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  1. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Clumsy rockyroad1 in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  2. Like
    Navy got a reaction from livvy in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  3. Like
    Navy got a reaction from CookieGoo in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  4. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Deltacow in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  5. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Novelista in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  6. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Snowbell in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  7. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Ruto in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  8. Like
    Navy reacted to Midtime in Dust Settles on AC Round 1   
    Hello and welcome, everybody! This is Matt reporting from the TDN newsroom. The fifth day of competition has wrapped up, and there have been some unexpected results!
    First we take a look at the Minitheus Bracket, where Altador and Faerieland have once again been swept by the Minions and Robots respectively. Virtupets have taken control of the Minitheus Bracket, and proven that they're a serious contender for the podium this season. The Suns and Faeries have been posting up consistent, albeit low, scores this season, but there's plenty of room for improvement. Both teams will be taking significant measures to better their gameplay and see if they can post up some higher scores in following brackets. It'll be interesting to watch their performance change over the next few weeks! Shenkuu proved that they can play with the big boys today as they were able to snag Slushie Slinger from the Knights. The Ninjas' amazing stealth and speed allowed them to serve customers at a breakneck pace, letting them take the win. The Knights were able to rally back and take Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown from the Ninjas, but neither could make more noise than the other. Their enthusiastic fans cheered until they couldn't anymore, resulting in a tie. Virtupets is currently in the lead with Darigan Citadel following in second, and the standings don't seem likely to change anytime soon. While the Minions got off to a rough start at the beginning of the season, they've seemed to slowly regain their momentum. We'll see how they do in the days ahead. Can they keep on this upward path, or will they sink back down?
    I now hand over the report to my co-host Hanna, who will give us the results for the Alabriss and Vaeolus Brackets!
    Thanks Matt! Today has been an exciting day for the Alabriss Bracket, indeed! Moltara proved they're not to be underestimated after today's beatdown against Krawk Island, not only nailing them at Shootout Showdown, Slushie Slinger, and Make Some Noise, but matching the quick-paced pirates in Yooyuball. Roo Island took another major loss, this time from Lost Desert, showing that maybe training in the hot sand all day isn't an unnecessarily harsh way to prepare their players, as some critics have claimed. Although Roo Island only took the win for Slushie Slinger today, their fans remain hopeful that they can still hop their way to the top of the leaderboards in this season's upcoming events. Kreludor completely swept Maraqua in all events, leaving them tied for 4th place in the overall standings along with Tyrannia and Darigan Citadel. When a group of cheerful Kreludor fans were asked how they felt about their team's progress, they told this TDN reporter that they hoped to show the world Virtupets won't be the only contender from space to strut their stuff in this year's cup.
    Moving on to the Vaeolus Bracket, Haunted Woods left Terror Mountain in a cloud of dust, completely sweeping them in all events. Fanetti, the Haunted Woods' goalkeeper, shut down every attempt the Chillers made to score, while screams from the Haunted Woods' spooky supporters echoed throughout the stadium, and frozen food fanatics beelined to concession stands and clogged restrooms. Kiko Lake landed in 7th place in the overall standings today, tying with Meridell and Krawk Island after their Yooyuball victory against Tyrannia. Having only lost one Yooyuball match so far, this energetic group shows that size isn't what matters in this sport - it's speed and agility that get the job done. As the clock stopped in the Mystery Island vs Brightvale match with the final score resting at 5-5, both teams were left at a standstill, though Brightvale's most loyal fans wore wider smiles than their opponents from their wins in the three side games. Mystery Island has had a rough week, losing a majority of matches, but as the first round draws to a close, the Islanders' morale seems unaffected by being left near the bottom of the bracket.
    Today is a bye day, so the teams will have a chance to take a break and freshen up their skills against the eagerness-flavoured practice team! Aldric Beign expressed excitement at the opportunity to descend from Altador's heights to the lower elevations he's more used to. "We've been playing very hard this year," he said with a grin, "and we're all looking forward to a bit of rest and relaxation in a different land."

