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Something has happened! bugbros.gif The Bug Brothers jump up and steal 11Neopoints!!


Little buggers.. First time I've had this one though..


Something has happened! labmap_03.gif You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!


I got this while playing dice-a-roo and right after I got it on my next roll I got the question mark and the pant devil took it from me lol. Oh well.


Something has happened! hatchia.gif A rather dashing Chia drops by and hands you:Starry Droolik Cap. What a nice fellow! You should put it on to show your thanks.


I just got a Dark Faerie Quest! This is the first time I got one since the Faerie Quest event where they gave out quests everyday for a month. She asked for a Day Dreaming Nimmo Gnome Balloon, and that just saved me at least 4000NP x)


Something has happened!

You find a Endless Salad and Bread Sticks on the floor!


I got this while checking my stock portfolio.



firefly_goblin has gotten stronger!!!


This happened while I was playing Cellblock (working on getting the avatar for that by the way :P).


Something has happened! nerk2.gif An Alien Aisha gives you a Normal Golden Nerkmid!!!



Took forever to get an RE.. I've been playing NQII and I am in the underclouds, and this is the first RE I got... 0_o Well, at least its a good one :D


Something has happened! foo_negg_mysteryisl.gif Your Neopets stomach is rumbling.... I think they would like a Mystical Mystery Island Negg! You better buy one for them :)



You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!


Don't I already have the whole map done? I'm selling this later on.


Something has happened! foo_kacheek_pretzels.gif You find a Kacheek Pretzels on the floor!



Got this while playing Sakhmet Solitaire; been actually GETTING RE's lately, did pretty good while doing NQ 1 & 2 as well..



Congratulations, neoking2002_neo, you just found 20 Neopoints on the floor!


Happened while I was helping someone on a Faerie Quest.


This was on my way to try once again for the "lost" avatar.... no avatar but I got this Something has happened! tcg_0218_CI24.gif A Scorchio in a pointy, purple hat hands you a Trading Card and says, "This will be a nice addition to your album!"


Another: Something has happened! lavaghoul.gif The Lava Ghoul floats on this page and looks at you menacingly! I think you were lucky this time...


Just got this one: Something has happened! babyray.gif Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and turns Xandelus into a Baby Wocky!!!

Heh, it was my lab pet so I don't really mind, plus baby pets are always so cute :) It'll be a nice change of pace. We'll see how long Xandelus stays this way, though.


EDIT: And I've never heard of this one before... but it's kind of funny.

Something has happened! bullies.gif

Some members of the Pocket Change Redistribution Committee approach you and "appropriate" 711 NP that you had in your pockets!


Again while playing Sakhment Solitaire (not including the RE's that do nothing):


Something has happened!foo_pbandj_hotdog.gifYou find a Peanut Butter and Jelly Hot Dog on the floor!


And again..


Something has happened! 50neopoints.gif Congratulations, morgennaraene, you just found 50 Neopoints on the floor!


Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Finally got another one. :D It was a Mau this time.


Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Another Codestone this morning, while Quick Stocking. It was an Eo today.


Something has happened! petpetlab_03.gif You find a piece of the Secret Petpet Laboratory Map!


Too bad they're pretty much worthless, but it's better than nuttin' :)



You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Got this while playing Kiss the Mortog.

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