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Status Updates posted by Viridian

  1. I like siggy too :D His name is Tim. But yeah, that's of course the primary reason to visit Canada ;)

  2. Last year was awesome. This year I'll be there for another 5 weeks or so. :) It's awesome because I can finally hug my boyfriend again :D (he lives in canada, i live in europe ... >.<)

  3. I think I just spent it all by visiting Canada :p

  4. Ah.. I'll be visiting Alberta :P

  5. *looks what one*

    Oh yes! I was quite satisfied with that one :) Thanks ^^

  6. So what province are you from ? :D

  7. That's nice! The person who gave our haircuts retired a couple of years ago, so now I'm just with random people all the time... Oh well, nobody made a huge mistake or the like yet ;)

  8. Okay, luckily it fits well ^^ I've seen a girl who dyed her hair and it looked plain awful.

  9. Ah, yes I have a very white skin too... Though I think dark red would be a little bit too much for me :D

  10. Was blond your natural color? :) I like it in your picture. Does the darker color fit you well? :D

  11. *notices name on the list of minions...* wait.. wha?

  12. Aw thanks! No it's mainly me and my boyfriend together, but we have lots of friends supporting us and helping us out with smaller stuff (helping make maps, finding screenshots from movies, test playing etc). It'll be quite a while before it's done :P

  13. Yeah I hope so too! It always sucks if someone falls for this... But I guess for everyone it's a hard lesson to learn.

  14. Thanks for letting us know about the scam, we could act quickly :) Never been to vietnam either. :p

  15. There's a Vietnamese girl in my class. She's alright :) But yeah, blond wouldn't suit you, no matter how pretty you think it is :D No worries, your hair looks just fine ^^

  16. Aw thanks, hehe. My hair looks extremely blonde in that pic, it's usually a bit more golden. You remind me of a girl in my class.

  17. Really, I'm fully dutch ^^

  18. Hello! why do you want holland to win the cup? ^^

  19. I am doing fine, thank you.

  20. You can add a photo to your account once you become a Super Member (which is 500 posts, I think... something like that anyway). Read this for more information: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/10332-personal-photos-our-policy/page__pid__168938__st__0entry168938

  21. I love pokemon too, and harry potter as well. Really looking forward to the 7th movie! :) And thank you! :)

  22. Nice username ;)

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