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    Rebecca~ reacted to ΩCCΩ in The Daily Neopets Is Now An Official Fan Site!   
    Wooohooo! Finally, we are the first one in the community page's list of fansites and were even mentioned in the news. *is famous* :rock:
  2. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Zombiiesque in The Daily Neopets Is Now An Official Fan Site!   
    I'm so glad! TDN is by far the best Neo fansite out there, so it's about time that you're recognised for it! :D
  3. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to hrtbrk in The Daily Neopets Is Now An Official Fan Site!   
    The Daily Neopets is now an official fan site on Neopets.com! You can now safely talk about TDN as well as link to our guides, and other content, directly on Neopets!

    We would like to thank all members who nominated us and all who support Team TDN!
    You can link to any pages on thedailyneopets.com, including our ALP, Battlepedia, Customization and Neoavatars departments. TDNFORUMS.com are not included.
  4. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Zombiiesque in The Habitarium Help Board   
    Hahah, I love the name Maurice. :D So cute. Oooh, that should make 8 really easy for you. :D I've seen a couple of screen caps, and it looks fab. :)Sooooooo pretty. :D I look at their website periodically and just drool. <3
    Yeah! Everyone should see what it'll end up looking like at the end!
    I hope you can find a good layout for your Habi!
  5. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Zombiiesque in The Habitarium Help Board   
    Okay, so I thought it might be a good idea to have a central location to discuss Habitarium, or Habi as it's affectionately known!
    Here you can post problems, requests for gifts, let others know if you're gifting, tips and tricks, questions, requests for habi friends, etc.
    Habi Guides:
    TDN Guide
    Luannin's Lil Habi Corner
    The Habitarium Guide
    Habitarium Locked Out Guide
    Trying to decide which layout to pick? This page shows layouts at level 25.
    A note for newbies deciding on layouts, because I (Zombiiesque) have bemoaned it many times when struggling with my level 50 habi layout: Do a bit of research on how your habi will look at level 50 and where your 11x11 gemfall is - you'll want to make the most of that square, and you'll need a layout that's conducive to making the most money and being able to put your buildings out of the way. If you need help deciding, please don't hesitate to ask.
    Andaraen and Rebecca have kindly allowed me to copy and paste some posts ahead in this thread that I thought might be helpful to put in this first post - they have come up with a hatching schedule for eggs a bit different than using an all inclusive dying day. Here are their thoughts:
    I thought I'd share an idea I came up with for hatching new P3s. I don't like the idea of a hatching day because it's really easy to forget what the day and time it happens at, so I could lose out on lots of exp.
    The idea is simple: make hatching day everyday! If you hatch a few eggs at the same every day, you won't have to scramble to get 46 eggs hatched 30 seconds before bed because you're like me and completely forgot your habi existed.
    The planning for it is the same for the hatching day plan. Wait for all P3s to die off and wait until your chosen time to start this schedule:
    Day one: Hatch 6/7 eggs (If you're like me and sacrifice one P3 so you can see what eggs you get, hatch 6, otherwise hatch 7)
    Day two: Hatch 6 eggs
    Day three: Hatch 6 eggs
    Day four: Hatch 6 eggs
    Day five: Hatch 6 eggs
    Day six: Hatch 6 eggs
    Day seven: Hatch 6 eggs
    Day eight: The first batch will have died off by now. Hatch 9/10 eggs.
    PS I know that the number of eggs hatched doesn't add up to 46. Don't forget the worker, nester and soldier the professor gives you when you run out.
    PPS The downside to this is decreased income for a week, but I think it might be worthwhile in the long run.
    That sounds a lot like what I've been doing! I didn't wait until they ALL died off, just when the 'main' hatching day went by, I started hatching 7 a day. The rest will die off before the end of the week, so my pattern won't be messed up.
    I don't worry about which type of eggs my nesters have laid- I harvest them all, and then once every couple of days I go and prune the ones I don't need. I also don't want to be without any nesters, because (please, correct me if I'm wrong!) the Professor just gives you a new P3, not an egg. My Habi is just Pinchits, so I don't want any Mootix or Larnikins sticking out like sore thumbs! LOL
    My schedule is like this (just in case anyone is wondering!)