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).
  9. Like
    Navy got a reaction from hanalways in Yes All Women   
    My major beef with with the #YesAllWomen trend is that it's basically started by bashing guys who say "Not All Men" when they are grouped with a mentally ill mass-murdering psychopath. I'm female, but if I were male and told I am no different than him, that not only me, but my father, brothers, cousins, and friends were born rapists, misogynists, whose only purpose in life is to bring physical and and mental anguish on any and every woman around me I'd tell them to do something I'm not allowed to say here. I'm a frequent tumblr user and I cannot stand feminism as portrayed on that site, which is why I consider myself egalitarian instead of feminist. Men have just as many injustices in the western world as women, and I dislike how feminists push off any MRA member as some woman-hating-fedora-wearing-creep. Just because the injustices are different doesn't make them invalid or less relevant.
    I actually like what #YesAllWomen has turned into but it's origins make me really uneasy. You shouldn't have to bring others down to bring yourself up.
  10. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Azurablue in Yes All Women   
    My major beef with with the #YesAllWomen trend is that it's basically started by bashing guys who say "Not All Men" when they are grouped with a mentally ill mass-murdering psychopath. I'm female, but if I were male and told I am no different than him, that not only me, but my father, brothers, cousins, and friends were born rapists, misogynists, whose only purpose in life is to bring physical and and mental anguish on any and every woman around me I'd tell them to do something I'm not allowed to say here. I'm a frequent tumblr user and I cannot stand feminism as portrayed on that site, which is why I consider myself egalitarian instead of feminist. Men have just as many injustices in the western world as women, and I dislike how feminists push off any MRA member as some woman-hating-fedora-wearing-creep. Just because the injustices are different doesn't make them invalid or less relevant.
    I actually like what #YesAllWomen has turned into but it's origins make me really uneasy. You shouldn't have to bring others down to bring yourself up.
  11. Like
    Navy reacted to sunnygirl1314 in keyquest - send ticket help?   
    I've manage to send in a ticket with navy help in pm and waiting for reply from TNT
    thank you Navy and everyone here for the help and understanding.. I hope everything will be fine .
  12. Like
    Navy got a reaction from sunnygirl1314 in keyquest - send ticket help?   
    Here's what you do, you go to neopets and scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see this and click "contact us"

    You should then reach this page

    then click

    Then go down, click "warnings and suspensions" under the drop box and describe what's going on,
    if it's a suspension it's not permanent, correct? You should wait out the suspension and stop playing keyquest if you're having issues with it, because your issues don't just effect you, it effects the other players, too, and that's not fair to them.
  13. Like
    Navy reacted to astro in Back from a very long break.   
    Welcome back dear, I don't believe we've met.
    I'm Riah, it's lovely to meet you!
  14. Like
    Navy reacted to Lydia Trebond in Back from a very long break.   
    It's great to see you back, Navy! I hope life is settled down a little more now. :)
  15. Like
    Navy reacted to Xepha in Back from a very long break.   
    Welcome back Navy! We need to catch up ^^
  16. Like
    Navy reacted to khaos in You meme Me?   
    Reaaaaaally long image
  17. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Mouseykins in Haha, I'm so happy!   
    I finally got the random contest avatar :D
    Sent: 3/7/2012 08:54am Folder: Inbox Subject: Random Contest Winner! Message:

    [Report Message]

    Congratulations! You are a Random Contest Winner! (The Caged! contest to be exact.) You have been awarded a trophy, the Random Contest avatar, and 2,000 Neopoints!
  18. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Emily in Haha, I'm so happy!   
    I finally got the random contest avatar :D
    Sent: 3/7/2012 08:54am Folder: Inbox Subject: Random Contest Winner! Message:

    [Report Message]

    Congratulations! You are a Random Contest Winner! (The Caged! contest to be exact.) You have been awarded a trophy, the Random Contest avatar, and 2,000 Neopoints!
  19. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Spritzie in Haha, I'm so happy!   
    I finally got the random contest avatar :D
    Sent: 3/7/2012 08:54am Folder: Inbox Subject: Random Contest Winner! Message:

    [Report Message]

