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Tedhaun last won the day on June 27 2024

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About Tedhaun

  • Birthday 04/18/1992

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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    In the Twilight
  • Interests
    Neopets, Faerie Quests, Kirby, Pokémon, Red Green, Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Nintendo, Cartoons, Anime, Science Fiction, Mahou Shoujo, Piñata smashing, Duct Tape, TDN, Flaming Controller

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About Me

NOTE as of 6/8/2020: This about me section is outdated and is going to need a huge overhaul after a long absence. I'll update this in my spare time.

Looking for those elusive Darigan Tonu and Jetsam Chomp avatars? Send ChiefBoyardee (my Darigan Tonu) and/or Nifuel (my Grey Jetsam) a challenge and I'll be right to it!


I am D-Pad Doc, formerly known as Neomysterion (here on TDN) and The Plushie Ultimatum (on JNF, if you remember me there too). I root for Darigan Citadel and I also enjoy watching various animes time to time. I used to be more active here in the early 2010s, but nowadays I occasionally lurk and stop by every now and then helping out others if need be. If you need any help on Neopets, TDN, or anything else, feel free to PM me or Neomail me (though you're better off PMing me). See you around the forums!

Neomysterion of TDN

No longer moderating TDNForums, contact another mod or staffer if you need assistance.

I'm D-Pad Doc (formerly Neomysterion), and I used to be Global Mod for TDN Forums and Flaming Controller. I've been playing Neopets since I was 10, and I'm also a maniac for old-school video games, Nintendo systems, cartoons (from the USA, Canada, UK, and elsewhere) and anime, and other stuff as well.

I have a habit for being up very, very late at night. Stuff really does happen overnight, though not as much as during the day for whatever reason.

I am TDN's guide for all things Kirby and Pokemon (Generations I to IV). Just drop me a line if you're confused around Dream Land, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orre, and Sinnoh.

Also, Beware of the Wallmasters and the power of Grayskull. :ph34r:

Whackabeast/Neopets News/Snowboarding Fuzio/My Gallery/Lost & Pound/Cheap Stuff/VG Collection

If you want to be my friend on TDN, Neopets, and anywhere else, go ahead, I'll accept. Don't worry, I don't bite... honest!


About me:

Name: D-Pad Doc

Age: 1337 (really 29)

Birthday: April 18, 1992 - Please don't forget to stop by profile and leave a birthday comment on April 18th.

Gender: Undisclosed


Okay, you got me, I'm really a male and also an uncle.

Neomail: Open (I have the Neomail Addict avatar, maybe I can help you get it)

Neofriends: Non-random only (or let me know who you are on TDN Forums via Neomail)

Guild Invites: Closed

Battledome: Only if you want to fight my Kiko, my Jetsam for the Jetsam- Wanna Fight avatar, or my Darigan Tonu for the Tonu- Charge avatar

Jobs/Occupations (at least on the interwebs):
Global Moderator of TDN Forums (September 2011 to August 2014)
Global Moderator of Flaming Controller (September 2011 to December 2011, when the old forum got canned)
Administrator of Super Mario Deep (Global Mod on July 2011, then Co-Admin later on, and ultimately into Admin in late-August 2011 before the site died)
Co-Admin of Fairy Communities of Nadia (August 2011 to ??? (original forum is no longer around))
Advertise It Forum Moderator of RetroJunk (December 2010 to Februrary 2011, when I closed my old RJ account)
Administrator of Neoasparagus (Javi/Khaos' forum) (August 2011 to ??? (forum died))
Facebook Moderator of Mario Party Forum's Facebook page (November 2011 to January 2012, was inactive on both MPF and their Facebook page)

Co-Admin of Wonder Traders Anonymous (May 2014 to ??? (group inactive due to the founder being busy IRL))
Global Moderator of Nintendo 3DS Central (August 2020 to present)

Favourite Bands/Artist: Michael Jackson, Nine Inch Nails, Naoki Kodaka, David Wise, Tim & Geoff Follin
I know I have some video game music composers in there, I was never into real music. :P

Favourite Colour: Purple, as well as various hues of purple like mauve, lavender, and plum.

