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Today's Random Events


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I've had a lot of random events today. I've gotten a lab map piece I didn't have, a dubloon, and a codestone, 20 np while shopping, another 100 np while in Faerieland. Then my Koi told me it was hungry and they were bloated o.o -shrug-

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The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!


Got this while helping someone out for a Faerie Quest.

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That moment you get excited because you see "Something has happened!", but its just:


Something has happened! joinothers.gif

Adee the Chia says 'Did you know you can send neopets to friends?? Fill in a simple form here'



lol :(

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Lava Ghoul will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!

Erupting from the boiling lava seas off the coast of Mystery Island, the Lava Ghoul springs to attack! Beware his fiery breath! Something has happened! lavaghoul.gif The Lava Ghoul floats on this page and looks at you menacingly! I think you were lucky this time...



just a couple more to go now :)

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You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


More free codestones for the win, that's what I like.

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Something has happened! lotteryman.gif A mysterious Neopet gives you a lottery ticket. Why not click here to play!



Nice, haven't had one of these in a LOOOONG time, hope it's lucky :)

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A Mynci Veggie Plate suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. The Space Faerie must be in a good mood!


Congratulations, cuteaisha10, you just found 1,634 Neopoints!


Congratulations, cuteaisha10, you just found 2,425 Neopoints!

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