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Posts posted by Nika

  1. Thanks for the advice about half price day! I thought it would be harder then because more people are in the shops.


    I've been trying to get the avatar for a while now, and all I've got to show for it are great resell items. I guess it's one of those (extremely) rare avatars that actually require you to make money instead of spend it.


    PS as a student I'm always up at all hours, and somehow that shop moves fast at all times, even past 4 am where I go to school. I went to Europe though and it occurred to me, hey, I'm 9 hours ahead and in the chocolate shop... no wonder it moves all the time!

  2. I love seeing this! I'm 21 and my side has been active for 9+ years, though I've only been intensely playing for about the last 2. I'd love to show this thread to my friends as proof that the site is pretty much dominated by adults. They definitely don't believe me when I say that all my neofriends are in college :P I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed to play, but I would say that the site is misunderstood which is frustrating.


    My university is notoriously nerdy and I know 2 people who play at least occasionally. I bet if I was more open about it (or hung out with even bigger nerds than I do) I could find others like me, so I can't complain :)

  3. That's so awful! I feel your pain, albeit to a lesser extent, having been robbed big time by the Pant Devil once. huskrlvr1985 is right, you don't know about this kind of RE until it happens. Thanks for warning others. I'll deactivate my dream pet, which is too bad-- she looks so cute when I post on the boards :/

  4. Those boards are extremely good for Altador Cup chats. That's the only reason why I use them.


    The boards are annoying in a lot of ways, but I agree with you here. Also, every time I finish a Faerie Quest it's thanks to someone helpful on the boards replying to my request :)

  5. I love Freaky Factory and Typing Terror-- I get so addicted I can easily play more than 3x daily. For TT I always finish with 100% accuracy and fewer points than it takes to get the avatar, so it's also frustrating.


    The old Crash Bandicoot games were my childhood


    I think this was just for NP games, but I'd do anything to play some Crash Bandicoot now. The problem is I don't own it anymore!

  6. I don't have an iPhone myself, but I can say I'm addicted to the ones my friends have! I've moved cities 3x recently for jobs and school, and I have to admit I am constantly lost. Whether I'm walking or driving on the freeway, I'm always relying on my friends iPhones to help me find my way. My advice is don't get a cheaper phone that claims to have internet, because my Verizon EnV is like that, and it really just has a tiiiiiny search engine that's pretty much useless :)



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  7. 3) People who act like they're all that (especially on the Neoboards)


    Oh man. What is up with that? This is definitely my pet peeve as well.


    And do I totally have my head in the sand about auto-buying? I didn't know it was that common of a cheat, but I've definitely seen shops with 100's of codestones. I thought it was pretty much taken care of with the click the pet system.

  8. It feels good to hear people vent about this. I used to post on the stock boards and some of the regulars there just like to irritate people on purpose. It's annoying to try to have a real conversation and have them try to troll you the whole time. It's insulting because on Neopets (unlike on this forum, perhaps) I'm not a noob, and they're set on treating everyone like one.

  9. It's not the most annoying thing ever, but since you mentioned Illusen, it bothers me that she sometimes asks for neohome items that aren't on the market. For example, she asked me for "Basic White Floor Tiles" which aren't on the wizard, auctions, or trading post. It's like they technically exist but have never actually been released. And I know they're not rare, because she asked for them within the first 10 quests.... It wouldn't be so bad but I'm trying to get the avatar!

  10. So this morning I went apple bobbing and I was too lazy to empty my inventory of everything but imposter apples, as I usually do. So of course, for the first time EVER I dropped something in the tank... and it was a water faerie. Once again, no Imposter Apple avatar for me.


    I just had to vent :(

  11. I hope they change the max neopoints per score to 750


    I'd never thought of this before, but I agree it would be a great idea. I hear people say they wish they could send more scores daily, but that would really exacerbate the inflation problem.


    Not that I'm a pessimist, but inflation has made saving really tricky. Let's say you want 10 mil for some item: by the time you make the NP, it's probably worth 15 mil, just out of reach again. So I suppose when TNT releases new items to reduce inflation, it can reward people who save but never quite make it because NP is worth less and less. You could argue releasing these items also rewards noobery, but I like to think it helps out the people who save and save while watching prices get pushed sky high continuously.


    I think they've developed some clever ways to reduce inflation, but people (myself included!) are good at spotting/avoiding them. As I wrote this it hit me: what if they taxed us?? AAAH! It could happen!

  12. I think the faerie paintbrush specifically will re-inflate pretty quickly. Given that a lot of people are bound to actually use the brush on their pets, thereby removing the item from the economy, it should become rare again. That being said, I remember long ago paying out for an item only to see it given away as part of a plot. I feel the frustration.


    The only ways NP leave the economy are through pay-for dailies (wheels, Lever of Doom, wishing well, etc.) and TNT-run shops and auctions (well, and RE's, stock bankruptcies, etc.).


    I guess this is the point of avatars, which is pretty clever if you think about it. I've paid a ton for mine and I only use the Soup Faerie and Tooth Faerie, both of which cost nothing :) And as a stock junkie, I can say I don't think a stock has gone bankrupt in >3 years.

  13. I love Parks & Recreation-- I think it's the only show left on TV that makes me belly laugh consistently, since Arrested Development's gone. And I'm oddly addicted to Bones at the moment... what a weird combination.

  14. My worst pet name has got to be Kika_Kuddle the Kau. It was 9.5 years ago, but still: what was I thinking?


    I actually know a few kids who use the site.


    I love this quote. When I tell people I play they say it's for kids, but... isn't everyone on Neopets in college or older?

  15. I just ignore the stamp ones. I think some avatars are not so much for avatar collectors as they are for the people that are really into that part of the site. For instance, I got the stock avatar before I even knew what avatars were, because I'm a stock addict.


    I bet there's 3-4 hardcore stamp collectors out there wondering what an avatar is and why they have one :)

  16. one extra per year of membership or something. Then there wouldn't be as much of a need for side accounts and it would alleviate some of the other problems.


    I never thought of it this way, but maybe they want the extra members so they can have a higher count. Because more pets is a huge incentive to keep sides.


    I agree with the relaxing on the board filters. I was silenced for saying moisturiser...


    This is exactly what I'm talking about. I just want to talk comfortably, and it isn't possible when people are silenced all the time! This especially bothers me when I want to ask if something is against the rules. If the response is ambiguous, but I decide it's ok, I feel like I've admitted to wrongdoing and could be frozen. For instance, I just moved all my NP to a side account to get the soup faerie avatar, so I only checked the boards here instead of asking on the site. It isn't even cheating and I was nervous.


    I'm glad I found this board! :)

  17. alienaisha.gif

    I just got the Alien Aisha avatar and I won Starry Paint Brush (TCG) from the vending machine!:D



    Ooooh I'm jealous! I found a nerkmid (awesome) and decided to use it, so I got the avatar but it just gave me gross food. My latest avatar is the Soup Faerie--it was a pain to transfer the NP but the avvie is so cute! It was also my 200th, so I was excited!


    My favorite is still the Tooth Faerie though :D

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