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Not yet, no... still waiting from a real reply from TNT.


Good luck with Daily Dares everybody!


I know that Attack of the Gummy Dice will be one of the game...


Xepha: Those darn TNTs.. They freeze you nothin' and then take ages to reply when you want your account back. Good luck to you :(


I was wuite happy to see a game featured that I actually knew I could do. But of course, today I had to mess up all the time. So it took me four tries to get it. But at least I got it.


It'd be nice to get Evil Fuzzles or Warf Rescue soon, those are easy.


Yeah, Xepha's right, snowmuncher isn't very easy and be quite frustrating! I wish I had more time, but I only had about 20 minutes to put into it... so I went with Abi today, so AAA: 8, Abi: 16.


Off topic: Xepha, I'm sorry to hear about your account, how frustrating. I think I remember you posting that you were excited about your score and avatar and were waiting for the TNT review. Best of luck to getting everything squared away with TNT.


I was ALMOST to AAA's score. Unfortunately, I had to settle for Abigail's.

(Rumor is that these scores TNT's presenting are their WORST scores.)


AAA: 12

Abigail: 12


(I was 188 points away from AAA's this time...<sigh>)


Xepha: Things like that make one wary of doing well at a game.... Good luck getting your account back! I lost my first account because it got hacked. I reported the incident and they froze me for it. I tried to get it back several times, without any luck. I hope you have better luck than me!


As for the Daily Dare, I've kinda given up caring about who I beat. I don't have the time, the skill or the patience to get high scores, so I am going for Abigail quite a bit. Current total is AAA: 10, Abigail: 14.


I had to go for Abigail's score today, when I asked for a more challenging score I didn't mean this challenging <_< .


Well yes... when you are hacked, it's impossible to get your account back (and it would most probably be just an empty shell :()

But I didn't cheat at flash games, so I'm hoping to get my lovely account back, and if not... well I'll start playing on a side... eh. Just sad for my pets :(


Gummy Dice today! I knew it! Well... this game is challenging, so good luck everybody!


How is it even possible to cheat at flash games when the codes provided for some games are made by them? Anyway i hope you will get your account back.


And todays challenge - i didnt like the game, but im sure i could have nailed AAA with some patience.


I don't think I can beat today's game, because the highest I can get is 1313 and I'm only left with one more level, so I think even if I complete all the levels, but after substracting the remaining dices, I cannot make it to 2000+...


AAA: 18 Abi: 7

Well yes... when you are hacked, it's impossible to get your account back (and it would most probably be just an empty shell :()

But I didn't cheat at flash games, so I'm hoping to get my lovely account back, and if not... well I'll start playing on a side... eh. Just sad for my pets :(


Gummy Dice today! I knew it! Well... this game is challenging, so good luck everybody!


So because you are good at something they think you cheat? I somehow think they need to get their act together. I got a warning for naming my pet after a staff member... I don't even know the staff members names.. So yeah???


I guess I won't have to worry about getting frozen for being too good at a game... cause I stink at the flash games! Abi once again for me today, just couldn't seem to get past 1400 no matter what... so AAA: 8 Abi: 17


I am worse... I haven't beaten AAA once, not that I have even tried... I beat Abi 25 times :*


I finally beat AAA today, today's game is not easy...


AAA: 19 Abi: 7


I have seriously forgotten about the Daily Dare completely. Since I missed one challenge a few days ago and lost the chance at getting the Uberiffic prize I kinda stopped caring. But I'm gonna give some of the remaining games I have to complete a go.


I have to complete Turmac Roll, Snowmuncher, Attack of the Gummy Dice and Stowaway Sling


AAA-14 Abigail-8


I don't nearly have enough time today to work on AAA's core, so assuming I'll be going for Abi, I'm now at AAA: 8, Abi: 18. Also, for the prize awards, does it matter when you claim your daily dare prize for beating Abi/AAA or only what day you actually completed the game? It probably doesn't matter... but I forgot to claim my prize yesterday, and it would really stink to be out of the 2nd place running so close to the end of the month because of that o_O


I did make a few tries at AAA yesterday (Gummy Dice), and I did get up over 12-1300, but I was SO not in the mood for hours of playing.. I had a migraine that I'd had since monday night, and I was completely bummed out because today I put my favourite pet rat to sleep :crying_blow: it sucks SO bad..


I did beat AAA today after a few tries. I just had to try the game out since I've only played it once before and work out a strategy for each level - and the one cheat code for the game helped me too.


Ohh that suck Maria... Sorry to hear about your rat *pulls are cookie from in her pocket and wipes all the dust off* here you can have it *smiles sweetly*


AAA was not worth it in Gummy Dice! It would have taken me much too long to get that score. Todays however I did AAA Stowaway Sling isn't too hard of a game (but I don't have the avie yet). Sorry to hear about your pet rat Maria!


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