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Posts posted by Nika

  1. This is EXACTLY what happened to me, right down to using my other hand instead and trying a mouse. Bad news, though: the pain will start in your other wrist, too. So as much as it stinks, I definitely recommend you stop playing all together until that pain fades. I'm only 23 but I already have bad carpal tunnel problems (mostly from school, but it started with Neopets). I don't mean to freak you out--I just wish someone had told me to take a break right when it started, because it can get really unpleasant :sad01_anim:


    A break now can save you from a lot of pain later.

  2. When I sold a 3 million item for 1 less 0 via auctions.


    I'm always terrified of this. Or not clicking "neofriends only" when doing ALP lends. Which reminds me....


    The other day I logged in and had a bunch of neofriend requests. I'm thankful I realized why before accepting: I was doing a neofriend auction on the reduced collateral ZDAP. That would have been a serious disaster. Auctions leave a LOT of room for error!

  3. 1. I make NP almost entirely from stocks so 1-2 million a month. Y'all are making much more than me playing games/habi on a daily basis. I should try!

    2. Lately, none--I'm boring while I save.

    3. 20 minutes if I'm just doing dailies.... but a LOT more if I have an avatar in mind/some other goal.



    PS this inspired me to reopen my habi now that I have good internet. Thanks!!

  4. I was literally TWO DAYS away from getting a trophy for having my petpet on for x amount of days.


    Moments like that are so frustrating! At least you couldn't have known. With the example of carrying more than 50 items, I've had that happen (although not with anything as desireable as a woodland draik mp) and the worst part is kicking yourself because you "should have known"!


    I was playing KeyQuest and near the door I said good game, but I couldn't go through the door because I forgot one key.


    lol this isn't so bad! It sounds more like something I would do in real life :laughingsmiley:

  5. I really liked my brucicles gallery because the theme was narrow, the items were reasonable to buy, but also there were a few unbuyables. I agree a narrow theme is good (and you can have a mix of buyable/unbuyable) and from there you can always expand. I also liked my negg gallery, but with that the NP can get out of hand easily.

  6. What is your most recent facepalm moment/noob mistake/realization on neopets?


    I realized I don't have the poogle racing avatar yet even though it should be easy to get. So I started betting on poogles and I saw there's an option to feed your favorite. So each time I fed the poogle the tastiest sounding food each time (neggs, candies, etc.) And today I took a closer look and realized those items are actually from my INVENTORY. Derrrrrp! I thought it gave options based on how much you bet.



    I fed a poogle a Faerie Queen Negg and who knows what else. Argh!

  7. I definitely agree that it's a goal to work towards. And I like what Spritzie said: different avatars require different kinds of effort. The patience to refresh or do the same daily consistantly (sometimes for years), the perseverence to play the same game repeatedly, the will to save enough to buy a certain item. When I get a new avatar, I feel simultaneously accomplished and determined to get the next one!


    But I believe that originally they were implemented to distract users from the board changes. Back in the day, it wasn't popular when they got rid of 'General Chat', and altered how the boards looked.


    My theory is that they were introduced to combat inflation and influence the price of certain items. Some (wheels, dailies, aisha treasure, gourmet etc) require you to spend NP daily. And some require you to read a certain book/eat a certain food, which removes the item from the market, AND makes the item more desireable because people want the avatar. It drives up the price twice as quickly! At the same time, there are ones like the forgotten shore, which I think replace a lot of that money.... so who knows.

  8. You can't even edit information? I would start a new account and just transfer my important things a little at a time so as not to raise suspicion. But avatars! UGH. I'm really sorry this happened.


    I thought TNT has got the filter *scratches head*

    Or is it that when one gets blocked by the filter a certain number of times, they get a warning & so on?


    That is a scary idea, considering you can edit a single neomail over and over and never find why the filter is blocking it. You know you can't say the words method or assume?! I know the filter is there for a reason, but I think TNT's system is outdated at best and derp at worst. It's aggravating :sad01_anim:

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