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  1. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to Bright ^_^ in What's your Achievement today?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Neomail Addict' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    I randomly got this avatar when replying to somebody about my Cheeseroller Statistics Project! I wasn't expecting that at all! Yay!
  2. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to fireembemphanatic in What's your Achievement today?   
    I just hit 1 million total winnings from food club bets!
  3. Like
    spazzy_child got a reaction from Bright ^_^ in What's your Achievement today?   
    You are now eligible to use 'Battleground: The Sway' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    FINALLY. I slacked in the beginning when everyone was good about being like we're getting this one next! Soo took me awhile lol. But I got all of them now.
    Whew. Glad that is OVER.
  4. Like
    spazzy_child got a reaction from siniri in What's your Achievement today?   
    You are now eligible to use 'Battleground: The Sway' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    FINALLY. I slacked in the beginning when everyone was good about being like we're getting this one next! Soo took me awhile lol. But I got all of them now.
    Whew. Glad that is OVER.
  5. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to blueberrykiwi141 in A couple of questions about the Rubbish avatar   
    Yes it can all be the same thing if you want, it does not have to be different items.
    It will show up on your inventory page after you have discarded the amount that Neo has set for your account, since it is different for everyone.
    i got Mine at about 5,000 items
  6. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to xrazydiamond in A couple of questions about the Rubbish avatar   
    What I did was search for Shiny Obsidian, set the max price at 1 NP, then I'd look for the shops that had large stacks of these (I considered 5+ worth it), then buy out everything else in their shop that was at 1 NP. With large shops, it's easier to hit CTRL+F, enter "Cost : 1 NP" into the search field, and find the 1 NP items that way - that way you can do everything on that page, then go to the next page a lot quicker. It keeps the Shop Wizard from getting frustrated with you, and I found I got the avatar a lot quicker by doing this and then discarding when my inventory was full. It kept me from having to empty my SDB every time I was working on the avatar.
  7. Like
    spazzy_child got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in The big 10! 10th Anniversary!   
    Congrats! That's awesome to hear!
    I'm at 9 1/2 myself. This May I'll be hitting a decade on this account. Very excited for it!
  8. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to patricebee in The big 10! 10th Anniversary!   
    Congrats! That's an achievement! I can't imagine the number of people who just stop playing and the number of accounts that TNT has to purge. Just for being a loyal player maybe they could consider giving people a gift at the 10 year anniversary - like a nice paintbrush or something. Just a thought. :D
    Enjoy the day!
  9. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to CassandraA in The big 10! 10th Anniversary!   
    That's so exciting! My 10 year anniversary is this July and I still have my first pet too :) We should get something on our accounts birthday. 10 years is a loooong time.
  10. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to Lady Lyuba in The big 10! 10th Anniversary!   
    I can't believe it...On this day 10 years ago, my main Neopets account was created, with my Aisha being the first pet on it. Here it stands today, 10 years later, still going strong, still in use. It's come a long way.
    This feels like something worth celebrating! Oooh, I just wanna throw a party!
  11. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to Bright ^_^ in Cheese Roller Statistics Project   
    Attention! I am no longer collecting data for Quadruple Fudge Cheese Dive Left.

