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Everything posted by Secre

  1. Or allow duplicates of the same name... or purge old inactive accounts so that some of those old names can go back into circulation!!
  2. I haven't redeemed mine yet... I'm waiting til I'm done donating I think as I can then plan out what I want to buy with my total points. Which will be somewhere around 16,000 I believe with my final push. The quick donation not working is aggravating though!! Completely agreed on all counts. This is just one dumpster fire after another at the moment... admittedly, I wouldn't buy those capsules if you gave me the NP to do so!!
  3. I'm slowly working through the remainder of my stock... but this is even more slow than the 'quick' donate!!
  4. The quick donation page is completely down right now... so maybe they are fixing something. Or maybe not. Who knows!
  5. There is another update. It's in the same random board as the initial update rather than the actual news feed mind you. Because why would you put important news but the news feed!? I'm glad I waited to redeem my points! You should be getting your points back but at this point I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. The entire thing is just a complete hot mess!! As I said, I didn't even know that board exists. I only use the forums for NC Trading and it wouldn't have occurred to me to check for an update there if it hadn't been for somebody posting on Reddit. Yeah. This seems to be a common issue. If you don't redeem them immediately, you lose them. The quick donation page is down for now so maybe they'll fix it... maybe they won't. It's anybody's guess at this point!!
  6. I suspect they will say that it was your choice to buy those items, so it's your problem not theirs. Which is kind of true... but doesn't take into account the expectation of something being the same as it has been for the last five years or so! I got relatively lucky. When I went on a concerted effort to stock up on high ticket items, I hit the six point items. So I kept on buying SS from the Healing Springs whenever I remembered, but didn't want to pay the shop price mark up. So I had several hundred Organs, Cobralls in a Can, Tomato Bombs and Meteor Bombs rather than several thousand Sticky Snowballs!
  7. Oooh, that's a brilliant idea! Thank you! I've been going there manually, clicking the two links and then hitting the wrong item!
  8. I've actually just sent them a message on Facebook to almost exactly that affect: "Hi Team, Can I respectfully suggest that you move your Charity Corner forum post update to the main news field? Most people were thrown for a loop by the price change on the prize changes, because the first - and often only - place we check for news is... well, the news feed. Certainly it would never have occurred to me to check a random branch of the forums when I never go on the forums unless it's for NC trading. I only discovered the forum post because somebody off site mentioned it. I'd also note that whilst many of us will be pleased with the lowering of prices for prizes, you need to address refunding those who already bought their prizes. It takes a significant amount of time to deposit thousands worth of points at 15 items a go, and those individuals who bought early will be even more disheartened to see their points wasted in this way. (No specific ticket number; I hadn't redeemed my points so don't need refunding. Just a note that there may have been better ways of communicating this change to your players.) Communication is the key thing here and it has been rather lacking in honesty. You could have communicated the anticipated change to the snowball situation six months ago, and your dedicated fanbase wouldn't have spent the time and effort in setting timers and ensuring they visit the Healing Springs as many times a day as possible. Instead it was communicated in a brief FAQ released on the day of the event starting. It wasn't rocket science to realise just how badly that would go over with people who have spent the better part of twelve months actively prepping for this anticipated event. A little communication - proper communication, not a post in an area of the site that most of us don't even know is there a day after the event starts - goes a long, long way. Make your fanbase feel appreciated, because currently I can see a lot of disappointment, anger and resentment leading to people cancelling their Premium and potentially leaving the site for good. Many thanks."
  9. I don't know how many of you might have might have seen this as it is a tucked away post on a board I assume nobody visits... I mean, I didn't even know it existed until today and a random Reddit post alerted me to it. Why they didn't release the statement as part of today's actual 'news' I don't know. Most of us at least know to check there daily!! However. There is an actual statement from TNT:
  10. I'm on auto pilot. I go to the Healing Springs planning to get an Icy Snowball and lo and behold I end up with a Sticky Snowball!! It's rather frustrating!!
  11. Communication is the key to a successful relationship... of any kind. And they just don't seem to get that. It would be bad enough if people weren't paying for Premium and NC, but as they are...!! I'm looking to double my prizes so I can sell and keep in equal measure. I've probably spent about 300,000np panic buying every cheap item I can see so far... and about a hundred or more 6 point items, which set me back about a hundred thousand on it's own!! I'm hoping to at least recoup that with reselling the prizes if I can... I'm just short of 15,000 points. I had not anticipated just how much junk I had in my SDB... It's working again now. I did have vague hopes that maybe they were doing something interesting with it, but nope. Apparently not.
