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  1. Like
    vyvren reacted to astro in When Your Best Friend Steals Your Things...   
    I was slightly angry at first but then totally pleased at the end. +1 for cute plot twist.

  2. Like
    vyvren reacted to Screaming_Peasants in When Your Best Friend Steals Your Things...   
    I was thinking "Your friend is either a total jerk or a cat."
    I was right!
  3. Like
    vyvren reacted to Saxen in I did it!! :D   
    As some of you may know I am fundraising for World Child Cancer by shaving my head. At first I was really excited and I thought that I was going to be able to do really well and raise a lot of money for the kids, but it turned out to be a lot harder than I thought unfortunately. :( I don't know a lot of people, and even the ones I do said they would and then never got around to it for one reason or another. During this time I was also frozen, so coming on TDN is difficult. It was all a wee bit of a mess, really. I did want to tell you guys though, that even though I didn't reach my target, I did say that I would do it this month regardless -- and I have!

    Thank you so so so much to the lovely people of TDN who donated, you're amazing. <3 I received an e-mail from someone who works for the charity saying thank you and that the money raised is already being put to good use and helping people who really need it.
    If anybody still wishes to make donations the link is here: http://www.justgiving.com/Shannon-Lambert
    Thank you guys! <3 <3 <3
    P.S I'm sorry I didn't make a video in the end. I was SO nervous about it I went to do it so many times and just couldn't. I'm awful at public speaking, even into a lens. Hopefully the photo will suffice XP
  4. Like
    vyvren reacted to rntracy1 in I did it!! :D   
    I think you look ABSOLUTELY beautiful. What a wonderful thing you did.
  5. Like
    vyvren reacted to nightfall8705 in When Your Best Friend Steals Your Things...   
    My best friend is desperately trying to talk to ya'll here on TDN.
    My best friend forever Sydney Cassandra.
    Every time I get on my computer and start typing, my bestie will mosey on over like a boss and plop herself down on my keyboard, making new files, and somehow saving them, doing crazy searches in Google, and even better, waiting until I am in the middle of something to not only shut down my computer, but also restart it, and then look at me with wild eyes as if it was my fault.
    My bestie will steal my pillow every chance she gets. She'll steal the space between my pillow and my computer when I am laying on my bed, surfing the web. She will distract me mercilessly and disrupt my thought patterns until I forget what I am doing in the first place, and once I finally forget, she has this satisfied look on her face, and then stretches out, hogging my half of my bed.
    She steals my pillows, my teddy bears, my blankets... she has stolen my bed. And now she has stolen my pinky finger. It's wrapped around her little fuzzy paw. Like stealing my heart wasn't enough.
    And she looks so darned cute, I can't stand it.*
    Please stop looking so cute. You make my heart skip a beat with your cuteness. <3

    * This has been a random fuzzy best friend appreciation post. Enjoy. <3
  6. Like
    vyvren reacted in Wednesday, August 13th   
    Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 5. shed
    7. terror
    9. wearable
    11. lostdesert
    15. oop

    Down: 1. sloth
    2. star
    3. hair
    4. one
    6. holly
    8. orange
    10. snow
    12. ten
    13. scrap
    14. tonu

    What colour are Kadoatie Biscuits? Answer: Purple
    Prize: 339 NP

  7. Like
    vyvren reacted to hrtbrk in Desert Diplomacy Begins!   
    Help Princess Amira find her stolen goods! Head to begin the Desert Diplomacy now!

    View our guide!
  8. Like
    vyvren reacted to hrtbrk in New Game: Coal War Tactics   
    Totally needs a Fast Forward button and then it would be rockin. It's hard to keep interested but then again I have the attention span of a goldfish. Totally needs a Fast Forward button and then it would be rockin. It's hard to keep interested but then again I have the attention span of a goldfish Totally needs a Fast Forward button and then it would be rockin. It's hard to keep interested but then again I have the attention span of ....
  9. Like
    vyvren reacted to Emily in Bony Grarrl Club Acquired!   
    That's right! Due to everyone's very generous donations, the ALP is now in possession of our very own Bony Grarrl Club!

