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Feel like Im on the verge of it neopian means

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The Magma Pool has been my obsession for i cant tell you how long. I remember the moment tho. Its when we were able to slip past the sleeping guard and dip CATCHARIDE into it so he became a magma myncii.


However I want to find the way to GET INTO the pool without having to sneak. I forgot the 5 minute window. Thats ok. I dont need t dip another pet in it. I just want to figure it out. I know its possible bc I farted around with the link to the pic of the tonu saying go learn some more. Then theres the hissi statues. Theres the symbol on igneots cave that matches the arcanium. Theres also the fact that with the tonu up saying go back and try again... you can type in anything after THAT specific link but you dont change what he says or the pic to the accepted smiling tonu.... for now. We just need to figure out what the magic phrase is to make the tonu let you pass on that link. Im 100% certain about it. Otherwise why have it that way.

If you take just the picture link and change the word rejected to accepted you see the difference... however im sure people know this part.

I have tried getting people to talk about this on the chatboards in game and it just gets passed over constantly. I want to figure this out. Its going to be a collective effort tho I think.




It is possible for sure, but we never found out how to unlock it exactly and if it's even still possible:


As you can see, I can get in without having to sneak in, but I bought and read books from Moltara, created every single petpet without buying the ingredients, played all the games in moltara, participated in the Atlas of the Ancient plot and got a gold trophy from it, visited every single spot, asked questions to Igneot etc. Basically I did everything there was and is to do in Moltara but what exactly triggered it back then, I wouldn't know. I know other people have tried everything too but didn't get access, I don't know if they participated in the plot or if they did what trophy they got.


The chat boards on Neopets can be a vacant place, especially depending which board you post on. I find the "Fan Clubs" and "Help Board" to be a couple of the most active (other than NC/custom) aside from the Premium boards, which are very active in the general realm. It can be frustrating trying to do anything on those boards other than advertise guilds and customization chatting lol. But sometimes TDN has a little more insight to offer as there are regulars here that keep an eye on the boards and help when they can.

I recently forgot my window and had to re-find it as I adopted out my Magma pet that I had made yearrrrrs ago. It actually wasn't too hard, took me a couple dedicated weeks.

As far as the secret to being allowed in, I have heard many murmurings of it, but nothing confirmed as to the hows and tos. I hope someone comments on here with some insight because I am genuinely interested in knowing as well!


This is really interesting. I'd never known before that you could just be allowed in; I thought you had to just find your 5 minute window like everyone else.

Duma, do you get that message every time you visit the pool? Does it allow you unlimited dips?


It allows a dip once a day, but other than that it's unlimited.

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