    Day 1 (Friday, for me!) : 2 nesters, 5 workers. (7)
    Day 2: 2 soldiers, 5 workers (14)
    Day 3: 2 nesters, 5 workers (21)
    Day 4: 8 workers (29)
    Day 5: 8 workers (37)
    Day 6: 9 workers (46)
    Day 7: day off
    If you want to add a helpful guide to this list, let me know.
  6. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to frescort in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Snowmuncher' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    I'm so excited but I don't know what I should do to celebrate! I should treat myself to something.
  7. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Zombiiesque in NC Mall: Haunted Asylum Capsule!   
    AHHHHH MA GAH! *dies of squee* I am ALL over this. I need everything! <3
  8. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Zombiiesque in Halloween 2012   
    I too am a Halloween fanatic! It's by far my favorite holiday of the year. Ahh, so much cute stuff, want it all. I used to have Halloween shower curtains and towels - Target FTW! I wish they'd come back out with those. I already have my lights strung on my porch, and I know we're carving pumpkins, I'll probably put out some decorations. I am not sure how many trick or treaters we'll get - I don't know if they'll be going to something organized or going door to door but I'll have my pumpkin bowl filled for them just in case. Not like it won't get eaten in this house. If I were to go all out we'd get all zombiefied and have spooky music going, too.
  9. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Zombiiesque in Halloween 2012   
    This. :D So even if you don't want to trust the candy to the young-un, you can set it aside to eat yourself- you can look at it closely, and inspect the wrapper, and if you're not sure about it, throw it out. :)
    I do enjoy halloween, though I'm generally too lazy to do much! I could carve some pumpkins, but I would probably have to ask permission to put them at the front of the house (I live in a basement suite that has an entrance off the side of the building. The front steps are for the tennants upstairs). Because of where I live, I veeeeeery much doubt I'll get any Trick or Treaters as well.
    i'll probably just be hanging out with my girlfriend, eating candy, and watching scary movies. :D
  10. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from cleomiele in Halloween 2012   
    This. :D So even if you don't want to trust the candy to the young-un, you can set it aside to eat yourself- you can look at it closely, and inspect the wrapper, and if you're not sure about it, throw it out. :)
    I do enjoy halloween, though I'm generally too lazy to do much! I could carve some pumpkins, but I would probably have to ask permission to put them at the front of the house (I live in a basement suite that has an entrance off the side of the building. The front steps are for the tennants upstairs). Because of where I live, I veeeeeery much doubt I'll get any Trick or Treaters as well.
    i'll probably just be hanging out with my girlfriend, eating candy, and watching scary movies. :D
  11. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Bubbleline in Religion: Good or Bad?   
    As many people have said, it all depends on point of view. I grew up around my religious mother and grandmother who were both Baptists and went to church with them for a good chunk of my life. Then, I was often around my great grandmother on my dad's side who was a Jehovah's witness, and my grandfather is a Hindu who's introduced some of their practices and rituals to me. Not to mention my cousin who became a Muslim many years ago. Religion has always been a huge part of my life, whether or not I agreed with it. Reading the bible and clinging to my waning faith is what helped me through the toughest part of my life. But reading and the analyzing the bible is also part of what drove me away.
    Religion has always been one of the biggest reasons for starting wars. Millions of people have died and still die because of their religions, and religious people often seem to have this 'holier-than-thou" attitude that makes them all act like they're better than us "lowly, uneducated curs" who don't have religion or don't believe what they do. So, religion can and is good sometimes. And people believe in it for different reasons, like my grandmother who clings to it partly because it's been one of the few things that has been constant in her life since childhood. And though I don't identify as a Christian or anything anymore, I choose to believe in a higher being or God because it's more comforting than thinking we're alone.
    Tl;dr: Religion can be good and it can be bad. Just like everything else in the world, it falls into a grey area of morality. It's main flaw to me is that so many religious people think they have a right to dictate other people's lives and point out our sins while ignoring their own. Oh, and I'd never want to just get rid of religion. Even if I could magically erase it from everyone's memories so as not to cause a backlash. For some people, religion is what helps them wake up in the morning and you'd have to be pretty callous to want to take that away from people.
