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    gingerew got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Crashing and Burning in the Stock Market   
    Personally, I'd sell it right now and cut my losses. It's pretty risky to buy so high and you have to be prepared for it to drop dramatically like it did with you :( It's not very often that stocks get up to 174 so if you're only wanting to play for the avatar, you might be waiting a loooong while for it to get back up. In the future, I'd recommend only buying when stocks are low (15 or 16) and slowly building up to the avatar. That's how I did it, and although it took longer, I never lost any money. In fact, I earned a bunch of money while trying and now I love the stock market and play every day!
  2. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Nika in Too old...   
    Wow I'm loving all the responses to this topic! I also feel sometimes embarrassed if someone finds out I play Neopets. Of course, my boyfriend and a few close friends know I play it, but I know that lots of people think it's a kids game because they used to play when they were 12 years old. I started playing when I was 11, and now that I'm almost 23, I play so many more different aspects of the site (stocks, etc.) than I did back then. I think I enjoy it even more now! I'm trying to change my attitude from embarrassment to this: if someone is going to judge me just because of an online game I play, they weren't ever really worth my time. Besides, I'm into so many other so-called "nerdy" things like Harry Potter, stuffed animals, anime, and so on. I think as older players we just have to accept it for what it is - a fun game we like to play :) Glad to know I'm not alone in my feelings - this is one of the reasons why I love TDN <3
  3. Like
    gingerew reacted to LillytheGrundo in Too old...   
    So funny you mentioned Harry Potter! I have a Gryffindor scarf that I wear all winter and people always ask about it. Even strangers. I'm always like "Yes, it's a Gryffindor scarf. So what?!!" lol I also tried to name my farm Goddrick's Hollow but the boyfriend wasn't having it. lol
    I think these games and books keep us all young at heart. I mean, who wouldn't want to go to Hogwarts if it were real? Or own mystical pet? I know I would!
  4. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Ysera in Too old...   
    Wow I'm loving all the responses to this topic! I also feel sometimes embarrassed if someone finds out I play Neopets. Of course, my boyfriend and a few close friends know I play it, but I know that lots of people think it's a kids game because they used to play when they were 12 years old. I started playing when I was 11, and now that I'm almost 23, I play so many more different aspects of the site (stocks, etc.) than I did back then. I think I enjoy it even more now! I'm trying to change my attitude from embarrassment to this: if someone is going to judge me just because of an online game I play, they weren't ever really worth my time. Besides, I'm into so many other so-called "nerdy" things like Harry Potter, stuffed animals, anime, and so on. I think as older players we just have to accept it for what it is - a fun game we like to play :) Glad to know I'm not alone in my feelings - this is one of the reasons why I love TDN <3
  5. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Too old...   
    Wow I'm loving all the responses to this topic! I also feel sometimes embarrassed if someone finds out I play Neopets. Of course, my boyfriend and a few close friends know I play it, but I know that lots of people think it's a kids game because they used to play when they were 12 years old. I started playing when I was 11, and now that I'm almost 23, I play so many more different aspects of the site (stocks, etc.) than I did back then. I think I enjoy it even more now! I'm trying to change my attitude from embarrassment to this: if someone is going to judge me just because of an online game I play, they weren't ever really worth my time. Besides, I'm into so many other so-called "nerdy" things like Harry Potter, stuffed animals, anime, and so on. I think as older players we just have to accept it for what it is - a fun game we like to play :) Glad to know I'm not alone in my feelings - this is one of the reasons why I love TDN <3
  6. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from LillytheGrundo in Too old...   
    Wow I'm loving all the responses to this topic! I also feel sometimes embarrassed if someone finds out I play Neopets. Of course, my boyfriend and a few close friends know I play it, but I know that lots of people think it's a kids game because they used to play when they were 12 years old. I started playing when I was 11, and now that I'm almost 23, I play so many more different aspects of the site (stocks, etc.) than I did back then. I think I enjoy it even more now! I'm trying to change my attitude from embarrassment to this: if someone is going to judge me just because of an online game I play, they weren't ever really worth my time. Besides, I'm into so many other so-called "nerdy" things like Harry Potter, stuffed animals, anime, and so on. I think as older players we just have to accept it for what it is - a fun game we like to play :) Glad to know I'm not alone in my feelings - this is one of the reasons why I love TDN <3
  7. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from ~Xandria in Too old...   
    Wow I'm loving all the responses to this topic! I also feel sometimes embarrassed if someone finds out I play Neopets. Of course, my boyfriend and a few close friends know I play it, but I know that lots of people think it's a kids game because they used to play when they were 12 years old. I started playing when I was 11, and now that I'm almost 23, I play so many more different aspects of the site (stocks, etc.) than I did back then. I think I enjoy it even more now! I'm trying to change my attitude from embarrassment to this: if someone is going to judge me just because of an online game I play, they weren't ever really worth my time. Besides, I'm into so many other so-called "nerdy" things like Harry Potter, stuffed animals, anime, and so on. I think as older players we just have to accept it for what it is - a fun game we like to play :) Glad to know I'm not alone in my feelings - this is one of the reasons why I love TDN <3
  8. Like
    gingerew reacted to ~Xandria in Too old...   