    The club will not be available to lend immediately, as we need to integrate it into our item request system, but we did want to let everyone know that we have one, that it will be available very soon, and to give you all a heads up on the requirements for borrowing.
    Because we've had some problems in the past with lending BGC, we've decided to be a little more strict with the requirements this time. However, we also think they're fair, as we will explain below. The club belongs to everyone who helped us buy it, so we want to keep it as safe as possible. Without further ado, the requirements for borrowing the club will be:
    1. 20 Mil collateral: Ideally, it would be higher because the market value of the club is 140 mil and growing, but 20 mil is the most you can do in one auction and the ALP does not accept collateral in split trades or auctions. Because we can only accept 20 mil in collat, we need to have other borrowing requirements. As always, Easy to Sell items may be used as collateral, provided they fit into the 10 item + 800,000 NP limit of the Trading Post.
    2. Minimum 5 year old Neopets account: This is the account age we feel comfortable lending to. Other lenders may choose to lend younger accounts, but 5 years is our cut off.
    3. Minimum 250 Avatars: Before you look at that amount and panic, let's break it down a bit. There are approximately 160 avatars that you can get simply by clicking on links and by items and pets lent by our ALP. Then there are additional ones you can get from simply participating in certain site events (Games Master Challenge, Altador Cup, Daily Dare, Festival of Neggs, etc), more you can get from visiting the concert hall on certain days, from the Battledome, some you can get from looking through source codes, visiting certain locations in Neopia, etc. Someone who only participated in a single year of site events and got all the pet/item/clickables/concert avvies could easily have 200 avatars, so 250 takes into account all of the easy ones, plus a few that require a little more work.
    4. Minimum 500 forum posts: Again this my seem like a huge number, but it's quite easily obtainable. Even participating in 2-3 threads per day, even if it's a single post, gets you to that amount in under a year. We want to have a post count requirement because it gives us a feel who we're lending to. If you have a long history of breaking the rules in the forum, for example, it tells us that you might be risky to lend to. Our mods would also like us to mention here that spamming the forums for post count will not be tolerated. Like always, posts must contribute to the discussion at hand. This generally means staying on topic and keeping your posts above 7 words.
    5. Minimum 25 trophies/medals on User Lookup: Another big scary number, but again this is why we chose 25. Firstly, they can be any mix of site event, site feature or game trophies and any level (bronze, silver, gold and everything in between). Before you start thinking that you'll never be able to get that many let's take a look at some of the easier ones to get:
    Participating in Daily Dare gets you one trophy each year you participate Participating in Games Master Challenge gets you one trophy each year you participate Participating in the Altador Cup gets you one trophy each year you participate Beating Round 3 of Cheat! (a simple game) gives you a Bronze Trophy Beating Round 2 of the original Snow Wars (Neopets version of Battleship) gives you a medal Beating Punchbag Bob (it's impossible to lose, it might just take a while depending on your weapons) gives you a trophy Winning 2 games of Pyramid (NOT in a row) gives you a Bronze Trophy Winning Round 2 of Go! Go! Go! (another card game) gives you a Bronze Trophy Winning Round 4 of Cellblock gives you a medal Completing the Altador plot (which we provide a complete walkthrough for) awards a trophy Dungeon Dash awards a trophy to anyone who maxes the score There's 11 trophies that you can get simply by participating in 3 of the yearly site events and by spending a few hours playing games. There are also Neoquest trophies, other site feature trophies (Lenny Conundrum, Better Than You, Random Contest, etc), the Battledome Veteran trophy (you get it as long as you fought at least once in the old Battledome), the Lucky Space Faerie Charm (awarded when you sign up for premium), as well as any other game or plot trophies. You could feasibly participate in Daily Dare, Games Master Challenge and the Altador Cup for a few years, even if you only play a single game for each, and be half finished the requirement. Again, the number is there to show people have put time and effort into their account, meaning they are less likely to risk it by mishandling our BGC. Because the Lutari Talisman and NC Mall Album are given by default, they will NOT count towards the trophy requirement.
    There are also a couple things we strongly suggest, but cannot verify, so we have to trust that borrowers will be as careful as they can. All Grarrls or Skeiths on the account you will be getting the avatar on should be in the NeoLodge before you get the item. The Lodge keeps your pet full so you can't feed them, and Grarrls and Skeiths are capeable of eating almost every item, even their own weapons. This ensures you cannot accidentally feed the club to a pet (which is how we lost our last one).