    I'm on the hunt for the best way to get the Techo Cheesy Avatar, but the information I've seen out there about what the best cheeses and best actions are seems like a lot of hear-say to me. I would like to get some statistical evidence for what the best cheese + best action combination is to get a score of 60 or below to increase your chances of getting the avatar. To get these statistics, I need help from you! Please select one cheese and only one action to play the game, if you want to help me on this cheesy quest. ^_^ You can only play three times a day, so the most statistics you can send me are three numbers. The numbers that I want are how many seconds it took you to finish the game.
    And fill in this form, please.
    Cheese chosen:
    Action chosen:
    Finishing times:
    Here is an example:
    Cheese chosen: Spicy Juppie Cheese
    Action Chosen: Dive Left
    Finishing times: 76,65,84
    Here is a link to the cheese roller game: http://www.neopets.com/medieval/cheeseroller.phtml
    Here is a link to my statistics page: http://www.neopets.com/~Rosenfel
    I would really appreciate your help in this endeavor! I would prefer to have posts in this topic as opposed to neomails, because neomails are automatically deleted after a month, and I may not log in to neopets that often anymore.
  12. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to FurorPaxx in Cheese Roller Statistics Project   
    Cheese: Purple Spotted Cheese
    Action: Forward Somersault
    Time: 60, 82, 86
    So... now I have this disturbing looking cheese to sell. Yay?
    Action: Push Cheese Faster
    Time: 77, 67, 76
  13. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to alex2750 in Lawyerbot!   
    To clarify:
    These items are to be given back as soon as the avatar is gotten. They are a lend, the items are not yours to sell. Sorry to the people who see this and don't need to, but I've just had a bit of a selling scare.
  14. Like
    spazzy_child got a reaction from Emily in Free Valentines Goodie Bag In the NC Mall!   
    OOO i havent opened it yet. I like to "collect" the bags :)
    In all honesty I collect to many things. my SDB is ridiculous
  15. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to Mariposa in For real?   
    Yes, I was going to say the same thing as the-vast-derp.

    Just imagine-- if the word "neopets" was allowed to be part of a username, then anyone could create an account like "neopets_monitor" or "officialneopets" and try to scam people into giving up their password or items.

    Granted, the majority of people probably would not do this and would just create innocent usernames like "neopets_fan_14", but it could happen often enough to become a big problem. So the easiest solution is to block that word altogether to prevent problems from arising in the first place.
  16. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to the-vast-derp in For real?   
    I don't understand the rage in this post. It's to keep scammers at bay who could try to make their username something like "neopetsteam" and try to trick others into giving them their account info.
  17. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to miraclemommy in not to brag but...   
    i just hit a million np.
    had to tell someone. ive been working on this forever lol. im excited! :D
  18. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to SophieEA in Coltzan Stamp   
    I'm not being snarky or anything but I -genuinely- have no idea how people have this much pure. O.O it actually baffles me. :')
  19. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to deboratibi in Cheese Roller Statistics Project   
    I have the avatar and a gold trophy, and I got them by only using Quadruple Fudge Cheese and diving left. I actually got the trophy before I got the avatar, which was kind of weird.
  20. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to leverhelven in What's your Achievement today?   
    Just managed to feed my first Kadoatie ever! Well, it did cost me 800k but... It's a start! :P

  21. Like
    spazzy_child got a reaction from missmadiemay in If you had this amount of money...   
    agreed. I'd do the same. I want the stamp avies SO bad
  22. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to Spritzie in Games Master Challenge: Sun vs Moon!   
    What difficulty are you playing on?
    Personally, I played on Hard and I would get around 32-35k just in the first round. I'd stay at the bottom holding the Up Arrow, then move quickly to get the gems left by enemies, then move back to the bottom. If enemies popped up while I was near the top getting the gems, I just switched to using the Down Arrow until I could get back to bottom. If you can survive the first level and part of the second, you should get the score.
  23. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to Rebecca~ in Neoquest I - Help..   
    I found that I liked to switch between the guides on that site depending. Some were really weak during parts, others were much stronger. I think that I used hystvxk's for the majority of the time, and switched around and read the others when I found it lacking. Don't worry about going between them! :)
  24. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to siniri in Neoquest I - Help..   
    That's the definitive site for NQ (I particularly like strangefire's skills guide; I like playing conservatively with lots of healing; his other guides tell you how much of each item to make sure to get when; my first time through I had to go back and get more glowing stones while earning no XP, which was a waste of time). Do check TDN's avatar guide (search for "Neoquest") -- one involves losing to a weak baddie, if I remember correctly, and you'll want to do that at the beginning of your game before you've accumulated too much gold (you lose gold when you die).
  25. Like
    spazzy_child reacted to erato_ in The Festival of Neggs Begins!   
    Yay, found the four neggs. I got the wings. I really like how they look on Syrena.

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