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Status Updates posted by Viridian

  1. Inderdaad :) Na een maand of 2 in de brugklas heb je het zo onder de knie.

  2. Dat doe je goed, ik ben vorig jaar blijven zitten (nouja, ik deed het vrijwillig over omdat scheikunde me heel slecht afging). Tweetalig VWO is niet per sé moeilijk, je raakt snel gewend aan het feit dat je les krijgt in het Engels :)

  3. Ja mee eens. Gymnasium kon ik heir in de buurt niet kiezen, dus ik zit op tweetalig VWO. Ga nu mijn examenjaar in. ^^

  4. Haha in de onderbouw heb ik ook latijn gehad, maar die boden ze in de bovenbouw helaas niet aan... Grieks ook geen optie op mijn school (ben een enorme talen-freak dus had het graag willen volgen). Meestal neem ik geen deel aan staffdiscussies, en geef ik mijn input later via msn.

  5. Ja klopt. Ik ben momenteel de enige Europeaan zelfs onder de mensen die hier werken. Soms is dat wel een beetje vervelend (staff overleg om 3 uur 's nachts enzo :P )

  6. Hehe, I'll write a guide for TDN sometime soon.. Or at least will try to ;)

  7. Yeah, I had gotten a Desert Bori which is ok, but it's my permy lab so I just kept on zapping him, now he's purple.. haha! :P

  8. Yeah me too. The lab's been kind of boring of lately thoguh. I've had a while of really interesting zaps and these days I only get stat changes :P

  9. Yeah! Ahh, nothing much sadly. Just living my life, seeing how the river flows ^^. On neo not very much new either, kinda bored actually.. Got my dreamies and right now I'm just there for labbing and TDN :P

  10. Late happy birthday Livvy! Also welcome to the content team! :)

  11. Haha aw thanks! :) I like them too ^^ I added you too ^^

  12. Congratulations with your birthday :D How are you doing these days, Vixen?

  13. Congratulations with your birthday :)

  14. Congratulations on getting in the NT! I just read your comic and had a dejavu feeling, until I realized it was yours :)

  15. Yea I know someone was doing that :) Thing is I know that some work sometimes, and then the next day they won't. So it's the easiest answer I can give :P

  16. wonders how to get the Wishing Well avatar...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alynniae


      i think TNT is laughing behind their desks, 'cause everybody has the craziest theories... i wanna have that damn avvie

    3. fish_mummy


      It may well take longer than the Bonju avatar...


    4. Crimson


      Well, now wishing well avatar just became one of the most common avatars. xD

  17. Because I wasn't interested in the group anymore.

  18. That's what I was talking about. I grew up when I was 15, that's what they are talking about too.

  19. You're welcome! That's what I'm here for :D

  20. Already there :D I left 2nd of july and will stay here until August 16.

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