    Congratulations! You are a Random Contest Winner! (The Caged! contest to be exact.) You have been awarded a trophy, the Random Contest avatar, and 2,000 Neopoints!
  20. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Abortion.   
    I agree with this.
    I'm a big lover of children, and to look at a baby and think that if his or her parents would have chosen to abort them, we'd be missing out on another beautiful child.
    I agree with abortion in certain condition, but not to just anyone who opens their legs.
    I believe that sex should only happen if you're willing to accept what may come with it.
    I think abortion is okay if protection was used, but failed.
    But if you just said "oh, nothing will happen."
    Tough luck.
    I encourage people considering abortion to just consider carrying the baby for the few months they have, and if they choose not to take care of it, put it out for adoption.
    A lot of people think if you put babies up for adoption they will be stuck in some orphanage growing up with no love or care.
    But it's incredibly easy to find an adoptee, most of the time you can find one before the baby is even born.
    You can have it open or closed (which means you can either choose to have some contact with the child, or nothing at all) and I think if someone is willing to put that much money into finding/adopting a child, then they really want to be a parent and will give that child all the love they can give it.
    Edit: I would also like to add that even though there are a ton of free prenatal health clinics here, they're not everywhere
    and that's another circumstance I think abortion is okay with.
    Someone who doesn't have health insurance or a free clinic nearby and cannot afford the care the baby and theirself needs, they should have the right to abort.
    It's not only a hazard to the baby (we don't need an physically and/or mentally ill baby coming into this world if it can be prevented), it's also a major hazard to the mother, it can even be life threatening, and to me, that mother's life is more important that that cluster of cells.
  21. Like
    Navy reacted to Spritzie in [Faerie Fortune Cookie] Haven't gotten a quest yet?   
    You don't get the quest automatically. You need to go the Faerie Quest page and accept each day's quest.
  22. Like
    Navy reacted to Shiny Vulpix in [Faerie Fortune Cookie] Haven't gotten a quest yet?   
    you have to go to faerie land,see faerie quests,go and click accept today's quest button.
  23. Like
    Navy reacted to Lydia Trebond in A New Day for the Knights   
    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).