Theme song:

Favourite Thing to do: Giving back on Wonder Trade in Pokémon X and Y

Hobbies: Collecting old-school video games, helping out on Faerie Quests

Interests: Neopets, Faerie Quests, Kirby, Pokémon, Red Green, Nintendo, Cartoons, Anime, Science Fiction, Magical Girls, Piñata smashing, Duct Tape, TDN, Flaming Controller

Favourite Food: Buffalo shrimp pizza, almost anything chocolate

Favourite Drink: Coke Zero, chocolate milk, Mountain Dew (all varieties)

Favourite TV series, cartoons, anime, etc.: Lots! Some examples include The Simpsons, DragonBall series, Ren & Stimpy, The Red Green Show, Eek the Cat, Rocko's Modern Life, Mahoujin Guru Guru, Angry Beavers, FLCL, Zatch Bell, Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo, Shakugan no Shana, Gurren Lagaan, Spliced, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Detentionaire, No Game No Life, Overlord, KonoSuba, Re:Zero, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Gabriel Dropout, Miira no Kaikata, Hataraku Saibou,
and many others.

Favourite Books/Magazines: GamePro, Nintendo Power, GameInformer
All of them are gaming magazines, I'm not really into proper novels. I may consider reading manga and light novels at one point.

Favourite Game System: Original NES, Game Boy, Super NES, Nintendo GameCube, and Nintendo DS

Favourite Game Franchise: Kirby, Pokemon, Pikmin

Favourite Game Company: Nintendo, HAL Laboratory, Game Freak, SNK, Sunsoft, Irem, Jaleco, Data East, and others.

Favourite Pokemon: [shiny] Magnezone, Spiritomb, Crobat, Crawdaunt, Typhlosion, Torterra, Sharpedo, Seviper, Drifblim, Bellossom

All results are based on my first time here: http://www.contrib.a...blackwhite.html
I really wish there was one for finding out your favourite Neopets though.

Favourite Neopets: All Neopets appeal to me. Kiko, Cybunny, Pteri, Hissi(!), and Vandagyre if I had to choose some.

Favourite Neoboard Section: Quests section, it's what I do when I'm bored. :P

Neomail or Forum PM: I suggested PMs over Neomails myself, simply due to obvious reasons (filters).

Random Facts About Me:

I had a run in with a cursed (actually glitched) Skee-Ball Machine back in the May of 2011, and won hundreds of tickets by doing nothing.
Me and Kirby (the video game character) are born nine days apart.
I am better than Dante and Bartdrunkeys at Nimmo's Pond.

I own three Neopets that are named after video game companies (namely Jaleco, Meldac, and Nichibutsu).



Coming Soon...


My Neopets Family (customizations are a work in progress, bear with me):


Wraith Kyrii (on side account: TheBlokeWithNoName)
Named after the main antagonist of the NES game Kick Master. Born a Red Kyrii, then painted Wraith with an FFQ I got back in August 2020.

Darigan Tonu (on side account: DariganUltimatum)
Adopted as a Red Tonu from the pound. You can go up against him in a Battledome challenge if you would like to get the Tonu Charge avatar, PM or Neomail me at neoking2002_neo and we'll set up a challenge, DariganUltimatum is my side. Born on 10/20/09

Chokato Kiko (on side account: DPadDoc)
My newest Kiko friend. The name is cross between Chokato and Solanum, which is part of the scientific name for tomato.

Striped Chomby (on side account: DariganUltimatum)
First LE pet that I created on my own. He'll be given an 8-Bit Potion at some point so he can be an 8-Bit Chomby (or at least Jelly). I'm not sure on whether to paint him another colour at some point for the time being. Born on 3/22/12

Pirate Draik (on side account: TheBlokeWithNoName)
RNG goofed up and made this Draik born as a male. I'll turn him to a female eventually. I plan on painting this Draik Darigan in the future.

