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Everything posted by Tedhaun

  1. I would like to at least try to make it to All-Star this year (currently at Rank 12 at the time of this post), double All-Star if I don't get constantly plagued with Captcha Validation Failed errors every few score sends (and I was never given a Captcha challenge to solve). So much lost time, Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger score sends earlier today because of these dreaded errors.
  2. Happy June everyone and happy Altador Cup season too. Here's the foods my pets picked for this month: Half of my pets went for some summer classics. What's with Flootenkerp often choosing Gross Foods? It's not an ideal summer food, I know this much.
  3. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and he loses 2 movement points!!!! - Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Snarkie for you and you head home. Do you really want to come back tomorrow? NOTE: Hootenandy's Petpet this time. I am legit keeping that Chocolate Blobikins for life. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he changes colour to Electric!! - Tumbles shall now be known as Fritter. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. ----- Results for 6/2/2022 The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and he gains 2 maximum hit points!!!! - Snarkie shall now be known as Lazpip. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he gains 3 strength points!!!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.
  4. Managed to get a Chocolate Blobikins zap on Flootenkerp's Petpet. Holy cow! Is that a special Petpet? It surely is. You're quite the lucky one. Don't come back tomorrow... keep that Petpet for eternity! Or not. --- The rest of today's zaps: The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she changes gender!!!! --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he gains 2 strength points!!!! - The ray produces a giant flash of light, but Tumbles doesn't look any different. When it can't even climb the Multi-level Scratching Post you bought it, you realize that malfunctioning lab ray actually decreased its level to: 3 Just your luck. ----- EDIT: Here's my zaps for 5/31/2022 The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and he changes colour to Elderlyboy!! --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he changes colour to Starry!!
  5. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she doesn't change at all - 1337 shall now be known as Spiffy. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he changes colour to Striped!! - Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Tumbles for you and you head home. Do you really want to come back tomorrow?
  6. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she loses two levels - The ray produces a giant flash of light, but 1337 doesn't look any different. When it can't even climb the Multi-level Scratching Post you bought it, you realize that malfunctioning lab ray actually decreased its level to: 1 Just your luck. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he gains 3 maximum hit points!!!! - Nothing looks different about Tumbles but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 4 Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.
  7. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she doesn't change at all - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he gains 2 maximum hit points!!!! - Mercutio shall now be known as Lemondrop. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. ----- The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she loses two levels - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he gains 2 strength points!!!! - Lemondrop shall now be known as OMGROFL. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. ----- The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she changes into a Blue Xweetok!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he doesn't change at all - OMGROFL shall now be known as Tumbles. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.
  8. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she changes colour to Disco!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he doesn't change at all - Fritz shall now be known as Mercutio. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.
  9. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she loses 3 defence points!!!! = But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. === The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he gains 3 strength points!!!! = But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.
  10. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she loses 3 defence points!!!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he doesn't change at all - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow
  11. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she changes into a Yellow Shoyru!! - The ray produces a giant flash of light, but Sir Bob of Geraptiku doesn't look any different. When it can't even climb the Multi-level Scratching Post you bought it, you realize that malfunctioning lab ray actually decreased its level to: 2 Just your luck. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she changes gender!!!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.
  12. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she gains 2 defence points!!!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she loses 3 strength points - Nothing looks different about Fritz but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 3 Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.
  13. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she loses two levels - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he changes gender!!!! - Dybbles shall now be known as Fritz. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.
  14. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she gains 3 strength points!!!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and he doesn't change at all - Nothing looks different about Dybbles but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 2 Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.
  15. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she gains 3 maximum hit points!!!! - Nothing looks different about Sir Bob of Geraptiku but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 3 Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she changes gender!!!! - Your fears that the Kookith didn't actually know what the heck he was doing are confirmed when Poppler suddenly disappears, leaving no trace. None. Nada. Zip. Ziltch. Guess it's time to buy a new Petpet.
  16. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she loses two levels - Puppup shall now be known as Sir Bob of Geraptiku. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she loses 2 movement points!!!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.
  17. May 12th, 2022 The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and he loses 3 defence points!!!! - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she loses 2 strength points - Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. You should come back tomorrow and try again! ----- May 13th, 2022 The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and he gains 2 movement points!!!! - Oopsy shall now be known as Kadoatie-wannabe. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she doesn't change at all - But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow. ----- May 14th, 2022 The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and he changes gender!!!! - Kadoatie-wannabe shall now be known as Puppup. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she changes colour to 8-Bit!! - Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Poppler for you and you head home. Do you really want to come back tomorrow?
  18. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she changes gender!!!! - Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. You should come back tomorrow and try again! --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she gains 2 strength points!!!! - Fritter shall now be known as Poppler. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.
  19. I've managed to score this bad boy from the Wheel of Knowledge today:
  20. The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she loses two levels - Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Oopsy for you and you head home. Do you really want to come back tomorrow? --- The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she loses 3 movement points!!!! - Spiffy shall now be known as Fritter. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.
  21. Flootenkerp: The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she loses two levels - Times New Roman shall now be known as Oopsy. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow. --- Meldac: The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she gains 3 maximum hit points!!!! - Greg shall now be known as Spiffy. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.
  22. Yes since I wanted a shot at turning Meldac into a Royal MSP Poogle for fun, but backfired. I have extra Red Poogle MPs saved up just in case. Before you ask, I used Meldac as an agent to transfer over Royalgirl Poogle clothes back to Lippstik, a Faerie Poogle who used to be on my main long ago that had the Royalgirl Poogle attire. Anywho, on with today's zaps: Flootenkerp: The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she gains 2 strength points!!!! - Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Times New Roman for you and you head home. Do you really want to come back tomorrow? --- Meldac: The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she gains 2 strength points!!!! - Dybbles shall now be known as Greg. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.
  23. Turmy's awake until 3 PM NST today. You have awoken the great Turmaculus... and he has decided to give you 350 neopoints!!!
  24. Just got access to the Lab Ray on one of my sides, and a new adventure begins for Meldac. The ray is fired at Meldac... ... and she changes into a Red Kau!! - I gave Meldac a random spare Petpet to take along for the ride. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. You should come back tomorrow and try again!
  25. I was at the Rubbish Dump earlier today to help out with clearing junk items to help other Neopians get the That's Not Rubbish avatar if they didn't have it yet, and this happened: It was the last Secret Lab Map piece I needed for a second complete set, which was brought over to one of my sides (namely DariganUltimatum). Before that, I had run-ins with Jhudora and the Bank Manager Skeith while I was playing my daily rounds of Dice-A-Roo. Nothing over the top unlike what happened later, but I'll take it:
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