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Status Updates posted by Viridian

  1. Thank you :)

  2. Thank you! :D

  3. It's called 'Hissi Thief Hood', I think. Only wearable for hissis :D

  4. My username applies to both. Though I guess I kind of came up with it randomly :P

    As for why not... Off lately all that I produce is a fail in my eyes, which really brings me down.

  5. Oh, thanks! :D Sadly enough I'm not really drawing anymore :(

  6. I still like how you basically made your first post on the first of april.

    I bet that wasn't an accident =P

  7. I wish it would be released in Europe already too! I want Soulsilver >.<

  8. I'm doin alright, sleepy.. Just got up :P

  9. Howdy new friend ^^

  10. Yeah I guess so! But I kind of picked that name at random :P

  11. *poke*

    How are you? :D

    I didn't know it was your birthday 2 weeks ago. Late congrats from me. ^^

  12. Oh thank you! It's weird indeed seeing me with that big button haha!

    I love that so much too! That's just awesome :D

  13. Thanks a lot :D

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