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Ukali Poetry Journal


I suspect that this will be unbuyable, since I looked in the trading post and only found one listed in "rare books", but I'm giving it a shot anyway. If you could run a search, I would appreciate it! Please and thank you!


It's for Battle Faerie.

I found some cheaper on the SSW. :)


Owner Stock Price zearon10 1 16,500 NP fuji_from_rikkaidai 1 16,949 NP sweetpea200333 1 16,999 NP


Courage, Neopian. Though it may be a difficult quest, you will find it worthwhile.


You are supposed to bring me:


Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwich


Can anybody help me out? Thank you!


Courage, Neopian. Though it may be a difficult quest, you will find it worthwhile.



You are supposed to bring me:


Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwich


Can anybody help me out? Thank you!

Here you go, this one's not too bad. :)






A young Fire Faerie steps forward. "Blue Wocky Costume" she blurts. "Oh, I mean, please find me one. Thanks!"

That's an expensive one. :( Checked with the SSW:

dealerxxx 3 25,000 NP joum97 1 26,985 NP sincerests 1 26,990 NP



Gormball Tips and Tricks


Can somebody help? Thank you!

Here you are, not too expensive! :)

timetoplaynp 1 1,674 NP zearon10 3 1,750 NP usil 2 1,799 NP


Yay my first battle faerie quest :D


Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?

You are supposed to bring me:




Yay my first battle faerie quest :D


Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?

You are supposed to bring me:




I can tell without even checking that this will be super cheap. mochazeus 1 125 NP sianepops 2 135 NP bettyxpage 2 150 NP maryam89 1 175 NP gayle777 1 175 NP


That should be enough ^_^


I can tell without even checking that this will be super cheap.


That should be enough ^_^

Thank you :D


Haiime's defence, strength, and health have increased!


I'm waiting... I hate waiting... Please don't make me wait.



You are supposed to bring me:


Rose Scented Soap

Can someone please sw for me?

Not too expensive! Checked with the SSW. :)

redemption_by_grace 4 1,700 NP tinytina1024 1 1,700 NP pookikins 1 1,775 NP


Hmm, a little slow, but I can fix that. Thanks for finding it, anyway!

For your efforts, CHARMANDER_03824neo's speed has increased!


Thank you! As it was only an Air Faerie quest, I was hoping it wouldn't be too expensive :)


Woo, I knew NeoQuest was good for something- my first RE quest in ages, LOL.


Reject Cybunny Toy, please!


Coming right up!

Reject Cybunny Toy: angeliccriz 1 800 NP witchynurse 2 900 NP hermy465 2 1,000 NP bittybabybee 1 1,000 NP jonda539 1 1,000 NP


Not bad at all ^_^

Thanks so much! :D


You have completed a quest for a Dark Faerie.


Hmph, your competence is annoying. Very well, I'll reward you. With warts! Just kidding.


For your efforts, Ansteigen's health has increased!


You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.


Don't give up yet! Encountering a little trouble doesn't mean that you should abandon your quest for wisdom entirely.


You are supposed to bring me:


Dont Bug Me


Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance! :)


You get 1 Faerie Quest a day!todays-quest-accepted.png




Faerie Quests BoardFAQ



You are currently on a quest for an Air Faerie.


I'm waiting... I hate waiting... Please don't make me wait.


You are supposed to bring me: gro_tanlotion30.gif

Factor 30 Sun Tan Lotion


You are currently on a quest for an Air Faerie.


I'm waiting... I hate waiting... Please don't make me wait.


You are supposed to bring me: groom_kougracomb.gif

Kougra Scratching Comb



You are currently on a quest for an Air Faerie.


I'm waiting... I hate waiting... Please don't make me wait.


You are supposed to bring me: groom_kougracomb.gif

Kougra Scratching Comb


Not too expensive! Checked with the SSW


jason5123 3 1,930 NP mystichazel1 1 1,970 NP littlepinkribbon 1 1,970 NP

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