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Posts posted by keiwo

  1. I hardly ever get them :'( Haha but yes I do usually accept randoms unless I have a NF only auction up and it's obvious they want to snipe it. If they're annoying I can always delete them later. I have like one active Neofriend and she lives in the same house as me............

    Subliminal message: PLZZ BE MY FWEND

  2. The mini-games on Key Quest lag a LOT for me and I hardly ever win when I play with random people in the lobby. I prefer to play with my girlfriend because we have the same level of latency with respect to the server and it makes it more fair. It must be noted that the game is indeed mostly luck, though. Make sure you play 5-key games with 2 players only to make it easier on yourself. That way, you'll always get a silver key at the very least, which means guaranteed prizes.


    All that being said, there is a topic dedicated solely to KeyQuest in the Neopets General Chat section. Please continue all discussion there. :-) Thanks!



    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Keiwo).

    There is a topic for all KeyQuest discussion located here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/14467-key-quest/. Make use of this in future! :-)

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    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Keiwo if you have any questions regarding this action.

  3. If you think that the death of a loved one is the worst thing you can feel (since you say that whatever I was feeling can't trump the death of a loved one), I'm glad to say that you don't know true pain.


    I've had plenty of deaths of loved ones. I've seen people die of slow illnesses (seen, mind you), I've had one friend commit suicide, and I've had a couple of friends die suddenly from a drunk driver. One friend (not a close friend of mine, but still a friend) got murdered, and it took months to find the body. It can be depressing, sure. But trust me when I say I have had way worse.


    i understand your point but pain is subjective and any one person may experience a whole range of hurt in ways that others could never comprehend. for some people, "true" pain might just be found in the loss of a loved one. i'm sorry that you have been through all of what you have described and more, but to discount other people's pain because they haven't dealt with as much isn't fair.


    my best friend committed suicide around three years ago, presumably because she could no longer deal with everything she had to go through on a daily basis. i certainly would not dub her as selfish. everything is circumstantial and in the end, everyone has their own rights to their own lives and bodies. yes, suicide hurts others in unimaginable ways, and yes, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but i'm not sure i could ever call it 'selfish'. nobody knows the full extent of anyone else's battles.

  4. I just made a massive post in the hunger games thread that said basically this but in about a hundred times more characters. May I steal your words? :P But, yes, same - read them in three days. I was surprised at how quickly I read them actually - I'm quite out of practice.


    I may finally be getting my hands on a copy of "To Kill a Mockingbird". Anything I need to watch out for?


    we had to read to kill a mockingbird for year 11 english which was around.. 4 years ago? i don't have much pre-commentary to offer except that it's certainly a classic and i found it to be a fantastic read and would gladly have read it out of choice if it hadn't been part of the curriculum.

  5. i love omgpop but draw something crashes every time i try to play on my iPhone :-( it worked for the first couple of hours and then went bust. if anyone has scramble with friends, though, you should definitely challenge me.. and i'm always up for any game on omgpop. i'm pretty sure i'm like level 50 something haha

  6. congrats, but instead of spending 6.7m on a pb, you could have bought a pirate draik egg (half the price of the pb) and trade it for a woodland uni/ffq custom.


    I spent 6mil and there's no guarantee anyone would have done that. I was becoming impatient and wanted it asap :P

  7. i quite like the following:


    100_1.gif caption competition

    239_2.gifsecond place chemistry for beginners ;p

    197_1.gifescape from meridell castle

    149_1.gifextreme herder (I LOVE DOGLEFOXES)


    390_2.gif2nd place freaky factory

    368_1.gifhasee bounce

    379_1.gifmeepit juice break

    540_1.gifmeepit vs feepit

    553_1.gifpetpet cannonball

    412_2.gif2nd place snowmuncher

    307_1.gif the buzzer game

    371_1.giftrouble at the national neopian

    574_1.giftyping terror

    207_1.gif zurroball


    i love trophies.. so shoot me

  8. .. what would you do with the reward?


    "Wait" is not a viable answer! That's boring : p Just pretend you have to use it immediately!


    I would probably go ahead and paint my Draik water straight away, then spend all night customizing it. droool


    PS Sorry if a thread like this already exists.. I did a search and found nuttin

  9. i'm about to start reading inheritance by christopher paolini.. it's the latest (and final) book of the eragon series and i bought it quite some time ago, fully intending to get right into it immediately. obviously, i failed to do so. : p i'm looking forward to it!

  10. it's actually not embarrassing to listen to mainstream artists so idk why you are ashamed of listening to cobra starship or paramore. they are both good music groups in their own right

    i barely scrobble anymore but here's my last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/hillsighed

    it doesn't give a particularly accurate snapshot of what i listen to but i can't be bothered listing bands/artists.. i have like 90 gigs of music and i am constantly looking for more

  11. i finally watched shutter island with my babe last night after having it recommended to me about a year and a half ago.. pretty good movie, although i've seen too many with similar plots and had a good idea of what the twist was going to be from the very beginning.

  12. i would start seeking a creative outlet to let your feelings out into - one that is not neopets. it sounds like neopets is an escape for you and i love my pets too but i maintain and understand the reality that they aren't real - they are just pixels. try writing or drawing or making music, whatever suits you. relate it all to what you are feeling and if your sadness persists, talk to someone you love and trust about it. don't nurture an obsession in order to avoid resolving what is upsetting you - i've been there and the results were not good

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