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Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Viridian

  1. Uploading Battledome stuffs on youtube:

  2. Day 1 of GMC vid:

  3. The Pant Devil stole my Vegan Cheese! It's hard enough already to get the Drackonack avatar without him poking around :p

    1. Mouseykins


      He won't even give me the avatar! :(

  4. V! I still wanted to say thank you for your little Christmas gift :) And I hope you've had some good days ^^

  5. Site is old... Since the breakup between me and my ex-boyfriend the game has been cancelled (half a year now). So I fear, never :P *changes site*

  6. Yes, we'll simply be awesome together ^^

  7. Oh yeah I'm just totally awesome =D

  8. Pretty much.. We're weird that way =D

  9. Aye.. First thing my boyfriend said to me that morning "Morning ye landlubber" :')

  10. Well, I am a pirate after all... Strange Maraqua supporter, but a pirate nonetheless :P

  11. It's an emoticon =3

  12. Haha ja dat is grappig =P

  13. Hehe not too hard for a dutchy like myself :P

  14. Hi, yes! Those are my movies of whih I collect stuff =D

  15. I totally found another Lion King Collector in the Netherlands who wants to buy some of my stuff and give it a good home. I'm very happy :)

    1. Alynniae


      Omg, i wanna go to the movie ^_^

  16. Ghehe, ik ben Roverscout en leiding bij de kabouters :)

  17. xD Ja dat heb ik ook als ik met de kaboutertjes werk op scouting :P

  18. Haha congrats. Leuke foto hoor! :)

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