    We'd also suggest having your inventory as full as possible before acquiring the club. If it's the only item in your inventory and an item-stealing Random Event occurs, it will be the only item targeted. If there's more in your inventory, there's less of a chance the club will be stolen.
    Lastly, like with any item or pet, you should limit your site activity when they're in your possession. Don't keep the item in your inventory or a pet active while you explore Neopia, play games, or chat on the boards. Once you get it, get your avatar and send it back. The less pages you visit while things are in your possession, the less likely something is to happen.
    Those are the requirements and our reasons for choosing them. They are non-negotiable. Applications that do not meet them will be denied, though you can feel free to re-apply once you meet the requirements, or to apply for other items the ALP lends that you qualify for. The ONLY exception to these requirements is if you're able to provide the full 140 mil in ETS items that can fit within the Trading Post limit. If someone had 10 Pirate Captain Cutlass, for example, this would qualify as full collat. Again, no split auctions/trades will be accepted.
    -The ALP Team
  10. Like
    vyvren reacted to minniemeggie in I need advice - calling all moms, trans and open minded folks   
    I agree completely, and had opted not to discuss this with him however circumstances changed when my husband tried to explain it and the manner in which he explained it scared and confused my son.
    Its not that easy to change the subject with Jericho and distract him, we tried that several times but as soon as Jay came in the room he was back on the subject.
    I appreciate your response and the main issue is Jay and I had talked about the issue and we were both in agreement that the concept of transgendered people was too complicated for my son to understand at this time. My first thought wasn't how do I correct my child, my first thought was concern for my friends already complex issues coming from a home where he was not accepted and constantly ridiculed. However my husband was explaining Jay's situation to my older nephews, 11 and 14, and my son started to ask questions and he explained transgendered people in the worst possible way for a three yearold to understand.
    I wish I could exclude Jay from the situation and explain it as a general whole but unfortunatley we did try this and he did not understand that Jay was included. When Jericho is older that is a conversation we will definitely have but as a 3 yearold the concept is to grand for him to understand.
    We have a lot of books on diversity and a lot of diversity in our family, various races and sexual orientation. We also volunteer at the children's hospital and Jericho has been exposed to a lot of different types of people and I have never had an issue like this before. At first I felt guilty for my friends feelings but after talking to him I realized I was being unrealistic and he was just grateful I didn't turn him away as other 'friends' of his did for fear of 'confusing' their children.
    While I admit it was very hard for me to console my son last night after my husbands awful explaining, I'm grateful that my husband wanted our child to understand that while Jay may look different he is just like them.
    I really appreciate everyone's responses, Jay and I decided to go with that he is going to see a special doctor who helps people like Jay 'get out'. Jericho seemed much happier and he stopped trying to feed Jay his toys. He still calls Jay a girl but we are all in agreement to let it go.
  11. Like
    vyvren got a reaction from Mouseykins in I need advice - calling all moms, trans and open minded folks   
    I think you've already gotten some really good advice, and as I'm not a mom myself, or have ever been in a similar situation, I don't think I have anything useful to add :( I just really wanted to say that I think you're such a sweet friend, and overall good human being for being there for your friend and really trying to help him!
  12. Like
    vyvren reacted to Katsuokai in I need advice - calling all moms, trans and open minded folks   
    I'm so sorry you're having trouble explaining it to your son, but it's a good thing you're trying! Maybe you could try to explain it to him as a short story instead? I think that first off, begin your story explaining that when you say ''trapped'', it isn't literal, like when he plays to be e.g. a superhero he puts on a costume and play, when it comes to trans people it's their own flesh that's their costume, a costume they don't want and that to help them come out from the costume some kind Doctors have already planned a rescue mission to save him! Doctors are kind people who know how to save people, sadly a rainbow staircase won't help Jay... so the only thing you can do is be nice, treat Jay as the boy he is and don't worry about the ''chest orbs'' and other parts of the ''costume'', since the Doctors will ''take care of them''. Jay will be sad if you don't treat him as a boy, the same as you would (probably) not like to be treated as a girl only because someone forced you to put on a princess costume with false chest orbs.