    I'm glad to hear you are staying! <3 I struggle with this as well. I don't think anyone else brought this up but I think that like anything online - social networking sites; gaming sites and the like can be unhealthy if you're not careful. I'm not trying to offend anyone here, but there are people who get so addicted they neglect other things that need to be done in real life. Too much of a good thing and all that. I've been guilty of this in the past -as I'm sure most of us have- in one way or another. It's all about balancing your life and your hobbies. As long as you're doing that then I see no reason why you should put an age restriction on yourself. :)
    If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad. If it makes you happy then why are you so sad? :) Haha, that song popped into my head. Sorry. :3
  9. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Dinosawr in Happy Xweetok Day!   
    Elderly definitely isn't my thing either. I can never get excited about that color on any pet. I love the clothes though!
  10. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Wildbreeze in Regrets   
    Like some other people on here, my biggest regret is naming my pets with a string of numbers afterwards. I was like, uhhh, 11 when I did it so I suppose I can be forgiving but still... Now I love my pets so much I could never pound them so looks like I'm stuck with those names!
  11. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Duskitty in Happy Xweetok Day!   
    Elderly definitely isn't my thing either. I can never get excited about that color on any pet. I love the clothes though!
  12. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from ~Xandria in Happy Xweetok Day!   
    Elderly definitely isn't my thing either. I can never get excited about that color on any pet. I love the clothes though!
  13. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Spritzie in This Year's Game Challenge Overwhelmed me...did not enjoy.   
    I did have fun with the GMC, although at certain points over this past week it may not have shown *cough Evil Fuzzles cough*. I will concede that it was incredibly time consuming, particularly near the end, but that's part of what makes it so challenging. Yeah, the glitches were frustrating, and some of the scores did seem impossibly high at first, but like Rebecca said, at the end of the day I'm very proud that I completed all the challenges on time and will be getting that gold trophy :)
  14. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from ~Xandria in Does anyone know of any good tension headache remedies?   
    My advice as a pharmacy student: Massages and hot/cold packs are definitely a good idea. As for the caffeine, a small amount of caffeine actually makes some painkillers work better, which is why many headache painkiller formulations contain caffeine. You could give one of those a try! I'd also recommend seeing your doctor if this isn't something that goes away soon since he/she can prescribe you some stronger painkillers or medications that are specific to tension headaches. Hope you feel better soon my dear!
  15. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from jurassicshark in GMC Extended Until Wednesday At 10 AM!   
    Thank goodness they were kind enough to make up for their mistakes earlier! This more than makes up for it for me.
  16. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from karmacow in Official Team Ninja Discussion Board!   
    I literally just realized that my profile picture on TDN has always been a ninja. How fitting! :D
  17. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from ashleagh in Official Team Ninja Discussion Board!   
    I literally just realized that my profile picture on TDN has always been a ninja. How fitting! :D
  18. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Zombiiesque in Official Team Ninja Discussion Board!   
    I literally just realized that my profile picture on TDN has always been a ninja. How fitting! :D
  19. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from jurassicshark in Forum newbie! :-D   
    Welcome to the forums Jordan. My name is Erin and I hope to see you around here! I love your profile picture - Princess Mononoke is one of favourite movies of all time.
  20. Like
    gingerew reacted to Haliaetus in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Happy Birthday!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Got this one as well! What a happy birthday indeed! I'm in the midst of baking my brother a cake for his birthday, since it happens to be today, too. I wonder if he would get mad at me for squeezing in a "Happy Birthday Neopets" on his cake beside his name... ;)
  21. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Avatars: What have you got?   
    After only being 6 points away from beating Better Than You with Kass Basher last week, I got the avvie this week from Zurroball! SOOO excited :D
  22. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Avatar help (Kacheek Seek and Packrat)   
    I'm still working on the Kacheek Seek avvie too, so I'm glad you posted this! I've been playing off an on for months now with no luck yet. As for the pack rat one, I had used some of the lists available and just went through and bought every item it said (as long as it was under 500 NP). I also went to the money tree a lot and saved up all the random crap I got from my dailies. I can always send you my daily junk if you think it would help you :) Just NM me if you want!
    EDIT: Also, I'd recommend doing all the avatars where you need to have a bunch of items (like the Mad about Orange, and Dung avatars) because they'll contribute to your item count.
  23. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from skylee in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened!
    You are now eligible to use 'Skeith - Snargan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Eeek! So excited to get this one! I must have beginner's luck because I literally played 2 games and got it :)
  24. Like
    gingerew got a reaction from Lamppost in Now I remember why I quit the FQ Cookies...   
    I always feel a little bit upset when people complain about buying a FQ cookie and then they don't get a FFQ. Like honestly, you are not paying for the FFQ in particular, and TNT has stated that this cookie does not increase your odds of getting a FFQ. So, if you choose to spend your money on one (which I have, and actually enjoyed the quests - not that I got an FFQ), you shouldn't complain about not getting exactly what you wish for. It is still an amazing opportunity that is far cheaper than actual training for the most part!
  25. Like
    gingerew reacted to The Bandit in TNT are liars.   
    If that's how you feel, why do you play on neopets? Why not go and find another site where the people running it are pure as the driven snow, always transparently honest and basically angels in human clothing?
    Personally, I love neopets, and the site has given me many, many hours of happy enjoyment - and for free as well. I call that pretty good value for money :P Of all the gaming sites out there, I haven't found another where you can play for free, for years, still have plenty to do, and not feel any need to sign up for the paid-for parts.
    By extension therefore, having created this wonderful site, I think TNT are a pretty good bunch, all-in-all. Of course, they don't get it right all the time - but does anyone?
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