haha.
  8. I was just curious at to what is everyone's favorite and least favorite Neopet? This question came to mind when the lab ray just zapped one pets into a Vandagyre. Which a totally dislike....and made me think, wow, they may be my least favorite of them all. As for my favorite, it is a bit more tough. There are a few a adore! However, probably a tie between Lupe and Shoyru. I would love to hear about the preferences of everyone else! (though this question may have already been asked in the past).
  9. I love it Not only am I a fanatic of hearts but it is just so simple and cute.
  10. I didn't get anything either I did log in the day of....but did not go the log out and log back in ...seems a bit unfair but oh well,
  11. It is indeed unfortunate....but it happens to all of us. It is reminders to tell ourselves to slow down sometimes.....Anyways, hopefully the person who got lucky makes good use of it haha.
  12. That is great! For the moment, I just take from the pound and zap and put them back and hopefully make someone happy. I do try to take pets with decent names though haha.
  13. I was not aware the rubbish avatar was not working before....but makes sense since I feel like I have been trying to get it forever now and still nothing haha. I guess we shall see now if I get it soon.
  14. I bought mine used and I have had it for over 10 years now. Of course, like any other car there are repairs and upkeep that needs to be done from time to time. The other thing is, if you don't know cars very well (like me) go with someone who does when you are searching around. They will be able to aid you in asking the right questions and help get the best bang for your buck,
  15. iheartsaku

    New puppy

    Last week we brought home our second daughter, a Shiba Inu puppy. We already have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, who is 3 years old. Here are some pics.
  16. I didnt get the neocash? And I had logged in yesterday?
  17. Oh wow.....so bad...
  18. Can someone explain to me this whole NFT thing? I am a bit out of the loop at the moment and confused haha I've been seeing it everywhere the last few days and people being upset with Neopets.
  19. Hahaha I was wondering the same thing, I just went to the snowager and things looked different for sure.
  20. It is random, I am pretty sure. I've had times where it broke in one shot and then other times where I had to hit it like 10 times. It can be frustation haha.
  21. Hello and welcome! Everyone is here is super awesome nice, down to earth people. Join in our convos and have fun hehe.
  22. He is back to normal , thanks to some kind souls.
  23. I will keep zapping him and hopefully will end up with something I like. I just adored the mutant lupe....so that's why I am so heartbroken. Oh well, I guess we shall see what future holds for my zaps. I just feel so dumb for making such a silly mistake.
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