  12. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to cleomiele in Halloween 2012   
    I haven't dressed up in years...I think my university orchestra will be having a Halloween-themed party that night, so I guess that's what I'll be doing :D if I must find a costume, I wouldn't mind being perhaps a generic lady from Star Trek serving on the U.S.S. Enterprise :P
    They've been saying not to trust candy for years, but in my area, parents just check to make sure the candy's packaging isn't injured or punctured in any way. Then we get to enjoy the tasty treats we gathered!
  13. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Zombiiesque in Religion: Good or Bad?   
    This is rather my view as well. Personally, it may have a great impact on your life, and it may improve the way you act, etc. But on a societal whole, it does a lot of harm- a huge number of wars fought throughout world history have been based on one group of people thinking that another group of people were infidels, or whatnot. It's ridiculous. (One of the tennants of being a Knight in many areas of Europe was to kill infidels and protect the church. -eye roll-) Way too many people in positions of authority use religion as a reason to hate another group. 
    I am an atheist- I've looked into a couple of religions, and most of them I just can't get behind in terms of the actual theology, but I can't say I'd want to, anyway. I grew up going to a Christian church- a Salvation Army one. Of course, even if I did believe now, I wouldn't go to a SA one, since they think I'm a terrible sinner, and unless I break up with my girlfriend and stay celibate for the rest of my life, I will be heading on a one way ticket to hell... -eye roll-
  14. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to cleomiele in Religion: Good or Bad?   
    I'm in the "more harm than good" party, but my perspective is from a once-Catholic-but-couldn't-take-any-more view.
    My parents are both Catholic (which is a REALLY important thing in Italian/Italian American culture) so, naturally, I was expected to follow suit. I did the first communion, confession, etc., and I attended church school (some call it bible study) for 8 years as a young child. In my earliest stages of thought, I simply accepted what I was told: God wants you to be a good person and do x, y, and z, and if you do, he loves you! You're awesome! Welcome to heaven! But after a while...it started to not make sense to me. I've always been very pragmatic and logical in my way of thinking, so I started to find it difficult to believe that humans knew of a divine entity that watched everything you did and judged your choices and told you how to act. I ALSO thought it incredibly strange that such large concepts and ideas were being pushed onto such small children, like it was pushed onto me, when they were barely able to think for themselves at all! I think it would be surprising to be able to find an exact percentage or number of how many religious people made the decision to be religious (and stay that way) themselves and how many were indoctrinated as children, before they were capable of critical thinking and making their own evaluations about the world. Ever since that dawning of realization, I have gone farther and farther astray from organized religion as a whole. It simply doesn't work for my type of mentality, and I don't think that's right at all to push such heavy beliefs onto uncomprehending and unsuspecting kids (which is true of any religion, not just Catholicism, I would assume).
    Like hrtbrk said, there's also the issue of how many wars, conflicts, and disputes religion has caused over the years, and how much intolerance it still causes today. HOWEVER, yes, not all religious people are evil, not all of them use their beliefs as a validation for hating others or doing hateful things, etc., but it still happens. I'm also really excited about this thread because I've been looking for a place to use this Neil deGrasse Tyson video I found about religion stunting scientific progress in certain societies!!! YAY!

    It's a bit long, but if you want a synopsis, he's talking about how periods of Enlightenment and major scientific discovery in different societies over the history of the world coincide with periods of secular thought, and that not so surprisingly, those periods end when religion comes back into the picture with full-force. It's really, really interesting. If you have 10 minutes give it a look ;)
    After this long, anti-religious-sentiment-y post, I will of course add the obligatory statement that I believe people should be able to believe in and practice whatever it is they want to practice so long as it does not actively harm others. If more religious people acted in such a way--following their beliefs without pushing it onto others or acting in hateful ways because of it--then I don't think I would be able to say religion causes more bad than good in the first place. It might bring people together and sometimes help encourage people to do good things for others, but quite frequently it just pushes them apart.
  15. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to ~Xandria in Religion: Good or Bad?   
    If I am to be completely honest, I think it has done much more harm than good. It's caused one too many wars for anyone to tell me otherwise. I've never been a religious person, I am very against the nature of religion in general. That is not to say I am not spiritual in my own way and that I don't have morals. I think it's a common misconception that if you tell someone you are not religious they automatically assume you must have no values. This is simply untrue.