    That might help him understand the situation, also, maybe you could look up some resources made mostly for transgender parents and their children on the internet... . If all that fails, maybe you could try showing him this ongoing kid-friendly and colourful webcomic, The Princess, that's about a girl who was born a boy and who meets other GLTBQ people, among others, a teenage FtM guy.
  13. Like
    vyvren reacted to Anime in I need advice - calling all moms, trans and open minded folks   
    You mention Jay was getting surgery soon. Could you try and tell your son that the doctors will help "get him out" so to speak? The wording would likely need to be ironed out, but that's technically true and would likely calm him down and keep him from being as confused after the surgery happens. I also second Batgirl's suggestion of using a tamer word that "trapped" when you do this. Maybe "stuck", and that the doctors will "unstick" him, much in the way someone helps you get your finger out of something when you can't do it yourself?
    Edit: Katsuokai managed to do a much better job of explaining that than I did, ha.
  14. Like
    vyvren got a reaction from missmadiemay in Pitter Patter Patapult!   
    I think the game is so cute and I actually really like the prizes (and, being an NC addict, I already have one of each I wanted... *cough* ) :) A big plus is that you get to choose among the prizes for each tier, making it much easier to get what you want. especially in comparison with Shenanigifts.
  15. Like
    vyvren got a reaction from beruichi in Faerie Quest Help   
    Searching for 'Sick Kyrii', matching 'Sick Kyrii'...
    dentest321 - 2,050 NP
    siamese_cat - 2,100 NP
    mo69 - 2,200 NP
    _hockeybabe_14 - 2,260 NP
    Here you go :)
  16. Like
    vyvren reacted to thatlauralass in Laura's Art Dump!   
    Hi everyone! I've decided to document all the artwork I make for neopets as of now, so this should be fun!
    Also here's my art tumblr. All the work I do here is original/traditional in nature though, so you won't find any of my Neo artwork there. I might post some stuff up on my personal tumblr though (the link to which is on my art tumblr).
    I'll start with my Beauty Contest entry for my Tuskaninny:

