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Guest jamieleigh
Wow. I'm impressed - absolutely no sarcasm here either. You've actually thought about it. Me, I'm totally random, and still really don't know who I'm supporting


Thank you! I tend to over think things just a little...

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yah i tend to over think things to thats why i am picking the one that i point my mouse at after spinning for a minute.

Well I thought it might be interesting to see who everyone is going to support and why!


This is my first Altador Cup so I am not sure who I am going to support. Thought about supporting my favourite places like, Roo Island, Kwark Island or maybe the Deserted Fairground. Not 100% sure yet though! Anyone want to convince me to join their team :P


I'm supporting Maraqua, like always!!! It is an awsome team.


PS: Support it!




GO TO: www.freewebs.com/weeklynewscaster


Well.. I have finally decided that I am going to support Kwark Island :yes: So once the images are all up and working you will see it in my siggy :D and I will probably change my lookup :yes:




XD I put virtually no thought into which team I join - I just pick one at random, although I try my best for that team during the duration of the cup. :yes:


I'm supporting Darigan. I have every year, though I can't remember for the life of me why I chose them originally. Oh well, loyalty, huh?


I'm a Roo Island supporter, completely.


I never used to be a Roo fan, but then I started my gallery, which ended up evolving into being a Roo Island gallery, and inevitably I fell in love with the Blumaroos (even though I used to be completely apathetic to their existence, preferring Ogrins.) My boyfriend even gave me his Blumaroo-zapped-Moehog to turn back into a Blumaroo and keep for myself. =D


So, yup, I'm a Roo fan, completely.


If not Roo, I would be joining Lost Desert, probably, though.


I'm not sure which team to join. I'm not loyal to any particular team. I'm a mercenary.

Perhaps Maraqua. I need to be there when AA signals to spring whatever trap he's setting up... :evil:


More people for KI! This time we'll cut every team that gets in our way down to size! At least I will... but that's okay! 'Cause this year I'll have enough free time to make like 200 games every match! (500 if we get to the finals. I tried to do that last year, but vacation got in the way. Not that it was bad...)

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Arrrrrrgh! :competitive:


Yeah this is the first time I've been around for an ALtador Cup.


Team? I'm thinking close my eyes and point at one. [:


I'm sure you have a favorite area that you enjoy on neopets in which you could use in your judgment of which team to join. Or at least friends that could steer you in a direction.


Darigan, i've supported them since the first AC and I don't plan on ever switching teams.


I am going to support Krawk Island. I supported them last year and the year before that, and they are defenly my favourite this year again. I really do believe we can do it!!


I'm going to support Maraqua, they'll make a comeback. :-]

headquarter is on : http://neopets.com/~bubble_kay

Then you can select your language ;o.


Wow, the graphics are really cool! o_O

If I hadn't choose my team, I join Maraqua for sure. :laughingsmiley:


I'm joining Shenkuu. I joined them last year, and I'm still loyal to my fellow Ninjas!


I'm with Maraqua this year, purely because it's my favourite neopian world, and I love underwater themed things in real life :) And we have the prettiest team!


I'm still not sure! =O I stopped playing neopets for a while, so I missed the last two years, and now I'm stuck between Krawk Island and the Haunted Woods.

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