  12. Well, I'm now getting a repeated 404 error whenever I try to donate stuff...
  13. Yes, the prize shop points being reduced is a good thing, I think. I suspect the overall price of those items for reselling will plummet, but I can get twice the number of them!! But yes, I know a few people jumped for the petpet for the PPL chance... so might be feeling mighty peeved right now! I don't like the capsules, although they are better priced now - I mean that jump down to a tenth of their initial cost says a lot about the original pricing!! I do think there is far too little a chance of getting a decent item though. Even four hundred points for an 80% chance of getting an item worth 50-400np is poor value... but better value than 4000 points!!
  14. Hah. I currently have 10,000 points and still going... and I was unorganised as hell so didn't have anywhere near the amount of Sticky's that some people have!! I had hundreds of random items of fishing junk which took an age to input at a single point each!! I almost never bother donating stuff, it just gets whacked in my SDB and forgotten about. So whilst my organisation was lacking, my sheer number of years on the site meant I had a whole host of 1 point items lying around. For next year I will have to save up more religiously and buy other people's 1-5np junk throughout the year as my stock has been seriously drained!
  15. Another non Techo fan but they’ve done a good job on Steampunk and the outfit is different enough to stand out! I really like the steampunk eyes and tail. Not enough to get a Techo. But I like them!
  16. Hah. The fix may have made things a whole lot worse. I created a new thread for the update as I can see the neo drama Increasing exponentially!!
  17. Yeah, looks like they have responded to the uproar by reducing the points needed because of the nerfing the sticky snowball inflation. Every time I think this cannot get worse... it does. Try emailing support and get a ticket number. I imagine they are going to be flooded. Well the capsules are now a fraction of the price - tier 1 is now 400 points instead of 4000. Imagine being the poor soul who got a 4000 point capsule and some courgette building logs. Nothing in the news about it at all!! I hope they are going to refund points to people. I refrained from using mine in the hope (eternally optimistic) that they might add to the shop, or restore perks. I hadn’t anticipated this stunt.
  18. Holy hell. If I didn’t think this was a holy dumpster fire mess before, they have now changed the prize shop points. Reducing them heavily. So if you bought that Petpet early in the hopes of a PPL award, you are now 1500 points out. The capsules have reduced even more dramatically!!! No new prizes, no perks added. But they have proceeded to screw over those who used their points early. And perhaps unsurprisingly there are no announcements or obvious warnings or even a ‘don’t worry if you bought early, we’ll refund you’. Communication excellent once again! Pictures as promised: Previously Updated
  19. I have to say, those non readable mystery capsules are perhaps the gasoline on what was already a bit of a dumpster fire. 4000 points for the most likely prize being a common item worth less than 500np and likely being donated again... ouch!! I mean I’ve seen one person got courgette building logs and another got a simple yellow lamp!! And being non readable only hits the collectors harder as they have to waste points on them if they want them!
  20. I initially had no inspiration and so it took me until the Friday just to come up with an idea!
  21. I’ve just been browsing the boards and I don’t think I’ve seen this much frustration, disappointment and rage since the big overhaul of Yooyuball all those many moons ago. People are genuinely livid and there are a significant number who have stated they have cancelled their premium. I think it’s the dumpster fire mix of messes that’s the problem. If it was just the stickies being nerfed, or just the perks being missing or just the limited prize shop, I imagine people would shrug and move on. But it’s all of the above, plus the 15 item donation limit, plus the format reversal to item prizes but without a prize for donating 5 items, plus the lagging of the donation page and how much the process hurts my fingers. Yeah, sorry. That ones just me! I swear I was getting repetitive strain injuries by the 10,000 points in mostly 2 point items!! Oh and the page says the prize shop will only be open for the duration of the event of course!!
  22. Welp, it's taken most of the day but I'm at 10,000 points... and still got pages of my SDB to trawl through... and a load more comfort rocks to pick up...
  23. I can't help but think in honesty that it also shows a marked lack of respect for their fanbase. To know in advance that your customers - many paying - are going to spend all year preparing by doing one specific avtion and then negating that almost entirely is disrespectful and rather nasty in honesty.
  24. I have to say, I think TNT have kinda made a rod for their own back here and I have very little sympathy. They knew this kind of move would face a backlash and in honesty it seems rather petty and spiteful to remove the points bonus with no warning. Even a small amount of communication at the end of last years event or some time in the lead up to this years event would have softened the blow somewhat. They set themselves up to fail because there was an expectation from preceeding years events that wasn't followed through on. Personally I'm not too salty. I only had 400 stickies anyway, but they would have been a nice points boost. I'm at 6000 so far and it's tedious!! I also have no experience of previous years events, which might help. But the fact that they only reduced the stickies - not the icy snowballs for example just strikes me as a petty move on their part. I think the lack of communication is perhaps what is the worst thing about it...
  25. Yeah, I'm not bothering with the boxes at all. The weapon isn't anything special in the Battledome either... Turned Tooth is better!! I want the stamp and the petpet I think... but I'm not actually excited by either of them the way I would have been by the perks. The paint job one in particular and the stocks...
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