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Happy Chomby Day!

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(**continues for five minutes**)EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Omg, that outfit is the most adorable thing EVER!!!!!!!!  And TNT could make SO many dino outfits for the existing dinosaur pets ❤️  


Still not a huge fan of the Elderly Pets, but these are nice. I like that they have distinctive outfits, and aren't limited to only muted colors! Plus, giving them little hobbies as part of the design has always been the upside to these Colors for me!

The Crested Chomby is soooooo cute! The big eyes and little smile are wonderful, and the colors are delightful!! I do think the large head looks very odd with the small front legs... I understand the actual dinosaur may have looked like that, but it just looks a bit weird in this style haha.

Neat background, too! Bright colors, different layers to the rocks, water, and greenery. All so serene.

A neat day for the Chombies!

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