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Posts posted by Saxen

  1. Blimey!!! Thanks so much for your answers :) That is an incredible amount of errors O.O I'm really shocked! Can't believe how much the site has declined in just two years - hopefully by the sounds of things though they're being slowly rectified.


    Such a shame I was really excited about coming back!

  2. Hey all!


    Some of you might remember me from a while ago, I used to be very active on Neo and TDN :) Unfortunately about 18 months ago I got frozen for cheating and I pretty much immediately left Neopets. I wrote a very detailed ticket and posted various things in there from me and other people about why it was total hogwash, but I was so upset I couldn't continue on another account - I'd worked way too hard to start all over again.


    I found myself getting a bit teary this evening thinking about how lovely it was on here around December and how it made me feel like I was in a proper community, so I added an extra message to my ticket in what I imagine is probably a vain hope.


    I wondered if anyone here has been frozen before and how long it took to get your account back, if you did?

  3. As some of you may or may not know I was frozen the other day so I haven't been on here very much. I'll do the video when I've gathered myself a bit; I want to be animated and make the video interesting but I don't feel I can do that in my current state.


    I know I keep saying it, but it will be soon xD

  4. So 80's it hurts XDD I love that era so much! I really want a mullet :3


    Yeah this one had me reaching for the sunglasses a bit :P I can't see it being easily customisable either -- but people can do amazing things on DTI!

  5. Oh, I'm always in love with the Maraqua & Maractite designs. They look so cool!


    Why do the new clothes ring a bell in my mind? I'm getting a rockstar kind of vibe from them.


    Because they're SO Axl Rose!! :laughingsmiley:


    The Maractite is gorgeous ^^ Never quite sure if I like dimensional or not


    That graphic imagery is necessary when signing up. It's also there for people to compare against a more normal donation, say a blood donation. People who donate bone marrow don't mind going through a painful process to save lives which I find wonderful.

    Also, how does the procedure you describe involve bone marrow?


    A doctor would never describe it like that. Anyone reading this topic who was considering donating may now not be because of your post. I'm sorry but it was totally unnecessary.



  7. I looked it up and I just see a bunch of articles saying

    "JustGiving Now Accept Paypal in the UK!"

    So I think it isn't available in the US, and they don't have a US phone line so I just sent them an email about it


    Ahhh, that's a shame :/ They really need to sort that out!

    Thank you for being so persistent with trying to donate Hanna :wub_anim:

  8. I JUST donated. I had intended to go through paypal too, but the option simply wasn't there like in your screenshot Saxen. Maybe because I'm in the USA? Anyway, just shortened my username from here. lol Best of luck raising the rest of your targeted goal!


    Thank you so so much Brain!!! <3 <3 <3


    That's weird paypal isn't there...


    EEEE almost 10% to the goal!! I love you guys!

  9. Cool!, Has your accepted article been published yet? If so, please post the link, I'd love to read it! :)


    By the way, TNT says the minimum is 1000 words for an article, but how many pages is that? Like, Microsof Word pages? I hate it when people use the number of words instead of the number of lines or pages, it always confuses me, but I guess that's common in the US/Europe, right? :P


    Here's the article that was accepted ^^


    Also, I use http://www.wordcounter.net/ to count how many words I've written, as I don't have Word on my computer.



    I recently submitted a short story. It took me 2 - 3 hours to write, then some editing, but even longer to gather the courage to submit it. I was pleased to get the 'under consideration' message, but that was a couple of weeks ago. I've heard it can take up to a month to get it into the NT. Anybody else have a long wait time? And can I re-submit it after a certain amount of time passes?


    My only other experience was submitting to the Poetry Contest, but that one got accepted right away. It's so difficult to be patient sometimes. *taps foot*


    Mine took three weeks to actually be in the NT, so don't worry, just wait and you'll get another mail saying whether you got in or not very soon ^^

  10. I cannot seem to find the paypal option at all

    when I go to donate I just get this page



    I tried with my normal visa number again and it was immediately refunded.

    I'm going to contact customer support


    When I go to that page I don't have to put my card details in? It just says how much would you like to donate, I click continue, and then I get this page:




    Maybe it'll work if you don't pick your card on the first page? *is confused*



    Well, that took me forever! Sorry! :* BUT! I have now finally donated, as promised! XD I suppose my scatterbrainedness paid off in a way, though. My payment went through on my first (very delayed) try! :)


    Thank you SO SO much for your donation, It couldn't be more appreciated!!! <3 <3 <3


    I also would like to give a big thank you to Sabs as well for her donation!!! <3 <3 <3


    VIDEO UPDATE: I'm doing it tonight ^^ My headaches have gotten a bit better now :)

  11. I've written two articles now. One was accepted and the other was rejected cause of too many entries (650 fever!). I'll resubmit it when all that's over *crosses fingers* XP


    The first one took me about 2 and a half hours in total with editing and everything, and the second took about 6 hours as it was a two-parter. I'm one of those perfectionisty people; I didn't want to submit it until I *knew* I'd done my absolute best :P


    I wish you good luck with writing your article ^^

  12. I love piercings!


    I currently have my lobes (stretched; one currently at 7mm the other at 4 - plan to go to about an inch), tragus, lip (vertical) and side (but I don't wear that anymore, keep it open just in case though), tongue, nose, belly twice (top and bottom), and left nipple (vertical).


    In the past I also had my anti-eyebrow, lip (middle), and sternum.


    Piercings I'm planning on getting are my other nostil, double tongue piercings (gonna take the other one out), and my smiley. I also want to get dahlia piercings but I don't think the type of jobs I go for will allow those :(

  13. Holy Indian cow thumbs up to everyone who has the guts to sign up for bone marrow donations.

    Now I guess you all realize you have to survive a bone marrow biopsy right? I also guess you know you can only anaesthetize on the way TOWARDS the bone...the pain related to sawing through the bone in order to reach the marrow can't be reduced at all. Now I'm a big fan of horror movies but if I wanna watch true horror I'd rather put on a bone marrow biopsy on Youtube.

    Ok not the most positive post of all time but those who are willing to go through this procedure in order to save life are on top of my lists of both brave and caring people! :)


    I'm not sure I get the point of posting all that graphic imagery of what donating bone marrow is like-- are you attempting to put people off? Anyways, they now do a procedure called peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, which involves filtering stem cells from the blood. You're hooked up to a machine similar to a dialysis machine for a few hours over the course of three days and you're able to donate that way.

  14. Thanks so much you guys!! <3


    EEEK! Congratulations on getting the story in!! I'm sure it will definitely help with the donations!! <3 <3 Speaking of which, I think I'll just have to call them to ask about mine :)


    If you give them an e-mail at [email protected] (that's what the lady on the phone told me), and there's also this page. I'm not sure that you'll be able to call them cause you're in the US but hopefully they'll be able to sort the issue out soon ^^


    Corrine said she was able to donate with PayPal and it went through with no problems, so maybe that's the best way to donate.


    (thank you darling <3:*)

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