  17. Like
    vyvren reacted to Ruto in Pitter Patter Patapult!   
    A new game has arrived at the NC Mall: Patapult! Feed your Patamoose a Patapuff and launch it into the jungle ruins. Your Patamoose will come back with a special idol that can be redeemed for exclusive wearables. Give it a go and see what you can find!

    Click the above items for more information!
    Patapult Guide
  18. Like
    vyvren reacted in Have a Fantastic Peophin Day!   


    Relic | Pastel


    Click the above items for more information!
  19. Like
    vyvren reacted to Rune Valentine in Truly frustrated   
    Maybe this Battlepedia article is what you're looking for? http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/fast-training/
    Basically: If your pet is under level 40, train at the Swashbuckling Academy (it's much cheaper), afterwards there's a table you can follow for getting the best value for your Codestone at the Training School. The article gets into all of it, so just post if you have any other follow-up questions! :)
  20. Like
    vyvren reacted to Rune Valentine in New Dr Sloth Auction!   
    This is an excellent way to spy on people who have big bucks, LOL :P
  21. Like
    vyvren reacted to nightfall8705 in I Just Received A MAJOR Blessing...   
    ... and I am at a complete loss of words. I really am.
    Before I explain, I want to clarify something: I'm a highly spiritual person who has gone through many religions in her life, but decided that organized religions and creeds weren't for me. If an idea resonates in my heart, that is my belief. I don't consider myself a member of anything because I don't believe it's right to call myself something if I don't believe in every single one of their beliefs. That being said, I do pray a lot. To God. And I do attend a church (it has a denomination) but I go there because I like how I feel when I am there, and I like the company and fellowship.
    Anyway, I've had a rough week or so. I've been out of work for a long time, and my brother recently lost his job. We don't get much income and we have two cats (now) and an extra mouth in the house (yes, it's human.) The car has been in the shop nearly the last two months; the expenses have increased (as they usually do in the summer) and though it's usual, we were out of money and out of food. It made me feel useless as a provider and I would often go without dinner (despite being a diabetic who has to take a lot of medications, most require food) and it makes me feel sick and weak. I feel like my minor brother should eat before I do.
    My friend had a stroke not long ago, and his wife passed. He was in the hospital yesterday for panic attacks. Another friend fell in a nursing home and got hurt. I met a guy who was short on his luck and I helped him... I had to give up Gizmo to the animal shelter, the other day, I rescued a kitten covered in mud who was abandoned by his mother cat. His little ribs were showing and I bathed him, fed him, and found him a good home within two hours of finding him.
    Last Wednesday, I attended church and spent a while at the altar just pouring my heart out. I prayed so hard for us to be able to eat. It broke me to see my brother go into the kitchen, open the fridge, close it, open the cabinet, sigh, close it, then go back to his room hungry.
    My friend's husband bought some food for us to last over the weekend, and I cried because the soup kitchen was closed on the weekend and I was worried.
    A good friend of mine called me out of the blue today, the same friend who's husband got food for us over the weekend, offering to take me to get food from a church. I was lucky enough to get food from there today, as well as a voucher for clothes. I am going to get the clothes tomorrow, and my friend said she would take me to this other church for assistance.
    Now, I don't need to visit this other church.
    Something happened with a friend of my brother's. She got kicked out of her place and asked us to hold some furniture for her, so we obliged to help her out. My brother came home about an hour ago (it's in the middle of the night here) and told me to get up that I had something to do in the kitchen.
    My brother brought in FIVE tall white GARBAGE bags FILLED with non-perishables! His friend said we could have it. No room for it.
    Now my kitchen cabinet is literally overflowing with canned goods and beans, rice, noodles, and such.
    This was completely unexpected, and I am just completely at a loss of words. I had faith as I always do, but I am completely floored. I'm completely stricken with gratitude, you guys.
    I just received an answered prayer and a MAJOR blessing.
    I can't stop the tears. I feel like a big burden has been lifted off of me. I really can't describe how I feel right now. :')
  22. Like
    vyvren reacted to Wildbreeze in Amazing experiences   
    Just now, I heard a thump on our glass door. I was entirely ready to ignore it, but I glanced out and saw my cat hunched over something, so I looked closer. There was a hummingbird, totally stunned and terrified. I got my mom to distract the cat while I scooped it up. I was worried about its wing, as it had been holding it out while it was on the ground, but folded it back in when I picked it up.
    I just held it in my hands, out of reach and view of the cat, for a couple minutes. I was going to see if it needed some nectar for an energy boost, when flew up to our awning. It just observed us for a few moments before taking off.
    (Here's a picture my mom took)
    Moments like these are just humbling. I was able to help this tiny little creature, to protect it for just a few moments, and make sure it got on its way again. This is why I love nature, and why I want to work with animals. At any rate, I made sure to refill our hummingbird feeder.
    Have any of you ever had experiences like this, that just make you stop and think, or remind you of how great the world is?
  23. Like
    vyvren reacted to Katsuokai in Illsae or Illsaeth?   
    I prefer the name Illsaeth, sounds more fitting for a huntress and with your explanation of what the name means I like it even more! :D The customization is also good, I like it, so I just added a few details. ;)

    The Forest Huntress Dress is a retired neocash item, so you would have to trade for it if you want the dress. The other two items are both neopoint wearables. The Jungle Foliage Face Paint cost ca 76000 np and the Simple Green head Amulet cost ca 30000 np.
  24. Like
    vyvren reacted to Ruto in New Birthday Wearable!   
    The 7th Birthday Cake Slice #3 is now available to claim for FREE from the NC Mall! Eating this piece will award you a special new birthday wearable!

    I'll fight you for that slice!
  25. Like
    vyvren got a reaction from Wildbreeze in Yay for being unfrozen!   
    Yay! :D I'm so glad you got your account back, Duski! I think I've heard this Tony fellow's name spoken (or, you know, typed), with a touch of adoration before - seems like a good guy! ^o^
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