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I see you haven't found my item yet. I had such hopes for you, too...

You are supposed to bring me:

Super-Cool Toy Magazine


Thanks in advance!



Yep, no problem! :yes:

ant777525 Super-Cool Toy Magazine 1 999 NP andaraen Super-Cool Toy Magazine 1 1,000 NP neuskleuter Super-Cool Toy Magazine 4 1,220 NP


Just under 1k! Awesome. Thanks for your help!


For your efforts, shuhune99520's defence has increased!

You are currently on a quest for an Air Faerie.
I'm waiting... I hate waiting... Please don't make me wait.

You are supposed to bring me: bluepolish.gif
Blue Nail Varnish

You are currently on a quest for the Battle Faerie.

Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?

You are supposed to bring me: toy_koibath_rubberfloat.gif
Blue Koi Inflatable Bath Toy

Back so soon? Don't worry! I'm sure you're capable of completing my quest, or I wouldn't have given it to you.

You are supposed to bring me:

Kargrax the Defender
You are currently on a quest for a Light Faerie.
Back so soon? Don't worry! I'm sure you're capable of completing my quest, or I wouldn't have given it to you.

You are supposed to bring me: redtradingcardback.gif
Eleus Batrin
You are currently on a quest for an Earth Faerie.
Hmm, maybe I should plant some Gurple Bushes... Having trouble? Keep looking! I know you can do it.

You are supposed to bring me: fire.gif
Fire Jug

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