    Speaking just from the basis of Christianity; I see it as fear-based, untrue literature that has scared the masses into choosing a life of servitude to 'god'. In doing so, people tend to push there beliefs on others in one way or another. Not only that - but I find most Christians to be completely inconsistent. Thinking that one sin is better or worse than another. For instance, the majority of Christians who believe in the bible do not support gay marriage and yet they have had sex out of wedlock. So much for values....
  16. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Jezebel in Neopian Wars   
    The newbies who are too new to really compete in a war will do one of three things: 1) Not understand what's going on and continuing having fun doing whatever they want. 2)Get inspired by the idea that another war plot may happen again and start investing in their Neopets account so they're ready for the next war. 3) Get fed up that they're behind on a 14 year old site and leave (which could happen due to avatars, trophies, anything retired, NPs, etc.). I don't see ANYTHING unfair about war plots unless they become overly frequent and the only kind of plot that has any importance.
    It just gives Neo a purpose. If TNT balanced war plots with puzzle plots, multi-front plots and a mix of puzzle/war plots, they'd be great. It's just something to do, and more often than not, the new user is going to be excited to have a goal to work for.
  17. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Zombiiesque in Religion: Good or Bad?   
    Oh, you are the brave one then! This is such a hot button topic.
    I think that religion is a very personal experience. For instance, because it was "expected" of me, I tried to go to church for a long time, and I did read the Bible. Not cover to cover, but a good bit of the OT and most of the Gospels. I even thought maybe if I tried different churches, it might make a difference for me - but really, it didn't. I grew up with a parent who was agnostic and a parent who's an atheist, so I started questioning things at a pretty early part of my teenage years - and then, the Catholic church basically kicked my Gram out because she wouldn't disown her son, who was gay. Things with me and organized religion went downhill from there.
    I think, to answer your original question, that although idealistically religion sets out to create good out of chaos, this gets lost in the madness so much. If you think about it, so many horrible things have been done in the name of religion. And though each religion tries to set out good moral guidelines, things seem to get taken to the extreme. I guess I'm on the fence, you could say - I think that, as I said, the original intentions might have idealistically good, but honestly there's been so much harm done in the name of organized religion, that I myself am repulsed by it.
  18. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to hrtbrk in SA Pea chia cape!   
    hahah Loved seeing it in the news yesterday! Surprised they took so long to create it!
  19. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Rune Valentine in SA Pea chia cape!   
    The description clearly states it:
    I'm not sure if it actually makes Pea Chias super >_> I'd love for them to earn super powers while wearing the cape :P
  20. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Emily in Show off your tattoos!   
    Behold my lumpy, swollen, 1.5 hour old newest tattoo
  21. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Naamah D. in Let's talk about GAY MARRIAGE!   
    I have a lot to say about this topic so please bear with me...
    I think it's really ridiculous that the debate over "should gay marriage be allowed" even exist.
    Every time I even hear slurs against gay people it hits very close to home with me. I am not gay myself, but my boyfriend is bisexual. We actually had a talk about prejudice in school today and he basically told the entire class that he's sick of that crap.
    The phrase "that's so gay" and that word that I won't even bother to type really upset me.
    Even in cartoons it really bothers me and trust me, I love cartoons.
  22. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from ~Xandria in The Habitarium Help Board   
    Got one there now. :)
    Workers can kill pests too, but they only do if the pest is attacking the resource they're harvesting. So if a pest lands on the spot your worker is working at, it will be attacking the resource they're harvesting. All of your workers that are there will start attacking them, and will destroy them. Bwahahaha. LOL.
    I had a handful of pests spawn in with my blocked in workers, and I never had one die. Once, one of them got a bit hurt (I think its health was down to about half?), but once I put it to rest in a house when I was putting them all to bed, it was fine. Workers know how to take care of themselves. ;)
    I've been leaving my Habi on while I sleep, and while I'm at work since I started it (back in March/April), and I haven't had a P3 die prematurely yet. So I think you're probably fine. :)
    Also, pests do disappear on their own, if your P3s don't kill them off. You mentioned how the zombie pest will just fade away after a while, yeah? All of them do the same if not killed in a certain amount of time. :) I've seen them show up in blocked off areas that didn't have any P3s in them, and they just went away after a while. :)
  23. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Spritzie in Trading neopets   
    This is actually still against the rules. All pet trades must be 1 pet for 1 pet. Nothing else can be included to increase the value of a trade, whether it's items, NP, or an attached petpet.
