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I got a water faerie quest followed by a crafting faerie quest. I am not a fan of the crafting faerie so I abandoned that quest. the water faerie one was nice. A cheap item and then she gave me 2 points in the defense stat.


Also I was reading some of the posts in here at the beginning and there were complaints of Earth Faerie quests? You guys do know she now raises a random stat now? She no longer feeds your pet. Reread the date and the posts were pre-change for that faerie.



The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!


Got this while visiting a user shop.


Something has happened! codestone5.gif You find a mystical codestone on the floor!



I always seem to get some pretty good stuff while playing Sakhmet Solitaire and Pyramids; this one was from Pyramids..


I've never ever had a PB random event- but I've had probably hundreds of Codestone ones! Even on my old account years ago, when I was able to get on Neopets on my birthday- when I've heard that more RE are supposed to happen, I didn't get a single RE that day.

Today all I got was 500 np from a RE when I visited the Money Tree (ha!) and then found a codestone while using the SW.

The day I have a RE where I get a PB, I just might fall out of my chair! xD


Something has happened! ghostlupe.gif The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!


I've never had a RB random event either! Congrats on the nps from the RE today ;)


I guess today is gonna be a good day! :D First I get a FFQ (second one this week) and now I get this:

Something has happened! lotteryman.gif You hit the lottery!!! You won 750 NPs. stamp_spa_splat.gif You also won a Splat-A-Sloth Stamp.

That stamp is 8K so I almost got the NP for the FFQ (the item was 10K) back! Yay :D

Something has happened! bottlefaerie_fire.gif Your pet has found a captured faerie!!!


it was actually a Bottled Water Faerie but thanks anyway :D


Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


This one was an Orn. :D It seems like I've been getting more Codestone REs than usual recently.


Something has happened! moncer.gif The Monocerous growls 'Over the last month I have eaten 8 Wockys'


How disturbing o_O.

I also got an Earth Faerie quest earlier which resulted in a strength boost for my Shoyru :D



Congratulations, neoking2002_neo, you just found 100 Neopoints on the floor!


Got this after collecting my bank interest today.


Something has happened!

You find a piece of the Secret Petpet Laboratory Map!


Found it while removing items from my SDB for lending.


Wasn't quite sure where to post this but ...




Space Faerie will be waiting for you in theBATTLEDOME!!!

The Space Faerie has been honing her skills ever since the defeat of Dr. Sloth, and she hopes to win and carry home the grand prize!



I opened one of those Flowing Blue Mystery Capsules today and got the virtual code which unlocked her :)

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