Camouflage Krawk (on side account: Neomysterion)
Had the urge to get a Magical Pirate Krawk Plushie from the auctions to get this guy, as well as paint him camouflage.

Spotted Koi (on side account: DariganUltimatum)
Soon to be a Royalgirl Marble Koi someday. She's more of an outgoing type than anything. Saving up for an underwater themed customization for her this time. She's not the first Koi I owned, lele_lol was my first Koi. Born on 4/5/12

Biscuit Kiko (on main account: neoking2002_neo)
My soon-to-be battle machine who dreams on being a Halloween-Faerie Kiko one day. She was Cloud when I adopted her back in October 2010, but she turned Invisible in late May 2011 due to a Random Event. She was painted Christmas in July 2011 since I was sick with the Invisible colour. I have no intentions on turning her into a Glowing Buzz (hence the fact that it would be more name-fitting though), I'm keeping her as a Kiko forever! Born on 6/5/06

Lab Rat (on main account: neoking2002_neo)
Current Lab Rat, named after the rumoured glitch from Pokemon Gold/Silver.
Forms undergone: Blue Hissi (born), Yellow Ogrin (morphed), Green Chomby, Custard Chomby, Biscuit Chomby, Fire Chomby, Sketch Chomby, Red Chia, Mutant Aisha (morphed), Sketch Aisha, Invisible Aisha, Speckled Aisha (painted), Yellow Jetsam, Red Poogle, Checkered Poogle, Yellow JubJub, Blue Eyrie, Silver Eyrie, Faerie Eyrie

White Grundo (on side account: DPadDoc)
Named after the arcade shoot 'em up of the same name by Namco, which did get an exclusive Famicom port on Namco Museum Archives Volume 2. I plan on turning him Royalboy Orange at some point.

Darigan Hissi (on side account: Neomysterion)
I had to give up my old Koi for this. Hissis are very rarely seen at the pound, so why not? He was adopted as a Red Hissi, and painted Darigan when Altador Cup VI was live. Born on 5/5/06

Red Vandagyre (on side account: DPadDoc)
Might zap him into a Robot or Mutant if it does exist in the coming future, but I'm not sure. I might put him UFA for those who want a funny owl name.

Green Jetsam (on side account: TheBlokeWithNoName)
I created him when TNT's Pet Release Script goofed up and released Jetsams instead of Hissies on Hissi Day. Jaleco is the name of a video game company that's known for games like City Connection, Ninja Jajamaru-kun, Bases Loaded, Rod-Land, Whomp 'Em, Avenging Spirit, The Ignition Factor, among many others for the arcade, NES, Game Boy, Super NES, and more!

Blue Aisha (on side account: DPadDoc)
Named after Freya Jerbain, one of the key characters from the Xak franchise of action RPG games by MicroCabin who also has a RPG Shooter spinoff game of her own. I plan on painting her White in the future though.

Purple Korbat (on side account: Neomysterion)
Another random adopt I plan on zapping into something cool in the future and putting up UFA in the future.

Royalgirl-Faerie Poogle (on main account: neoking2002_neo)
The oldest pet in my possession, adopted when she was a White Usul very long ago. I spent 10K on a Magical Yellow Poogle Toy in Summer of 2002, and let her play with it, and turned into a Yellow Poogle. She was Yellow, Blue, Baby, Split, Camouflage, and Snow in her past, and wants to be a Faerie-Royalgirl someday. Born on 5/17/02

Chocolate Vandagyre
Named after the video game developer of the same name that has an owl for a mascot and known for games like Moon Cresta, Cratermaze, UFO Robo Dangar among others.