    Hello once again ACers, and welcome to our daily round-up for day three of the seventh Altador Cup. It's that time of the season again: even with the new tournament format, we can still feel the familiar tension of teams struggling to hammer out a spot on the leaderboard. That tension was definitely reflected out on the Colosseum fields today! At least, that's what I've heard, I've been stuck in the newsroom all day long. Let's go to Hanna, live at the colosseum!
    Thanks for letting me join you, Lydia, it’s great to be here. Now, from what we’ve seen with both Haunted Woods and Roo Island, would it be safe to conclude that both of their strategies when it comes to formations and sweeping clashed, making it too evened out for either team to score.
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2012/team_members/hauntedwoods_0.gif" alt="Fanetti" style="float:right;margin:5px;"> Well, it didn’t help that they were stuck with a Darigan Yooyuball for more than half of the game. When half-time came around, both teams were utterly exhausted leading to a fair tie.
    Now, when it came down to Shootout Showdown, Roo Island had that kadoatie in the bag. I mean, let’s face it, no matter how good of a goalie Fanetti has proven himself to be, his small size has cost him a few yooyus. Their Make Some Noise competition still has my ears ringing. Both teams, however, proved once again, to be evenly matched.
    Speaking of messes, Haunted Woods made an enormous wreck today.
    [Lydia crackles over the speaker]Who said anything about messe-?
    Well, Roo Island barely let a drop hit the floor, while Haunted Woods well, let’s just say the Angry Yurble has another reason to be angry.
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2012/team_members/shenkuu_4.gif" alt="Larcy Phu" style="float:left;margin=5px;"> How about Terror Mountain versus Shenkuu, they both did more than exceptional plays. Did you see how much of a come back Shenkuu made, I was certain the Terror Mountain players were already preparing their victory after-party. Shenkuu’s captain, Mirsha Grelinek, not only suffered from blurred vision, but her jammed hoof made it almost impossible for her to play. She was out of the game until the last quarter. I guess you could say she started off on the wrong hoof.
    Once she was back in the game, Shenkuu didn’t let Terror Mountain score a single goal and nailed the Yooyuballs in one after another, and with 4 seconds left on the clock, she didn’t have enough time to lay in the last, winning goal.
    Now, I missed the end of the Shootout Showdown while I was in line at the concession stand getting some good ole fashion neocola. When I came back, the crowds disappointed expression let me know right away that both teams scored evenly.
    I was quite surprised when Shenkuu won Make Some Noise, coming from such a quiet village and all, I thought Terror Mountain would at least win this one. I guess their vocal chords must have been frozen, haha get it, because they live on a frozen wastelan- okay I’ll stop.
    Today has just not been one of Terror Mountain’s better days, Slushie Slinger went down horribly wrong, the harder they tried to please the thirsty customers, the most they messed up.
    Most of the slushie orders got mixed up and we had less than pleased fans.
    Don’t get me wrong, though, Shenkuu didn’t do too great either, they really have never been the greatest to handle being rushed, it’s just that Terror Mountain did much worse. There was quite the mess there as well!
    Thanks, Hanna, and try not to get into any more messes!
    To wrap up the Minitheus bracket, the Mummies gave the Islanders a run for their money, but still lost. They were still able to take Slushie Slinger and draw in Shootout Showdown. Mystery Island has been doing very well this tournament and is currently placed first in their bracket!
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2012/team_members/kikolake_0.gif" alt="Erli Quinnock" style="float:right;margin:5px"> Well, onto the Albriss Bracket, which was much less messy, we have a full set of sweeps. The first sweep of the day went to the Kikos, getting past Altador in another very close match. The Kikos have had a very strong start this year. They've won all three matches so far, and are currently placed third in their bracket, behind Meridell and Kreludor. The new tournament format seems to have really benefited the Kikos, hopefully they will be able to keep the pace up.
    In a surge beyond their performance so far this year, the Knights swept the Dinos. Meridell and Tyrannia have always been close to one another in rankings, but today the Knights pulled off a full sweep. The Knights had been off to a shaky start, but have gotten back on their horses and are charging ahead at full speed!
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2012/team_members/darigancitadel_2.gif" alt="Tormo "The Terror" Frein" style="float:left;margin:5px;">The third sweep in the bracket goes to Kreludor, which surprised few. The other two sweeps of the day went to Darigan Citadel and Krawk Island, against Moltara and Faerieland, respectively. It was surprising to see the powerhouses dominate the smaller teams in their game of Slushie Slinger, but that puts both the Darigans and the Pirates as strong contenders for taking the cup.
    Rounding out the Vaelous bracket was the Maraqua/Virtupets match, and was that ever a sight to see! Getting in a last-minute miracle goal with a Darigan yooyu, Maraqua was able to tie up the match. Also taking Slushie Slinger and Shootout Showdown in the side games, the Mermaids ended up as the victors over the Robots.
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2012/team_members/mysteryisland_0.gif" alt="Lor Benneveldt" style="float:right;margin:5px;">In a surprising turn of events, Mystery Island is facing the Haunted Woods again! It is unknown at this time if it is a mistake by the gamemakers or if this is intentional! Either way, it's the first time this cup two teams have met a second time on the pitch. The Zombies were swept the last time they faced the Islanders. They will be even more motivated this time, and may be able to turn the tables on Mystery Island!
    Another game that will be worth the watch will be Darigan Citadel and Virtupets! These two powerhouses will go face to face for the first time this cup. This match should keep you glued to your seat!
    Well, that's a wrap for today, folks! Don't forget to submit your dream team for the Fantasy Altador Cup tournament starting today!
    This is Lydia, reporting for The Daily Neopets, signing off. Good night and good luck.

  24. Like
    Navy reacted to hrtbrk in Unreleased Water Petpets!   
    A water Hasee and Schnelly are soon to be released!

    Hasee | Schnelly

  25. Like
    Navy got a reaction from hrtbrk in Should I set her up for TRADE?   
    Have you ever considered saving up for a lab ray map or morphing potion?
    I mean I'd hate to hear that you pounded her because the likelyness of her getting adopted is very.. slim.
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