  24. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from ~Xandria in The Habitarium Help Board   
    Awww, you're such a sweetie! :D
    Yeah, the zombie pests are a weird one. It has something to go with your soldiers not really getting that they can walk over to them-- they think they're blocked off somehow. I don't get it, but it does happen. You can refresh the page and they'll do away. :)
    Well, with blocking, I never bothered with putting a decoration on top- I found it way too much of a hassle, like you've been saying it's been!- and pests virtually never spawned in where they were, so it didn't seem worth it.
    I will take a screen shot of how I used to block mine in, to give you another idea of how to do it. :D
    EDIT: Found an old screencap! LOL.

    I found that having the tree and the mud connected was really useful. The P3s still wouldn't move, because they were stuck on their resource, but if one of those two filled up while I was away, they could start on the other. (Plus, by having only the 2 decorations, less gem spots were taken up! Each 1x1 (fences, glowy things, etc) decoration stops 1 gem from spawning there, 2x1 (the long twigs, etc) stops 1, 2x2 decorations (clam shells...) stop 1.... so by using 2x1 or 2x2 decorations is more 'gem-effecient", haha. I used the other stone, because it too was better for gem-spawnage. That last row that the fences and nests are in are out of the 11x11 square that gems appear in, so using the decorations there didn't stop any gems from spawning! Likewise with having my houses on the far side- no gems there either, while the side that your houses are on would be blocking gems.
    I now have two rows of storages at the top, like you do, but I just kind of deal with the ones that my soldiers can't reach. Either I don't bother fixing them (resources can still go into storages that are 'broken', and you only get a little XP from repairing them anyway), or if I'm reaaaaaaaally bored, I pull out the ones they can't get to. I also end up buying new ones to replace the filled ones every 5-7 days anyway, so it just doesn't seem worth it! Having my storages there isn't the best, gem-wise, but I found it annoying having things get hidden behind them when I had them along the same side as the houses and barracks.
    I hope this helps a little bit!
  25. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to ~Xandria in The Habitarium Help Board   
    you are so right Rebecca, LOL. Glad to have you back Zombiiesque. ^^
    Anyways, I know I have been posting and asking questions in this board A LOT.... but I could really use some help regarding my habitarium set-up and a few issues I've been having. I'm including a screenshot to better clarify. So I've been blocking in my P3's instead of just blocking off my storages. (It cuts down on lag much more effectively for my computer since they are not running around everywhere, but even having my soldiers running around is still wearing my computer down. I've noticed the lag has gotten a bit worse since I've been leveling up and adding more P3's. Not much to be done about that though, just ranting. :sad01_anim:
    Anyways; My main problem is I have A LOT more storages now, as my P3's have been gathering resources like crazy since I've leveled up. I'm having to move everything around in my habi... CONSTANTLY. I think I'm making it out to be much more up-keep than it should be. I mean, I'm moving things around on a 8 hour basis... because when I block my p3's in I have to put something on top of them so pests don't get in there. Then I have to take that off, move them out to rest, move the thing that was on top, put them back on, put it back, etc... you get my point. LOL. Then, since my storages aren't really "effectivley placed" I have to move the ones in the back out of the way all the time when they get damaged for my soldiers to fix.
    One more issue I have been having that I haven't seen anyone else mention, is having zombie pests. :whofarted: I have seen people complain of zombie items and the like but never zombie pests. :oink: <---- Awh, piggy is cute. :wub_anim: ADHD kicking in here, sorry.
    So to clarify, the pests will pop up and there will always be one specific pest that spawns that doesn't go away. My soldiers will kill off all the other pests except that one, then once all the other pests are killed off; they will just sit there with those question marks above there heads while the pest continues to damage my nests, resources, etc. :thumbsdown:
    So here is my screen shot, and if someone could please give any tips as to something I could rearrange in my habi to make it more effecient, it would be greatly appreciated. I am a level 35 now and I am leveling up much faster, so that is the only good news. You were right Rebecca! :yes:

    Thank you fellow members for always being so HELPFUL and not getting upset with my many many questions. I know, I have a lot. You guys are the greatest forum I've ever been apart of, not just neopets wise either. I've seen so many wonderful members offer support and kindness when people explain there difficult life situations. There is such an awesome loving community here! <------ That was random, but just expressing my gratitude to all of you.
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