Grey Jetsam (on main account: neoking2002_neo)
Nifuel is my avatar lending pet if you want to get the Grey Wocky, Jetsam Chomp, and Jetsam Wanna Fight avatars. Please Neomail me at neoking2002_neo for more information and full details on Nifuel. First come, first served. She used to be owned by Draik from JNF (golden08 on Neopets) back in the old days until he ditched her and I found her. Born on 10/16/10

If Nifuel is uncustomized, I am currently using him for avatar lends. Nifuel is not associated with TDN's Avatar Lending Program.

Pink Pteri (on side account: TheBlokeWithNoName)
Yet another random adopt that I might plan on zapping and putting her up UFA or keep her for avatar lending purposes (still unsure).

Blue Lutari (on side account: DariganUltimatum)
Finally after a long wait, he's all mine! I'd like to paint him Pirate or Island someday.

Green Meerca (on side account: DPadDoc)
Named after the character of the same name from The Red Green Show. I plan on painting him Striped in the future.

Rainbow Cybunny (on side account: Neomysterion)
I thought that I was going to have to wait for Cybunny Day to come around, but I got lucky with a Rainbow Cybunny Morphing Potion snag at the Money Tree on an early Friday morning. Born a Blue Kacheek, morphed into a Rainbow Cybunny. She will be painted Pink at some point. Born on 3/30/12


Halloween Ruki (on side account: Neomysterion)
Adopted as a Swamp Gas Ruki, and then painted Halloween and given a Mummy Baby for the Halloween Ruki avatar. Will keep her as an avatar lending pet.

Blue Hissi (on side account: TheBlokeWithNoName)
My dream is to turn Viperse into a Halloween-Transparent Hissi someday. Viperse is an anagram for Seviper (a snake-like Pokemon) only with the first syllable as the last syllable.

Sliver Cybunny
I created this guy by accident on Cybunny Day, but decided to keep him and give him a good style. Named after the main protagonist Yacopu (who happens to be a bunny) from Trip World, an obscure Game Boy platformer by Sunsoft

Pets I'd like to get, or goals, etc.:
2.png-Darigan Draik... Should cost 3,800,000 NP or under for the Draik Egg, and 1,400,000 NP for the Darigan Paint Brush.

Might as well save up big Neopoints for all of these, especially after buying the super expensive Lab Map Piece. 😧


Grey Jetsam Information
To be honest, Nifuel is not UFT, she is for avatar lending purposes ONLY. I can only do 10 transfers a month. Here are the rules about using Nifuel for Avatar Lending Purposes:

-Do not alter him with an Morphing Potion, Paint Brush that is not a Grey PB, Lab Ray, Random Event that can cause him to change colour, etc.
-No keeping Nifuel after scoring the Grey Wocky, Jetsam Chomp, Jetsam Wanna Fight, and Snowbunny Whee avatars. Please return him to me when you are finished with the avatar gets.
-As in return Nifuel, do NOT abandon him, please transfer him back to me (Neo-username: neoking2002_neo). Nifuel is my pet, and not yours. If abandoned, chances are that the user who adopted him will end up being very greedy and not return him, EVER. You're been warned.

Failure to follow these special guidelines set for Nifuel will ask for you to buy a Red or Blue Jetsam MP (if Nifuel is in a species other than Jetsam) and a Grey Paint Brush (4,400,000 NP total). This opportunity does NOT come cheap, period. Don't expect me to waste loads on getting another Grey Jetsam, please.

Aliases: I used to go by my own Neopets Username neoking2002_neo on several other places, I still use that name on Neopets however (I had the account when I was 10, it's not better named in contrast to my side accounts). I was known as The Plushie Ultimatum and Kyubey (named after the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica character) over at JNF, as well as MagneticDestroyerX3 on RetroJunk and HG101's forums, and Shiny Magnezone and Meta-Knight over here.

Up to this very day, some people call me Neoking (based off my Neopets Username) here opposed to Neomysterion.


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